University Evangelical Lutheran Church

and Campus Ministry

The Lampstand - September 2023

Our Mission

UELC's Mission:

To be a diverse and inviting congregation and campus ministry sharing God’s love with all in the community.

UELC's Guiding Principles:

Jesus is our Lord and Saviour; therefore, we are to:

  • Worship God in inspiring, diverse, and creative ways
  • Be a community engaged in spiritual practices that attune us to the Holy Spirit's guidance for our living
  • Welcome all people in their diversity to worship, learn, and serve with us
  • Be a safe place to learn, explore, and debate
  • Be generous stewards of the gifts God has given each of us to bless others and care for the natural world
  • Continue outreach to, and further develop connections with, the academic communities of Alachua County
  • Affirm human rights and work for social justice

Pastor's Corner

Not in the plans

It was certainly not in the plans that I would turn a short walk into a belly flop on my way into church. But isn't but isn't that the way life is? One minute, things are normal; the next minute, things are topsy-turvy.

All through the Bible people have discovered the exact same thing: one minute, things are normal; the next minute, they're topsy-turvy. This happens because God has called them to do something significant.

We have just spent the summer reading our way through Genesis and the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Now we have started reading about Moses, and we'll finish this fall with readings about Joshua and Deborah.

We have also been reading our way through Matthew’s story of Jesus and the disciples, and how they have come to know who he is. None of these folks thought about doing anything special when they got up that first morning on the day when they were called by God. But we have stories about them that make them our witnesses to God's activity in the past.

Sometimes God's call fits right in with the rest of our lives. And sometimes God call turns our lives topsy-turvy. And sometimes God's call gives us an opportunity, in the midst of our topsy turvy-ness, to do something special.

So there I was. In the hospital, in the triage line, waiting for an exam room. For three hours. Jim, the EMT, was checking on me regularly. He began to joke that at least my fall had gotten him to church for the first time in a long time. And I joked back that next time he should try coming inside.

I certainly didn't need to break my wrist or bruise my ribs to find an opportunity to invite someone to church. But I did find a way to take advantage of the situation. We all have such opportunities amid the ordinariness or the topsy-turvy-ness of our lives to do something in God’s name. I hope you will watch for them and use the God-given opportunity to offer a cold drink to a thirsty person or an invitation to someone who is seeking a relationship with God and God’s people.

Pax et bonum

Pastor Lynn

September Servants

Sunday, September 3

Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara

Assisting Minister: Sam Borgert

Altar Guild: Jackie Klein

Lector: Rick Dienhart

Ushers: Ron Fourman, Andy Noss

Sound Assistant: Melissa Singer

Video Assistant: Ivan Calderon

Pianist: Pablo Coral

Sunday, September 10

Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara

Assisting Minister: Ron Bauldree

Altar Guild: Rachel Jin

Lector: Sandy Bauldree

Ushers: Jeanne Chamberlin, John MontMarquette

Sound Assistant: Melissa Singer

Video Assistant: Ivan Calderon

Pianist: Pablo Coral

Sunday, September 17

Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara

Assisting Minister: Pat Dasler

Altar Guild: Joan Anderson

Lector: Sam Brill

Ushers: Ron Gordon, Ron Fourman

Sound Assistant: Amy Schirmer

Video Assistant: Ivan Calderon

Pianist: Pablo Coral

Sunday, September 24

Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara

Assisting Minister: Ron Bauldree

Altar Guild: Anna MontMarquette

Lector: Rick Dienhart

Ushers: Roger Springfels, Phil Noss

Sound Assistant: Amy Schirmer

Video Assistant: Ivan Calderon

Pianist: Pablo Coral

UELC People

Thank you Pablo for your music!

Thank you Abby for your message!

Campus Young Adults

We are off to a roaring start this year.

Thank-you to all who brought a dish to share to the Welcome Back Lunch on Sunday Aug 27th. We seem to have gained one new student. The lunch gives us a chance to get to know each other and there was lots of great conversation among our guest and present CYAM students. Special thanks to the ladies of HAT and their spouses, who put in an extra long day for set up and clean up.


