The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
May 10th, 2022
Amazon donates .5% of the price of eligible purchases to a charitable organization of your choice for the same Amazon products at the same prices. Please shop AmazonSmile and support the Bellevue High PTSA!
Dear BHS Families,
Please check out what an amazing staff appreciation week we had at BHS. Heartfelt thanks from PTSA. Thank you all for your generous kind donation. We can't make it without you!
Monday, May 2nd:  Starbucks coffee and Top Pot Donuts - Huge thank you to Starbucks for the coffee donation! (located at 10214 NE 8th St)
Tuesday, May 3rd:  Yogurt Bar & cookie buffet - Our teachers & staff were so impressed!
Wednesday, May 4th:  Catered Lunch ordered from Chipotle;
Thursday, May 5th:  Gift certificates/Thank you notes from students. Thank you Sharetea for the bubble tea donation!
Friday, May 6th Elegant Espresso & breakfast pastries;
Also to share some feedbacks from our teachers:
- "The parents & community have been absolutely amazing this week."
- "It's been a really long year, and your efforts have really boosted my moral!!!"

Thank you all the donors/volunteers:
Rakhi Aggarwal
Helen Bai
Trisha Baker
Leon Banegas
Laura Bede
Shelly C
Qing Chen
Sophia Chen
Janet Daly
Stephanie Dash
Cristin Donovan
Danielle Fisher
Jianxia Gao
Allison George
Yan He
Kerry Hill
Erkang Hu
Iris Hu
Dana Huang
Yu Huang
Kate Jack
Kelli Jardine
Jonathan Kagle
Jungmin Kang
Meghan Lewison
Qiuya(Rachel) Li
Yuhong Li
Yan Liang
Bunny Lin
JB Lin
Jiangbi Lin
Ying Lin
Jing Ma
Lesly Mohr
Keiko Nakamura's
Glyn Nordstrom
Anette Olney
Crystal Pan
Vini Ramakrishnan
Neetu Sahai
Ruth Salazar
Joni Scalzo
Erin Shao
Xiaofei Shi
Jennifer Stelly
Denise Stolte
Jody Tangney
Amy Tsai
Kim Uyematsu
Ilianne Walroth
Deling Wang
Xin Wang
Xiong Wang
Ellen Wilwerding
Joanne Wong
Jingbo Wu
Sara Xu
Kayo Yamaji
Olivia Yu
Tiejun Yu
Hua Zhang
Yuan Zhang
Mei Zhou
yujie cao
Thank you!!!

Staff Appreciation Committee:
Qing Chen
Hyunjin Kwon
Qiuya(Rachel) Li
The PTSA is looking for board members for the 2022-2023 school year! The Bellevue High School's Parent/Teacher/Student Association (PTSA) is a resource for families, the school, and the community and stands as a strong advocate for the well-being and education of all children.There are many opportunities to help support our students and the BHS community in the coming year! The following positions are open:

Vice President of Communications
Staff Appreciation
Membership Chair
Grants Committee Chair
Website Support 
Wolverine Guard 

And many other positions! If you are interested in volunteering, or to get more information, please contact the Nominations Committee chair at susanishii@hotmail.comor the PTSA Presidents at 
Topic: Summer Options for Students
When: Friday, May 13, 8:15 am – 9:45 am
Where: BHS Library and MS Teams (see below for the link)
This meeting will be the last one for school year 2021- 2022. The topic for the 4th meeting is about the options for student during this summer. Dr. Anderson will talk about in details about BSD provided summer school, outside BSD learning, what is the benefit of taking the programs, and so on.
Interpreters will be available for Chinese-Mandarin, Japanese, and Korean languages.
Join on your computer or mobile app
Or call in (audio only)
+1 206-800-4133,,758563873#  United States, Seattle
Phone Conference ID: 758 563 873#
2022 AP TEST
Dear Families of AP Students and AP Students taking AP exams:

We will begin Advanced Placement Testing on Monday May 2nd. It has been two years since we have tested in person so please do read this important information below regarding in person testing for AP exams.

