Advocating with Passion and Purpose

July 2022

10th Annual Timeless Tips from the Bench & Bar

2022 CLE

Thursday, November 17, 2022
Indianapolis Marriott North, 3645 River Crossing Parkway

Participants receive up to six hours of continuing legal education, including one hour of ethics.

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon dessert, beverages, and parking are all included in the $300 registration fee - not to mention an excellent networking opportunity! Stay tuned for more details soon.

Join Roastmaster Tom Davis and Event Chair John McLaughlin for the Roast of

Kevin Farrell
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Crane Bay Event Center
Reception/Open Bar - 5:00 PM
Dinner - 6:30 PM
Roast - 7:30 PM
Finding Safety for Young Mother and Children
In March of this year, the Indianapolis Legal Aid Society (ILAS) was contacted by Susan, a young single mother who had been married to a man considerably older than she for about six months. Susan had thought that the man would step in to care for herself and her two young children, but her new husband soon proved to be abusive. Within weeks of the marriage Susan was considering leaving, and the final straw came in March 2022 when the husband was arrested for battery upon Susan in the presence of her children. She was referred to The ILAS for assistance in pursuing a divorce. ILAS was able to get a divorce on file rapidly, and was able to quickly obtain a dissolution of the marriage despite the fact that the husband refused to cooperate. Susan was able to move on with her life and has been able to provide a safe and stable environment for her children. ILAS accomplished this result in approximately three months from first contact with the client to the dissolution of the marriage.  

Indianapolis Legal Aid Society Servicing More People Facing Evictions
ILAS, along with six other legal aid groups, has received a grant to assist more people facing eviction. This funding will allow ILAS to hire two contract attorneys to work on eviction cases.

ILAS will also be able to assist in eviction expungement. It can be almost impossible for someone to find housing when they have an eviction filing on their record. A new law passed on July 1, 2022, allowing Indiana tenants who have had evictions filed against them that were dismissed, ruled in their favor, or overturned on appeal, to have the eviction filing expunged from their record.

We are extremely excited about this opportunity to increase our reach to the many people of Central Indiana facing evictions.

If you or someone you know has a passion for helping those in need of legal aid, apply for the contract attorney position below.
Volunteer Opportunities

Indy Legal Aid has a number of volunteer opportunities for attorneys, students, and the general public. For attorneys, we have pro bono cases, internships for students, and
light office work.

For more information, click here.

No time to volunteer? Donate now!

We have several ways for you to make a difference in the lives of our most vulnerable Hoosiers in Central Indiana. Approximately $.90 of every dollar donated to Indianapolis Legal Aid Society is directly used to provide programs and services. For more information, click here.
615 N Alabama St, Suite 122
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 635 - 9538
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
"The Indianapolis Legal Aid Society is dedicated to ensuring that qualified low-income persons living in the Central Indiana community have access to quality legal assistance for civil disputes."