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6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive

Longboat Key, Florida 34228

(941) 383-6491

The Chapeline

December 31, 2024

“2025: A Cupcake Win”

Yeah, we’re finishing strong this year. We might be exhausted, our pockets may be empty, and we might be wearing the same clothes that we’ve been wearing for a week, but after today, it will all start over. Thank God.

We don’t need to rehash 2024. I’m tired of that, too. I really need a new start. Yeah, I recognize that I still need to solve issues in 2025 that are the fault of 2024, but at least I don’t have to keep thinking about the why, when, and all of that stuff. 

God gives us the New Year. Our calendars begin with January 1 precisely because January 1 is day eight of Christmas. In theological terms (the Bible), eight is a symbol of a new birth, beginning, or start. When our modern calendar was created, January 1 was specifically identified following the date of Christmas. Yes, God is everywhere!

That’s good. Though I’m only going to think about 2024 for just a few more hours, I occasionally need to be reminded that it was God who pushed, pulled, and yanked me through that sorry excuse for a year. I suppose that should give me a little hope for 2025, if for no other reason than I know that God is going to be there. In fact, God is already there. Thank God.

Take a moment to think about that concept. Whatever issues are ahead of us in 2025, God is already there waiting for us. God is waiting at the next checkpoint and the one after that, just as God is waiting at the finish line. If we have another mess ahead, God is there with the ideas, supplies, and strength we need. If we have a big party ahead in 2025, God is there as well, hanging the pinata and decorating the room. If I learned anything from this past year, it is that the impossible is indeed possible.

I hope and pray that you have a good, strong beginning to the New Year. Whatever is in front of us, we will tackle it together with all the ferocity of middle linebacker…and we will win. 2024 may have taken us to the brink of elimination, but we made it. We won.

Come on, 2025! You ain’t got nothin’ on us. You’re gonna be a Cupcake Win because God is already there!

I hope to see you soon, in person or online, at the Chapel! 

God Bless, Brock.

Worship Service/Holy Communion on Sunday, January 5

10:00 a.m.

Online Worship and in the Sanctuary

Right on Time!                 

Rev. Brock Patterson

Matthew 2:1-12 

Watch Sunday Worship LIVE at 10 am (EST) on our website.

Streaming Link

New Year’s Eve Celebration!

TONIGHT! December 31, 2024

4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Shook Fellowship Hall

Rock out to John Rinnell, “The Voice of Solid Gold” will be performing your favorite dance hits.

Join us for friendship and dancing to celebrate the new year!


Heavy appetizers provided. Bring your own beverage.

$15 donation appreciated but not necessary.

All of our events are open to Members and Non-Members.

Purchase Your New Chair for the Sanctuary!

Our Sanctuary pews aren't going to make it! It costs much more to restore them than they are worth. If we did spend the money to fix them, (estimated at 75K or more), another flood would destroy them again! As a result, we are buying chairs!

Make your check payable for $85 per chair to the Longboat Island Chapel and indicate "chair purchase" in the memo line.

Volunteers Needed to Help Clean Up the Christmas Garden

When: Sunday, January 5th following Worship Service

We had such a great time, and mostly all great weather!

Now it's time to pack it all away again for next year.

Please join us and help where you can!

Meet in Shook Fellowship Hall after Worship on

the 5th at 11:00 a.m..

Charitable Outreach Committee

     “Baby It’s Cold Outside”

Sweater, Jacket and Coat Donation Drive

    (only ADULT sizes needed)

Please drop off new or very gently used donated items in

Shook Fellowship Hall until the end of January. All donations will be given to Turning Points.

Gather and Give Social

Tuesday, January 21

5-7 p.m.


Bring a dish to share and your own beverage.

Prayer Group

Thursday, January 9

8:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary

If you are available to pray this Thursday, join us in the Sanctuary. Pray for the times, our planet, for all nations and for prayers that God has placed on our hearts.

Shifting Sands

Thursday, January 9

10:00 a.m. in Shook Fellowship Hall

This group meets to assist each other in maneuvering through

difficult times.

Contact Rev. Jeffrey at:

Let's Have a Party! Why? Because We Can!

Sunday, January 12

11:15 a.m.

Shook Fellowship Hall

Do we need a reason? All our friends are back on the island and the weather is beautiful! That's enough for us!