GOD’S WORK OUR HANDS Sept 10 will be another lunch after church for students and others wishing a free meal. This time we ask congregation members to bring dessert and volunteer for set up, serving and clean up as well as be a welcoming presence to our guests. We hope to advertise at the campus Field and Fork food pantry and at student mental health. Andy Finn will set up his grill on the front lawn and we will put up some pop-up tents and tables and chairs. So people can eat out there or inside if they wish. We have a Thrivent Action Team grant to pay for the food, anything in excess of the grant will be covered by CYAM funds. I have some Thrivent Live Generously Teeshirts. I will have in church on Sunday. If you have one please wear it. Or a God’s Work Our Hands shirt if you have one of those.


CYAM has begun the weekly meals with the first meeting on Thursday Aug 24. Only a few members attended with about as many having conflicts with class so we are doing a survey to see if we might find a better day. 


Meet our Peer Minister: Emilee Jones is an international studies major with a minor in economics. Please introduce yourself to her. She is eager to meet more members of the congregation. She has already beefed up our communication efforts and will be shepherding us through being an official campus organization and all the rights and responsibilities that entails. That’s right we are finally official.That gives us the right to conduct tabling events on campus. We will be advertising our Sept 10th lunch there as well. We hope that having a presence there will give us opportunity to gather in more students as well as meet the needs of students. Thanks to Joel and Wilson, last year’s Peer Ministers who wrote the documents and submitted our application. Also thanks to Andy Noss, who agreed to be our faculty advisor. 

We are expecting the Gainesville Community Counseling Center to begin offering counseling services to UF students in September. The plan is for them to use Pastor's outer office area.


On Instagram, follow our brand new campus ministry @campusministry_ulc

Home Communion

Pastor Lynn is looking for a few people willing to take Holy Communion to our homebound folks, preferably once a month on Sunday or Monday. In this way, people will be taking communion directly from Jesus’ table to their table. This has not been the practice recently, but it used to be the way things happened in the past. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Pastor Lynn.

Socialize with UELC

You can help University Lutheran reach more people in our community by following our social media profiles. The more people engage with our posts by liking them, writing comments, and sharing them, the more people will see what we are posting and sharing!
On Facebook, like our page at
On Instagram, follow our brand new campus ministry @campusministry_ulc
Offering Direct Deposits

It is Sunday morning and you are on your way to church. Part way there you remember you have not written a check for the offering plate.
It is another Sunday morning and you are sitting in the sanctuary you write a check and slowly you attempt to remove your check from your check book as quietly as possible.
It is another Sunday at church and you realize that your offering check and envelope remain at home on your dresser.
These are some of the ways that the use of direct deposit helps UELC to receive consistent income to pay its bills.
If you wish to learn more about the use of direct deposit, contact Jim Yale to get set up.  

Adult Education Returns

The Adult Ed class meets every Sunday morning from 9:30 – 10:15. This is the what will be happening in September. 

Sept. 3rd   The 1619 Project continues

Sept. 10th   God’s Work Our Hands

            A quick dip, Wading in

Sept. 17th   God’s Work Our Hands

            Diving Deeper

Sept 24th   Special Guest sharing info about

            LIRS – Lutheran Immigration

            And Refugee Service  





QUESTIONS ? SHARI [email protected]

Family Promise

Although quiet on our end as one of eight host congregations, Family Promise of Gainesville continues busily helping families avoid eviction and in rapidly rehousing others. Note the accompanying photo taken at the first Helping Hand to Homeownership empowerment Workshop in August.  

We do have one host week this Fall, coming at the of this month, Sept. 24-30. Please contact Amy at church, by email, or via this sign up form to declare your contribution of time, groceries or a meal.  Thank you for turning your open hearts into active hands!  amy_schirmer

The Bee

Thank you to all who donated school supplies that were given to Parker Elementary School. There was a wide variety of useful supplies that included 16 pairs of scissors, 12 boxes of crayons, 25 glue sticks, 100 pencils and 16 boxes of tissues. The Bee will continue to reach out to this nearby school with Book and Blanket Bags throughout the school year.

Village of Hope

Save the date!

LIFT will be going on a Virtual Mission Trip via Zoom to the Village of Hope in Haiti at their Sept. 21st meeting. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about the school and how they wisely are using donations to educate, feed, and provide medical care for over 400 students.

Our Pastor and Staff

Pastor Lynn Fonfara

Pastor, Congregation and Campus Ministry

[email protected]

Amy Schirmer

Music Ministry Coordinator

Pablo Coral


Evelyn Simmons


[email protected]

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