Our 5 April Scouts Dinner was well done. Boy scouts presented the flag and led the pledge of allegiance. A girl scout sang our national anthem and presented the POW MIA Table. It was very well attended. Another great dinner by Jean Hauser.
The Auxiliary will be having a 1st Tuesday lasagna dinner and “Bingo Night” on 2 April, at 6:00pm, for only $18. We will be having our Executive Board Meeting just before the dinner, at 5:00PM in the Remembrance Room.
We recently installed a new ice maker in the Bunker, purchased by Honor Guard member, James O’Neal. James also donated $1,000 to repair the air conditioning on the Honor Guard bus. Thank you very much, James.
After being our hard working bartender for quite some time, Linda Robertson was recently designated our new bar manager. Appreciate your dedication, Linda.
Scouts will be using our bowling alley on Saturday, 23 March, at 11:30 - 2:00, with lunch at 12:00 - 1:00.
We will be hosting a Vietnam Veterans Day Event, at Trailblazers Pizza, at 11:30 - 1:00, on Thursday, 28 March. Any veteran may come to support those who sacrificed themselves back then.
All for now, Claude