Chapel Book Club

Onansburg, Iowa

Author: Peggy Lammers

Monday, January 20

Noon-Lazy Lobster (LBK)

One of our very own, Peggy Lammers, is an author! Be sure to read her book and come to the meeting to discuss. Peggy will be in attendance to answer your questions.

Sign up for lunch in the fellowship hall or contact June Hessel at for a seat reservation.

The Lord's Warehouse is Re-Opening!

Saturday, February 1st!

9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Stop by the Lord's Warehouse February 1st! The building is refreshed, stocked up, and ready for plenty of shopping.

AA to Resume at the Chapel!

Alcoholics Anonymous will be starting again in the Vince

Carroll Room (2nd floor) on Monday, January 6.

Meetings will be held every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday

at 7:00 p.m.


All attendees must be able to climb stairs as our elevator is not yet in service. 

CANCELLATION NOTICE: The Early Bird Dinner and Play

have been Cancelled for January 23.

Contact Valarie Evanko for a refund:

January Birthdays:

1/1 Jim Owen

1/6 Marj Storch

1/14 Jan Holman

1/15 Steve Cockerham

1/17 Lois Finley Shook

1/18 Phyllis Black

1/19 Lis Lammers

1/20 Linda Crouse

Birthdays cont'd:

1/21 Larry Steagall

1/22 Jim Whitman

1/24 William Riggert

1/26 Thomas Calandra

1/30 Susie Hettmansperger


1/1 Claire & Rick Skerrett

1/4 Judy & Jim Heyer

Hospitality Food Needed!

With the busy season approaching, we are in need of snacks and treats to be donated weekly for the hospitality table provided after each Service. Homemade or store bought, we love and appreciate it all!

Contact: Vickie Van Meier: or or call #941-383-6491.

Sponsor Sanctuary Flowers for January/February

Now is the time to let us know if you would like to sponsor flowers for our Worship services during the Winter season! Include your own special message!

Sign up in the Shook Fellowship Hall or contact the office at

941-383-6491. Don't forget to include any special colors you might

like too.

Thank You!

Thank you to our Ushers and Greeters who helped create a welcoming environment during Worship service last week! Your care and generosity were appreciated last week at Sunday Worship!

Connie DiMaggio, Valarie Evanko and Lesley Rife

Thank you to Vickie Van Meier for helping with the hospitality Sunday.

Welcome Back Snowbirds!

We are happy to have you back! You will see things are changing around here as renovations and restorations are being completed. Our family is still together and enjoying one another and our beautiful island. We hope to see you back at Worship in the Sanctuary and at all the upcoming festivities we have planned for the Holiday season!

The Chapel offices will be closed through January 5.

Hurricane Relief Fund:

Total paid for Chapel hurricane recovery - $223,335

Remaining balance in Reserves (for hurricane recovery) - $155,060

(Still Needed: Sanctuary Air Conditioners, Sanctuary Floors and Seating, New Roof, Driveway Maintenance, Elevator, Various Electric-related projects for Chapel and Lord's Warehouse. Amounts above DO NOT include several significant in-kind gifts of Kitchen equipment, Plumbing Projects, etc.)

Longboat Island Chapel

“Share the Light” Capital Campaign


Our Capital Campaign is in full swing to raise funds for expanding and upgrading our facilities. By donating to our campaign during 2024, you will be investing in our future and helping all of us achieve our long-term goals.


Bright yellow envelopes at the Welcome desk and also on our event sign-up table are designated for our “Share the Light” donations may be used for your contributions.

Are you away from LBK and wish to make a donation? Contact the Chapel Offices and we will make it happen! We can accept cash, checks, credit/debit cards, investment transfers, IRA/SEP contributions, etc.

Contact Susan Schaefer at (941) 383-6491.

Chapel Goal: $640,000

Donations to Date: $254,267

Giving to The Chapel

  • Checks and/or money orders written out to Longboat Island Chapel.

  • Direct withdrawal from your bank to ours. Call the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 for our routing and account numbers.

  • All major credit cards are accepted. Simply contact the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 to charge your one-time gift.

  • Ongoing monthly support via your credit card. Office staff will be happy to debit your card at the beginning of each month in an amount established by you.

  • Support the Longboat Island Chapel via the "donate" button, located on our website at This may be a one time or ongoing contribution, whichever you prefer!

Thank you for your generosity!