The Giving Circle Connection

December 2022

Volume 4

Ladies of TLC Women's Giving Circle, 2022 has been without a doubt one of the most exciting years for TLC Women's Giving Circle and we are thrilled to share all the greatness in this issue.

We are ending the year with 127 members, granting $41,330.00 with matches equaling $40,030.00 for a total impact of $81,360.00 and reaching 19 organizations.  Our achievements came through personal collective efforts, individual donors, longtime partners, and new partners. 

We have aligned with numerous worthwhile organizations in our community. As women of philanthropy, it is vital that we listen to our hearts and move in sync with the world of non-profits and find ways to give back in order to strengthen our community and individuals.  

We are each the link to empowerment. We possess time, talents and treasures to help nonprofit organizations increase the awareness of their cause and assist in raising the much needed funds to ensure the success of their mission. 

We are forever grateful for the leadership team and their tremendous work, endless hours and commitment in working together this year in achieving excellence for TLC Women’s Giving Circle. 

So as we turn our attention to 2023, we are filled with deep gratitude as we reflect on the ways our members, donors and partners have supported us. We believe the new year holds endless opportunities for our organization. We look forward to continuing to work together to shine a light on the needs of women, children and families within our great community. We wish you and your families the happiest of Holiday Seasons and all the best in the New Year!

With much gratitude,

Barbara Najmy, Founder & Board Chair

Jennifer Alokeh, Board Vice-Chair

Reason to Celebrate

The Lake Club Women's Giving Circle recognizes and appreciates the race directors, partners and individuals that supported The 3rd Annual Lake Club Turkey Trot. We had 225 registrants and 30 partners and countless supporters. Through sponsorships and individual resident donations, we successfully raised $17,500.00—which amazingly was matched (dollar for dollar) by the Bradenton Steven and Natalie Herrig Family Foundation. That total $35,000.00 donation will all be granted to The Food Bank of Manatee and will fund the cost of approximately 50,000 meals for children, family & seniors here in Manatee County.  

In that regard, Maribeth Phillips, President & CEO of The Food Bank of Manatee expressed the following:

“With the inflationary challenges present today, more and more people are food insecure and are wholly dependant  on The Food Bank of Manatee (a PLUS program of Meals on Wheels PLUS). We are sincerely grateful to The Lake Club Women’s Giving Circle and the Turkey Trot sponsors and participants for the success of the event."

Grateful for our Individual Donors

End 2022 With Intention

Amplify the 2023 Annual Grant Fund

Currently, our annual grant fund balance is $2,255.83. What a empowering feeling it would be to amplify TLCWGC 2023 annual grant fund.

If each one of us came together collectively and contributed $100.00 before the end of the year, collectively our 2023 annual grant fund balance would be $14,955.83.

consider making an honorary donation on behalf of a friend, loved one or colleague as a holiday gift.

Your contribution will go directly to the 2023 annual grant fund (Fund 2) and go to work immediately.  Our window of opportunity is short - you will need to act quickly. 


If you are inspired to give an end-of-the-year donation to the annual grant fund, please mail your tax deductible check to Manatee Community Foundation.

Make check payable to Manatee Community Foundation and indicate “TLCWGC FUND 2” in the memo field and mail to the address below by December 31. 

Email Lauren Hirsch for details on how to use your Donor-Advised Fund. 

Manatee Community Foundation

Attention: Amy Treis

2820 Manatee Ave West

Bradenton, Florida 34202

Message From the Finance Committee


Upcoming Administrative Fee

Hello Ladies of The Giving Circle, As previously mentioned in the November newsletter, an Annual Administrative fee of $25.00 will be assessed in January. As our Circle grows, so do our operating expenses, and this fee will cover costs related to membership meetings, postage, stationary, signage, subscriptions to online services, etc. The Administrative Fee will be held in our Circle's checking account i.e. separate from Fund I (endowment) and Fund II (annual grant fund) accounts and be used to reimburse out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of TLCWGC. You will receive an email in January related to the new Administrative Fee that will include a link to pay by credit card (for a $1 service fee) or where to send your check. If you have any questions, please email the Finance Committee.

