October E-Newsletter Sponsored By Brella Vida | |
Celebrating 50 Years Together | |
We are so excited to be celebrating our 50th anniversary this year! Follow us on social media and hear from some of our long-standing members about what being a member of the chamber means to them. We will be spotlighting 50 of our longest standing members throughout the year through weekly videos. | |
Huge shout out to the City View for publishing a very special keepsake about the history of our chamber and many thanks to our members who sponsored and for the acclamations. We look forward to many years of growth and success in our region. | |
Last Chance to Register!
Complimentary Members-Only
Business After Hours
October 5th, 2023 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Registration is required.
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Celebrate Business Success!
Airdrie Business Awards Gala
October 19th, 2023 | 6:30 PM - 10:30 PM
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Casual Chamber Connections
November 2nd, 2023 | 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Members-only. Registration is required.
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Breakfast with
All Levels of Government
November 17th, 2023 | 7:45 AM - 10:00 AM
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50th Anniversary Gala
Tickets on Sale Now!
December 9th, 2023
Doors open at 7:00 PM
Limited number of tickets available!
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The Alberta Chambers of Commerce is a federation of 108 community-based chambers of commerce representing more than 22,000 job creators. | |
Share Your Perspective!
Are electricity costs draining your profit margins? Share your perspective in this 5-minute survey to help us advocate on behalf of your business with local and provincial governments. Survey extended to October 13th, at 5:00 p.m.
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Airdrie Business Support Programs | |
Value Added Discount Program | |
Congratulations to our Value Added Program Partners at Peninsula Canada!
Get employer advice, HR, and health & safety support for your business.
Do you know how Alberta’s employment and labour laws apply to your business? Or your obligations as an employer? Every business must follow these standards, from the smallest start-ups to the biggest national companies. Partnering with Peninsula Employment Services gives you access to 24/7 free advice, employer events and more.
Plus you’ll get an exclusive 15% discount when you sign up for access to 24/7 employer advice, HR, and health & safety support for your business.
• Start getting advice today
• Meet with consultants one-on-one to discuss your business (online or in person)
• Access to complimentary events and webinars
• Help with HR and health & safety to keep your business thriving
Chamber Members can Speak to an Expert for FREE by calling 1-833-247-3654.
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Member News, Events and Opportunities | |
Junior Achievers - Call for Volunteers
As the 2023 – 2024 school year begins, so do JA programs! Our aim is to present opportunities for the next generation to learn about financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and workplace readiness. This will be our busiest year yet so we need all the help the community can offer. Each program runs for about 2.5 – 3 hours in the morning, times vary by school.
Our team offers training for each program that can be done virtually or in person.
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Thrive Online & Elevate Your Business
October 10, 2023 | 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Businesses today need an online presence. On October 10, learn how the Digital Economy Program can help you to fine tune your Google Business Page, utilize search engine optimization, and use digital marketing tools to support your business.
Register now to join Business Link and Digital Main Street for this short, free session, hosted right here in Airdrie!
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20th Annual Pumpkin Fest
October 7th, 2023 | 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Blue Grass Nursery, Sod & Garden Centre
Cost: a $10 per person donation is appreciated
A family event so full of fun, that even the scarecrows can’t resist joining in!
This year, we’re not just carving pumpkins; once again we’re carving out smiles for the young superheroes at the Alberta Children’s Hospital. So, join us for this annual event that’s all about big-heartedness and, of course, some smashing good fun!
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Welcoming Airdrie's 2nd Annual Fall Fair
October 21st, 2023 | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Airdrie Public Library
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Financially Fierce Workshops
Part 1: October 24th, 2023,9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Part 2: November 21st, 2023,9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Are you tired of financial uncertainty holding your business back? Ready to take control and build a rock-solid framework for lasting success? Look no further! This workshop series will tap into the expertise of NAIL THE NUMBERS, who have guided more than 10,000 entrepreneurs in defining financial targets, creating actionable plans, and laying the groundwork for a financially fierce future.
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Live2Lead Calgary -
Better Together
November 3, 2023 | 9:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Chamber Members use discount code AIRDRIECHAMBER for 15% off ticket prices.
All Airdrie Chamber members will be put in a draw for a 5-book bundle of leadership and business books.
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Business Growth Hub
Thursdays | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
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Thank you to those members and future-members who came out to our Meet Your Chamber events last week to learn more about how we support and advocate for your business. We love seeing familiar and new faces, broadening, and diversifying the business community we serve!
Thank you to Maverick's Donut Company for the super fresh and delicious donuts to get our day started!
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Thank you to those who joined us for lunch catered by Big T's BBQ and for a very informative session with Rick Christiaanse from Invest Alberta. | |
TJF VA Services
TJF VA Services provides virtual administrative services to take care of the pesky jobs that are so necessary, yet take time away from revenue generation. TJF VA Services brings light to your administrative night.
T'Lara Joy Freedom is an administrative professional with more than 20 years of experience in the corporate milieu in positions titled paralegal, legal practice assistant, legal assistant, executive assistant, administrative assistant, office manager.
These titles all mean the same thing: taking care of the administrative aspects of someone's business. Wouldn't you rather be serving your clients than managing your email, scheduling your appointments, formatting your documents, entering your time, preparing and emailing that retainer agreement, monitoring your receivables and sending reminders, preparing billings, preparing your expense reports, updating your contacts or your LinkedIn profile, fixing that broken link on your website, and on and on?
T'Lara can take all of those administrative tasks off of your to-do list and replace them with a report to you that says ''done, done, and done.'' T'Lara's many years in the legal field make her particularly useful to law firms and sole legal practitioners.
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- Website Updating
- Document Creation, Editing, Formatting
- PDF Compilation, Bookmarking, Hyperlinking
- Contact Management
- Email Management
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Come out and support your fellow chamber members as they embark on their business journeys! | |
Do you have exciting news you would like to share with the chamber network?
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October E-Newsletter Sponsored By Brella Vida | | | | |