1.    The testing schedule is listed below (attached
2.    Exam start times are no later than 7:30 for all morning exams, 12:30 for all afternoon exams. This applies to onsite and offsite exams. Note – the start times vary from what is posted on College Board website. It is essential for students to be onsite at these times to accommodate for test administration and meeting timing deadlines for the afternoon exams. 
3.    Late arrivals will not be allowed to take the exam – we follow College Board rules. Gym doors will be locked by 7:45 so please do plan to arrive early.
4.    Students will have seating assignments; assignments will be posted on the Gym doors by 7:15am and 12:15pm the day of the exam.
5.    Students will leave all backpacks, books, electronics (cell phones, smart watches, earbuds etc..) in a locked room (these are not allowed in the testing areas).
6.    Students are to bring their own pencils, erasers, pens, calculators etc. No other supplies are needed. No food, drinks allowed during the exam although a water bottle and small snack in sealed baggie under table is ok to be consumed during break time.
7.    Students should dress comfortably and in layers. Please no hats during the test.
8.    The bells will be silenced for entire two-week testing period.
9.    Pre-arranged absences for students taking exams will follow the grid below and students do not need to complete forms for this. Students testing offsite or with testing accommodations will be provided additional time as needed.

Mon/Tues/Fri AM Exams: P1-P5            M/T/F PM Exams: P5-P7
Wed AM Exams: P2-P6                             Wed PM Exams: P6
Thurs AM Exams: P1-P5                            Thurs PM Exams: P7
10. Students taking World Language exams or students testing with accommodations their offsite testing locations are posted in the Main Office (Lynn’s office door). Students have also been informed by email of their testing locations. Please be sure to arrange your own transportation to and from testing location.
11. If students have testing conflicts due to academic, athletic or other test conflicts contact Lynn Semler right away to make alternative arrangements.
12. Masks will be optional.
13. If you have additional questions please contact Lynn Semler at

Good luck on your exams!
Lynn Semler
Office Manager|AP Coordinator |Bellevue High School
10416 SE Wolverine Way
Bellevue, WA 98004
Hello BHS Parent Volunteers! It's that time of year again - your students will soon be taking AP tests and we are asking for your help to assist our Lead Proctor with test proctoring. If you have not done this before please do not miss the opportunity to support our students in this way. The time assignments on the schedule are firm for the test start time. The test end time may vary and is determined by when all students complete the exam. All tests on this schedule will be at BHS Main Gym. Please check in at Main Office before heading to the Gym.

Very Important:
Parents are NOT allowed to proctor exams their student is taking - this is a College Board rule. Please keep this in mind when signing up. 

Thank you for your help in providing this opportunity for our students.
Dear BHS Families,

Hope all is well with you and your families.

This is Qiuya(Rachel) Li. I have a junior student at Bellevue High. We have been residing in this community for 10 years; and we love Bellevue. This is my second year as a trustee for Bellevue Schools Foundation. For some of you who've never heard of BSF, here is our website: Our mission is to promote and fund the best possible learning opportunities for all students in Bellevue’s public schools. On May 13th, 2022, we'll be having our annual fundraiser at Hyatt Regency @ Bellevue. I know some of you have signed up as table captain as well. In case you haven't already, please welcome to join my table. This link will take you to a page with two registration options – in person, or virtual; my name (Trustee - Qiuya Rachel Li) is on the drop-down menu. I will be there in person, and hope to have you at my table. While registration for the luncheon is free, it is my hope (and the Foundation’s) that all attendees donate to the Foundation at this time to ensure students and educators will continue to receive funding for critical initiatives. All attendees have the chance to attend the event as a Spring for Schools Leadership Donor, which defines philanthropic leadership in a brand-new way. Donate for the first time (any amount!), or any gift larger than your last (by $1.00 or more), and you are in!
Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions about the Bellevue Schools Foundation or Spring for Schools! 

Look forward to seeing you there.