Email Finance Committee

Our Granting Impact

This year we had $17,000.00 to grant from the annual grant fund.  We also learned that The Louis & Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust will do a monthly match spread out over four months.  This years grant recipients are Mothers Helping Mothers, Feeding Empty Little Tummies, Streets of Paradise, The Twigg, Blue Butterfly Program, Tidewell Hospie, Hope Family Services, SPARCC, Schoo Attendance Support, WE Care Manatee.

The Louis & Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust will be matching $15,000.00.  TLC Women’s Giving Circle will be recognized for a grand total of $32,000.00.

In addition to the annual grants above, the following grants were made throughout 2022:

The Giving Challenge Challenge - $1300.00 matched $3600.00

Hurricane Relief Fund - $3500.00 matched $7000.00

Food Bank of Manatee - $17,530.00 matched $35,060.00

Our sincerest appreciation to the Grant Committee for their commitment, dedication and success.

Donnie Haye, Nancy Lepain, Pat Summerlee, Traci Smullen, Bernadette Waterman & Tig Winsler

Women Empowerment

We extend our appreciation to our individual Ladies that boosted our 2022 annual grant fund.

Jennifer Alokeh, Janet Aspatore, Pat Berchtold, Fran Berg, Carol Cebuhar, Diane Cohen, Dawn D'Onofrio, Janice Gallogly, Lauren Hirsch, Judy Hoffstein, Marla Lacy, Sheila Lau MacHutta, Sharyn Nassau, Theresa Martinez, Eilene Maupin, Margie Meyer, Barbara Najmy, Traci Smullen, Joy Stone, Patricia Summerlee & Tig Winsler

Your collective giving elevated the 2022 annual grant fund by $8,450.00

Join the Fun

Get Involved 

Calling on Volunteers

The Outreach Committee is currently working on the 2023 outreach and volunteer calendar. Connect with Chairs Liz Calasans and Deborah Callahan-Stratton to assist them in identifying local non-profits that fit your passion.

For more information and to get involved kindly Email Liz Calasans or Deborah Callahan-Stratton

Learn about Local Nonprofits

Get behind the scenes at local nonprofits. Manatee Community Foundataion has organized a Breakfast Club. These are small group experiences held at various nonprofits locations. A wonderful way to learn the needs of our community.

Learn More

Seeking Talent

Newsletters – Seeking 2 members to manage relationships and craft and distribute information. This includes TLC Connection and The Circle Connection.

Currently under construction is TLC Women's Giving Circle Website – Seeking 2 members to manage the website.  Responsibilities will include maintaining and updating information on the website as needed.

Get to know other women in The Circle and work alongside them to bring ideas to life.

Social Media – Seeking 1 to 2 members to maintain our social media platforms including FaceBook and Instagram.  Responsibilities will include working together to post happenings of the circle and design daily/weekly posts to social media.

Media – Seeking 1-2 members to craft press releases to all media vehicles.

Flyers/Invitations/Graphics – Seeking 2-3 creative members to work with steering committee chairs to create and craft marketing material


Email Jennifer Alokeh


Email Barbara Najmy

Mark Your Calendars

Gratitude & Galentines

February 9, 2023

Details to follow


Annual Spring Membership Meeting

March 25, 2023

Details to follow

Spring Fundraiser

Stay tuned for date and details

The Leadership Team

Board Members

Founder & Board Chair

Barbara Najmy


Jennifer Alokeh

Acting Secretary

Ruth Harshman


Lauren Hirsch

Board & Chair meetings are held 8-10 times per year on the second Wednesday of the month.

Committee meetings are held a minimum of 6 times per year or depending on the need.

Steering Committees


Lauren Hirsch - Chair - Terry Martinez - Vice-Chair


Julie Swan - Chair - Terry Prettyman - Vice Chair


Barbara Najmy - Chair - Jennifer Alokeh - Vice Chair


Nancy Lepain - Chair


Sheila Lau Machutta - Chair

Josephine Coco - Vice Chair


Deborah Callahan-Stratton- Chair

Elizabeth Calasans - Vice Chair

We welcome you to inquire with Committee Chairs if you would like to get involved.

Committee Roster

Connected to Give

Follow TLC Women's Giving Circle

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