What's NEW at the
Columbus Garden School
• December 2022 •
Time for Rest
Did you know my birthday is ON Christmas Day? Nowadays, I pick a different day to celebrate. Why? Because I realized I'm terrible at multi-tasking seasonal / emotional stuff. Back in October, I was struck by something instructor Andi Yates said in her Gardening & Wellness Through the Seasons class here at CGS. She commented that while plants and animals recognize the colder days and prepared to rest, what do humans do instead? We tend to make the winter holidays our craziest, busiest time of the year. We're like overtired kids who resist going to bed.

I've taken Andi's words to heart this year, and decided to rest - relax - nap - and read for the month of December. I'm meeting CGS instructors for lunch to hear about their family life -- and new class ideas. We're coming up with some great ideas for 2023. I want to encourage YOU, too, to step back from the things you find exhausting and give yourself permission to rest during these dark days of winter. As I learned long ago, Christmas is only ONE day out of the entire year.

Yes, we'll have birthday cake on December 25th. Then again, I think we should have cake EVERY day.

Tisa & CGS Staff

CGS is going to have a SPECTACULAR 2023! Consider getting a GIFT CARD, below!
2023 Native Plant Backyard Challenge!
CGS is teaming up with the Grange Insurance Audubon Center to present the 2023 NATIVE PLANT BACKYARD CHALLENGE! Please register ASAP for this TERRIFIC and low-cost program to learn about growing native plants in YOUR backyard.

"The Grange Insurance Audubon Center (GIAC) is looking for return and new households in central Ohio who would like to transform or further develop their outdoor spaces into native habitats. Not only will you be able to learn some simple, cost-effective steps to create this native wildlife habitat, but you will also have the opportunity to participate in a Community Science Program that will help support the importance of native plant habitats in increasing and preserving biodiversity." The Franklin County Soil & Water Conservation District is also co-sponsoring this program.

"Registration comes with an informational toolkit (available starting March 1st), goodie bag of gardening supplies to get you started along with vouchers, workshops, special events and a NPBYC participation sign to display in your outdoor space throughout the challenge." REGISTER NOW! Cost is only $35/25!

Instructor Links for Gifts
LOOKING FOR SOME LOCAL GIFT IDEAS that also benefit CGS instructors and staff -- and skip the worries of late shipping? Look no further -- please check out these LINKS and show your favorite instructor some love:

AmariYah of Fluid Journey offers energy healing, meditation, and intention cards to help you tap into what's on your heart. Gift certificates for services also available.

Katie of Columbus Foodscapes provides the gift of edible gardening! Gift cards can be used on any services or products in the Columbus Foodscapes shop, as well as maintenance and garden coaching.

Denise offers astonishingly beautiful Pysanky egg art at The Peace Turtle on Etsy.

The Columbus Garden School offers customizable GIFT CERTIFICATES for classes and CGS items. We also sell one-of-a-kind GARDEN DECOR made from hypertufa, and half-priced gardening BOOKS, directly from the Shop at
Katie of
Columbus Foodscapes
Pysanky Eggs at The Peace Turtle
CGS Gift Certificates

Please take a moment to tell us about your experience at the Columbus Garden School (CGS) in 2022. We really, REALLY appreciate your suggestions and constructive criticism. Our survey is anonymous, and your comments help us be a better school. It's a place where you can suggest new classes!, too

THANK YOU for your time -- and for supporting the Columbus Garden School -- by completing this short survey.

Autumn in the CGS prairie
The tinsel is history
Pysanky Class in December
Spotlight: Private / Custom Classes with CGS

The Columbus Garden School offers private / custom classes for your group of friends, colleagues, or employees! Perhaps you’re interested in a topic we offer -- but the class time isn’t convenient, or we don’t have enough seats to accommodate your group. Maybe you just want to carve out some fun, low-stress time with family and friends over the holidays. Many of our classes are ideal for team-building projects. Learn a new skill or make something unique while having fun – at an affordable cost!
Classes can be held at CGS, at your site, or via Zoom, depending on the topic and instructor. Drop us an email at with your thoughts, or click on the link below and scroll to the bottom of the page for more information!

Santa has JOHN DEERE SNOW BLADE, CHAINS, and LIFT for that difficult-to-shop-for person!

All items are genuine JOHN DEERE equipment and roughly 50% off original price. Tell us you saw our notice in the CGS newsletter, and we'll give you an additional 10% discount! Each item has a detailed listing on Facebook Marketplace. Questions? Contact us at

The Columbus Garden School is located on two acres of open fields with a demonstration garden, numerous native plants, and a small prairie in development. We offer a wide variety of eco-friendly and fun gardening, homesteading, and craft classes throughout the year. Located in the heart of Columbus.

We’re at 1350 E. Cooke Road, Columbus OH 43224, just minutes off Hwy. 71.