Qiuya(Rachel) Li
In the Spring of 2022 the Grants Committee received 18 Grant requests totaling $42,823.93. We funded 16/18 grants either partially or fully for a total of $27,440. A LINK request will be funded through the regular PTSA budget as it is now a line item. Dr. Anderson will work to fund the final request, which means we were able to provide 100% commitment to student excellence for the Spring 2022 round!
Highlights from the Spring 2022 grant cycle include:
•   A new oboe for the Music department
•   New heart rate monitors for the PE department
•   Registration funding for the Robotics team
•   A two-way radio system for the Track and Cross Country teams
•   Skulls for World History 
•   Wall pads for the Wrestling team
•   Workshops by the Seattle Shakespeare Company in all Freshman English classes
•   See the complete list HERE  
Thank you so much to our 2021-22 Grants Committee Parent Volunteer Members for their generous commitment of time and talent to the grants process: Rebekah Brown, Zhen Brumley, Leslie Feller, Jolie Hellings, Krista Heys, Jungyeol Kim, Melissa Rohde, Ryan Peyovich, Svetlana Pestava and Annie Roth. Thank you! Contact Kelly Silver with any questions.
Attention Seniors!  
Go Aloha for 2022
Once again, the Bellevue High School Orchestra Booster Club will be selling Leis for the graduating class of 2022.
 Wearing a beautiful Hawaiian Orchid Lei, a custom that originated in Polynesia, for graduation is…
•a long-standing BHS tradition
•the must-have accessory for our graduating students’ big day
•a way to give back to the Bellevue High School Orchestra!
The Orchid Lei will be available in three colors: Purple, White, and Yellow at $35.00 per Lei.  Information regarding how to purchase will be shared via the Blast and can be found by visiting our website after May1st:  
Leadership is hard at work planning this year’s RUMBLE, but we need your help! One of the events this year is a classic cake walk. If you are unsure of how this works, students start by standing in a circle on the floor that is numbered. We then play music, and the students walk around the circle until the music stops. There is a table full of different kinds of baked goods that have a corresponding number to the ones on the floor. Then when the music is paused, a volunteer pulls a number and the person standing on that number wins the corresponding baked good!!! Here’s where we need your help; we need volunteers willing to make or buy baked goods to use at the cake walk. Some ideas would be brownies, cakes, cookies, etc. If you are willing to help, please email Rumble will be on June 8th so the baked goods will be needed then. Thanks so much!
To Participate in a Sport at BHS:

Register for Athletics or Clubs at BHS FinalForms (
a. A student may be on only one interscholastic sport roster per season
b. Parent/Guardian and Student questions need to be complete every year
Ic.f you attend International, Bellevue Virtual Academy or Big Picture, please contact Kelli at

1.  Please attend ImPACT Testing (if required)
a.  Athletes for most high school sports must have a current concussion baseline ImPACT test completed to participate (valid for 24 months) require ImPACT testing. 
b.  Sports that do not require ImPACT testing are: Cross Country, Badminton, Drill Team, Swim Only, Tennis, Golf, and Track & Field (except Pole Vault requires the ImPACT test)

2. Make sure a BSD sports physical is on file with the school Athletics and Activities department, email a copy to Kelli at

a. * Please Note: ASB membership is required to participate in Athletics and the Athletic Fees are applied to your students account & applied when team rosters are complete. The fees include the ASB Card fee, a school transportation fee (fee amounts vary), and a $100 program participation fee per sport (maximum $300 per individual/family per school year), $150 Club sport base fee for Water Polo, Lacrosse and Badminton.
b. Questions in regard to Fees/Fines, please contact Cathy Lanning, BHS ASB Accountant at

ImPACT Test Dates for Athletes – April 27th, May 4th, May 11th, May 18th, May 25th, June 1st, June 8th and June 15th
If you are participating in summer sports for BHS and need an impact test, please attend one of the dates in April or May
ImPACT testing will be at BHS in the Commons on Wednesday at 1:30 pm Students need to have their laptops, please be sure they are fully charged.
Private School or Home-Based Instruction: Students enrolled in private school or home-based instruction are eligible to participate in sports at their attendance area school and should complete the following enrollment steps:
Complete Steps 1 – 3 at: 
  1. BSD Student Enrollment where you will find additional enrollment details.
  2.  Print and complete the BSD form: “Request for Part-Time Attendance or Ancillary Services”. For more info, go to BSD Student Placement – Home School & Part-Time Attendance.
  3.  Prior to participation/tryouts, please bring all completed paperwork to the school’s main office and they will direct you to the Registrar for verification. Once you are a registered and have been assigned a student ID number and district e-mail account, you can register for sports and activities in FinalForms. FinalForms is managed at BHS, if you have questions, please contact Kelli Mayer

