May 26, 2023

Case Manager's Corner

Care and Case Management (CCM) Phase I Go Live Update

At the Case Management Directors’ quarterly meeting on May 4, HCPF’s Office of Community Living (OCL) announced that we will be going live with the new Care and Case Management (CCM) system on July 5, 2023!

We are excited to share with you these details of the schedule leading up to the Go Live date:

Phase I Schedule Update

  • Tuesday, June 27 at 3 p.m.: BUS/DDDWeb Freeze


  • Saturday, July 1 at 8 a.m.: Production Environment delivered to HCPF


  • Wednesday, July 5 at 8 a.m.: GoLive

We are currently updating the CCM System Guide: Roadmap to Success and Quick Guide and finalizing the Operational Memo for our upcoming CMA CCM Update meeting.

Case Management Redesign (CMRD) Learning Collaborative Series for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Case Managers

"Active Listening" Session

As we navigate change and opportunity in Colorado’s HCBS system, including Case Management Redesign, this monthly series of 50-minute discussions aim to provide individual Colorado HCBS case managers the opportunity to consider new strategies, gain knowledge, and enhance strengths – especially during times of transition. Each session will offer a live presentation, attendee activities, group discussions, and time for questions and answers regarding the monthly topic.

Please join us for our next session, "Active Listening," on Thursday, June 8, 2023.

The "Active Listening" session will be held:

Thursday, June 8, 2023

11 to 11:50 a.m. MT

Please Register to Join via Zoom

To learn more about Case Management Redesign or to watch previous Learning Collaboratives, please visit HCPF’s Case Management Redesign webpage.

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