From FreshPlaza:
Felix Instruments - measure dry matter, brix, and external color non-destructively in seconds. Produce Quality Meter, Avocado, Mango, and Kiwi Quality Meters - all popular worldwide. Users typically see a fast ROI, as our meters save time and produce that would otherwise be wasted.
Adrian Rico of Mission Produce revealed that using the Avocado Quality Meter cut their testing time from 3 hours to mere seconds per day. The old microwave method was time-consuming and costly, wasting about $40 in avocado samples daily. With our meter, Mission Produce saw an ROI in just 5-7 months, excluding labor costs.
Fresh Produce Instruments will be in Hall 5 Stand H24, and Felix Instruments will be in Hall 5 Stand 10H at Fruit Attraction 2023.