The Bellevue High School Athletics Department will be closed for the month of July.
For Kingco/WIAA Playoffs – Please share the attached QR code with your communities as this is the way to purchase tickets for these tournament/post season events!!!
Monday May 9th
Girls Varsity Lacrosse Playoff game vs. Seattle Academy @ Genesee Park, Seattle 5:30pm
*** WIN & BHS will play on Thursday May 12th at 6:00pm SITE TO BE DETERMINED ***
Girls Varsity 3A Kingco Tournament vs. Hazen High School @ Juanita High School 6:00pm
*** WIN & BHS will play Liberty High School on Tuesday May 10th @ Juanita 6:00pm; WIN or LOSE vs. Opponent TBD on Thursday May 12th @ Juanita HS ***
Boys Varsity Baseball 3A Kingco Tournament vs. Lake Washington High School @ Bannerwood Park 7:00pm
*** WIN & BHS will play at 7:00pm @ Bannerwood Park May 11th, LOSE and BHS will play at 4:00pm at Bannerwood Park May 11th, May 12th TBD @ BW Park **
Tuesday May 10th
Girls Varsity Water Polo vs. Gig Harbor High School @ Edgebrook Swim & Tennis Club
Wednesday May 11th
Boys and Girls Track & Field at Kingco Championship Track and Field Meet @ Juanita High School 4:00pm
Thursday May 12th
Girls Varsity Water Polo vs. Newport High School @ Edgebrook Swim and Tennis Club
Boys and Girls Track and Field at Kingco Championship Track and Field Meet @ Juanita High School 4:00pm
Friday May 13th
Boys and Girls Track and Field at Kingco Championship Track and Field Meet @ Juanita High School 4:00pm
Saturday May 14th
No events scheduled
Go Bellevue!!! Be well….
Bellevue Drill Team is having tryouts for the 2022-23 season!

Tryouts are open to BHS and all affiliated schools that can participate with BHS
 (includes upcoming freshmen from Chinook Middle School and Odle Middle School).

Please make sure to complete the FinalForms by 5/8 and email the BSD physicals (completed by physicians) to Kelli Mayer

For inquiries regarding FinalForms and physicals, please contact
Kelli Mayer and any questions, please contact coach Cristina Ketola

No prior experience is needed!

Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Supporting Bellevue HS Cheer and Football
Bellevue HS Cheer & Football Booster Clubs
Time to think about your summer flowers! Bellevue High School Cheer and Football are selling beautiful 12-inch flower baskets. These high-quality baskets rival anything you can find in a grocery or home improvement store and are the most amazing (and super large) flower baskets you will ever find for just $40.

Basket price $40 Each
Order by June 2nd

Pick up on Saturday June 4th from 11am-1pm from the BHS Lower West parking lot
For questions email
Our Wolverine Softball team is rolling and they finished the season with an overall record of 14 wins and 6 losses. Offensively the team was led by Brooklyn Jones hitting .600 for the season with 7 homeruns. Olivia George aided to the run scoring by leading the team with 31 RBI’s. Defensively, the team was led by the Rachel Treves 2.9 ERA and 159 strikeouts in 111 innings pitched. The team also had incredible catching behind the plate by Emi Williams. During the regular season, Emi has a 1.000 fielding percentage and 176 total chances. 
This week, the Kingco Playoffs start with games on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. All Kingco 3A Playoff games will played at Juanita High School.
Here is the potential Kingco 3A playoff schedule for the Wolverines:
Monday, May 9th against Hazen High School, 6:00 pm
If we win, the next game will be Tuesday, May 10th against Liberty High, 6:00 pm
Win or lose, the team will play on Thursday, May 11th at either 4:00 PM or 6:00 PM.
Please come out and cheer on the team at any of the remaining games!
Calendar Of Events
Be sure to check the Class of 2022 webpage regularly for updates and information on class activities and deadlines,
Class of 2022 All-Night Grad Party
THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2022 (Night of Graduation)
8:00PM (June 16) – 5:30AM (June 17)
Reminder to get those tickets before May 31st
209 seniors have registered, don’t miss out!
A tradition at Bellevue High School (and many high schools in the West), the 2022 All-Night Grad Party — a senior year highlight — is held on the evening of graduation and provides the Seniors with an opportunity for a safe, drug and alcohol-free FUN celebration with non-stop entertainment all night long.
It is one of the last opportunities to be together as a class.
The 2022 All-Night Grad Party begins with organized bus transportation from school, that takes the graduates to surprise destinations with incredible entertainment, food and music, and returns them to the school early the following morning.
Students who have attended past All-Night Grad Parties say, “You do not want to miss this!”
The 2022 All-Night Grad Party is funded through ticket sales and monies that the Class of 2022 Parent Booster Committee has been raising since freshman year.
Watch this video to get a sneak peek of what you can expect!
$179.00 (last day to purchase tickets is May 31st)
This includes an all-inclusive night: transportation to multiple fun-filled, activity-packed SECRET venues, entertainment, activities, games, prizes, dinner, breakfast, and FUN, FUN, FUN all night long!
Most importantly, this is a safe and supervised event with NO alcohol or drugs.
More details and ticket sales here!
Should you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help in any way, please reach out to
Class of 2022 parents!
We need a team of parent volunteers to help take down decorations at Newcastle after the prom (Saturday May 21st). Teardown starts at 9:00 PM and goes until done, 11/11:30 PM . If you would like to participate, please sign up using the following signup genius link: 
Hello Sophomore parents,

The Sophomore Touchbase fundraiser is now open from 4/25 – 5/13!

