Dear Rondout Families, Faculty and Friends,
Happy Wednesday … Happy Autumn…
On Thursday our students will be enjoying activities tied to ecological literacy. K-2 will be learning about animal homes and 6-8 will be immersed in a “pond study” with skills and tools that can be applied to our own wetland area. The 3-5 cluster will be meeting Birds of Prey and learning more about their role in the ecosystem. Look for a photo update after the activities to get a closer look at the learning that our students enjoyed.
Tuesday October 3rd is a 2:30 release day for all students K-8. Please make a note of
Please mark your calendar for our Open House on October 12th. We will have a 2:30 dismissal for all students that day to allow us to prepare the building for the event. The evening begins at 6:15 p.m. until 6:40 p.m. with an outdoor gathering, nature preserve tours and everyone’s favorite…S’Mores at the Founders Circle. Then at 6:40 p.m., the doors open to families to tour the building and enjoy the art, work displays, music and visits to classrooms. Doors will close at 7:45 p.m. so everyone can get back home to prepare for the next school day.
We will be resuming our Virtual Coffee Talk Zooms on October 25th. Join us at 7 p.m. for a chance to check in with us and stay connected. We will be hosting these Zoom Coffee Talks on months when the PTSA (Parent, Teacher, and Student Association) is not having a meeting.
We are planning to celebrate Blue Ribbon Week starting November 13th to the 17th. More details will follow. Check out the News Feed on our website for a news article about our recent honor.
Don’t forget the Family Fun Run on October 21 (rain date October 28) from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. which you can sign up at the link below. Halloween festivities are in the planning stages and details will be finalized next week. October 31st will also be a 2:30 p.m. early release day.
Have a wonderful week. Until next time... Take care...
Dr. Jenny Wojcik
Ms. Elizabeth Davis