May 25, 2022
Please Hear Me
There is no way you can possibly carry the heavy burdens this world has put on us in these violent and terrible times. Words often fail in the face of today’s shooting in Texas. There are not enough platitudes or scripts from pastoral care books or lofty speeches that will save those parents from unimaginable grief. And all the experience and education you may have cannot possibly prepare you for the madness of war and gun violence of this age. So do what you can. Preach, teach and care for your people and know that I, and the Presbytery leadership care for you. As our Quaker friends say, we are holding you in the Light.

Everyone, take time in silent prayer, dwell in the “thin places” and receive the strength that only God can provide. Hold loved ones close and pray for one another by name, for I believe there is power in collective prayer.

And then rise and “serve the Lord with gladness” for we are grieving AND we have hope.

 – Rev. Dr. Jacqueline E. Taylor, General Presbyter
Violence Prevention Resources for Houses of Worship
Winding Up our Listening Sessions
Feedback from over half of our scheduled focus groups has been completed, and we are grateful for the time and thoughtfulness that clearly went into the responses so far. If you haven't yet done so, you are invited to attend any of the remaining virtual listening sessions.

Or, complete our online survey. We're looking forward to sharing the results with you this summer, but time is running out to express your concerns and desires with the strategic planning team.
Dismantling Racism Training Approaches
There is still room left in the next Dismantling Racism Training day on Thursday, June 2nd. The Presbytery partnering with NEXT Church to lead this foundational workshop, rooted in an understanding of historical and systemic racism. It is intended to equip participants to lead and participate in constructive conversations within their congregations and the Presbytery that promote racial equity and begin dismantling racism within ourselves and our institutions. Registration Deadline is Friday, May 27th. Please contact Susan Krehbiel for additional information. 
Upcoming Events
Join the ITL Picnic

Join the In The Loop Churches for fun, food and fellowship on Saturday, June 25th, as they travel to Knoebels Park, a free-admission amusement park with pay-as-you-go rides, roller coasters, pools & golf courses. Discounted ride, roller coaster passes are available at participating Weis Supermarkets.
Buses (and carpools) will depart Hunting Ridge Presbyterian Church at 9am and return by 8pm. Bus transportation is available for $20 per adult and $10 per child (under 13).
Please register as soon as possible for this event, especially if you're riding the bus to Knoebels, and share this with family, friends and church members. This is a presbytery - wide event.
Fallston Presbyterian Church presents World Class Pianists Tian Lu and Yuri Shadrin. Both musicians have won awards in over four continents, and performed at venues such as Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, and the Juilliard School. They will be playing compositions by Chopin, Rachmaninov, Gershwin, and others at 3pm. A donation of $20/person is suggested to support our missions. For reservations, call (410) 879-7729 or email
Christ Our Anchor celebrated forty years of being officially chartered in the PCUSA back in January, but they were shut down with the Omicron variant. This weekend, the church is having a very special worship service at 10 am honoring this milestone with a big celebration afterwards. Congratulations, Christ Our Anchor. We are looking forward to the next 40 years!
225th General Assembly

SAVE THE DATES: June 17 - July 9. All Worship and Plenary Sessions July 5-July 9 will take place solely online. View Docket
Help Wanted
Contemporary Music Leader
Christ Our Anchor Presbyterian Church is a small and welcoming congregation in the Cape St. Claire neighborhood of Annapolis, MD. This church plans to offer two worship services for all ages; one traditional and one contemporary and is seeking a music leader for the contemporary service. The ideal candidate would be creative, patient, organized, accepting, encouraging and demonstrates familiarity with contemporary Christian worship music. The Contemporary Music Leader shall be responsible to the Session of the church through the Worship Committee and shall be supervised by the Pastor. More information

Office Administrator
Christ Our King Presbyterian Church in Bel Air, Maryland is seeking a part time office administrator to provide administrative support to the Pastor, organize and run the church office, and facilitate church communications. The preferred schedule is 20 hours, Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 1:00pm. For the complete job description or if you are interested in applying, click here or send an email to

Director of Missions
Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church is seeking a Director of Missions to provide staff leadership and direction for the mission activities of the church, assuring that every member has an opportunity for Christian service. The Director of Missions coordinates support for Woods’ mission programs, events, and partnerships. The Director of Missions also provides guidance for church activities in local, ecumenical, denominational, and other ministries, leading participants to be voices of faith transforming lives and society through Jesus Christ. This is a non-exempt hourly, part-time (28 hours per week) position reporting to the Associate Pastor for Adult Education & Missions. Job description here. For more information or to email your resume and a brief statement of interest, contact
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