If possible, we welcome you to donate any amount to to support the Class of 2024.

Touchbase fundraisers are very important in funding senior prom, and all the future class events that make Bellevue a great place!

Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated!
BHS Community Corner
Soup 4 Simpson
Dear Bellevue Community,
Every year the students of Bellevue High School participate in Soup 4 Simpson in honor of BHS alum, Hunter Simpson. This event consists of a soup line where students donate their lunch money for the day and receive a cup of soup in return. All proceeds go directly to New Horizons Teen Homeless Shelter in Hunter’s honor. We will be hosting the event on Wednesday May 18, in addition to collecting donations from May 16th to June 3rd on Touchbase.
In January 2005, in his senior year at Bellevue High, Hunter Simpson was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. He died on December 31 at 18 years old after enduring six months of intense radiation and chemotherapy. Although Hunter lived a short life, he packed it with more generosity than many twice his age. In his first and only semester of college, he spent as little money as possible on his meal plan by eating a cup of soup for lunch and dinner every day. At the end of the semester, he used the remaining $998 on his meal plan to purchase nonperishable food from the college cafeteria, which he donated to the teens at New Horizons homeless shelter in Seattle. In honor of Hunter, Bellevue High School has held Soup 4 Simpson for the last 16 years, giving the students at BHS the opportunity to make a little sacrifice to help those in need.
Hunter was an amazing person who led quietly, practiced what he preached, and always thought of others before himself. Soup 4 Simpson is our opportunity to celebrate his life by coming together as a community and giving to others less fortunate than ourselves. Last year, our event made $12,461. Overall, we have raised $127,199 for New Horizons in the 16 years we have held this event. With your support, we hope to continue honoring Hunter this year. Soup 4 Simpson gives us the chance to follow his example and make the world a better place. Please consider donating between May 16th and June 3rd to support this wonderful cause.
Thank you for honoring Hunter Simpson.
The Soup 4 Simpson Committee
There’s still time to register!  
The online and in-person classes below are still open for enrollment. This is a great opportunity for high school students looking for unique summer learning opportunities.   
  • Coding in Java (in-Person/Bellevue)
  • Coding in Python (Online)
  • Esports Gaming & Broadcasting (Online & In-Person/Seattle)
  • Make It! Making & Microcontrollers (Online)
  • Screenwriting (In-Person/Seattle)
Visit for registration information.  
Help us launch the 2021-2022 school year by participating in bellevue School Foundation's annual fundraising drive. The Foundation's initiatives support 20,000 students, enrolled in 20 schools, and allow all students to achieve higher levels of academic success and social-emotional well-being, regardless of language, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and special needs.
We are looking for staff of any age above 16 to come work as counselors, specialists, and coordinators (leadership). I have attached our official recruitment flyer for the summer and would love the opportunity for your school to pass along this information to faculty and students alike, looking for a fun summer job working with kids and doing all sorts of amazing activities like boating, archery, swimming and dance!
The link to our camp page on the website for those looking for more information and our application to become a part of our JCamp team. Our application can also be found on our website under Join + Support à Employment at the J. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out, we have already started our hiring process, but will be accepting applications through May. 

Liam Geisser (he/him)
JCamp Assistant Director |    Stroum Jewish Community Center  |    206-388-0830
Learn more at
The deadlines for submitting Bellevue Blast articles are as follows:
  •   School news and PTSA articles – Friday 6 pm deadline
  •   Athletics and Activities articles – Sunday 6 pm deadline
PTSA Presidents

PTSA Vice President Fundraising

PTSA Board
Committee Chairs
PTSA Vice Presidents Communications

Ellen Wang

PTSA Secretary

Neil Chang

PTSA Treasurers

BHS Administration

Asst. Prin: Katie Klug
Asst. Prin: Thomas Gangle

BHS Athletics/ Activities
Director: John Hill
Athletic Trainer: Ashley Lopez

BHS Main Office
