Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services

Hello Tracey,

Here are this week's articles on topics STARRS tracks -- the Marxist CRT/DEI woke agenda in the military and the vax issue pertaining to service members. Click on the headlines to read the articles on our website.

STARRS Chairman of the Board retired USAF LtGen Rod Bishop recently traveled to the New York City area to talk at an event focused on the Marxist-rooted CRT and DEI ideology being taught to children. He also received a favorable response from USAFA graduates at a local Colorado AOG chapter meeting where he talked about the presentation he and STARRS President Ron Scott gave to the Board of the USAFA Association of Graduates. Be on the lookout for both Rod and Ron appearing on an upcoming Rob Maness Show to talk about their presentation.

More flag officer signers have been added to the letter to Congress requesting the removal of funding for DEI in DOD. STARRS Vice Chairman retired US Army Major Gen. Joe Arbuckle has led this effort.

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The Real Threat is Ideological: Interview with STARRS President Col. Ron Scott, USAF ret

Toward the end of this radio interview, they discuss Memorial Day. Reflecting on images of WW2 cemeteries covered with crosses, Ron said,

"It speaks to the closing words of the commissioning oath that I recited every time I put on new rank. The closing of that oath was, “So help me God.” That was my inspiration. My willingness to put my life on the line was to protect what I believed America was all about, that there was a nation grounded in our Judeo-Christian tradition and that we’re accountable in this world and the next. So we should do our duty."

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The Last Full Measure

By LTC Darin Gaub, US Army ret

....."If you are one of those who spent a lifetime hoping to earn a quiet retirement, I ask you to consider that you are also needed to help save a nation as it slides rapidly down the slippery slope we were always told not to worry about.

Let us all spend this Memorial Day remembering the fallen, living worthy of their sacrifice, and thanking God each day that such men and women lived so we may live in peace.

But let us also recognize that the liberty for which they gave their lives now rests in our hands. Let us not give up the fight."

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The biggest threat to our military just might be DEI indoctrination

"DEI is unpopular in the military, a place where troops may be rightfully hesitant to serve under a commander selected for the color of his skin rather than the content of his character."

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Retired Military Brass Urge Congress To Root Out DOD’s Poisonous ‘Diversity’ And ‘Equity’ Programs

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CQ Brown’s Confirmation Hearing Will Get Nasty

Another shrill article from the DC elitist executive editor of Defense One, who apparently lives in a different rarified reality in the Beltway.

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Lt Col Allen West: The Truth About Military Enrollment Decline

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Congressman Introduces Bill to Reinstate Unvaccinated Servicemembers

“For servicemembers discharged for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, my Reinstate Our Troops Act streamlines the pathway to return to military service without suffering further financial or professional loss.”

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Standing Up on Abortion to Most Politicized Pentagon in American History

Congressman Tuberville on fast-tracking batch promotions/nominees: "Shouldn’t we thoughtfully consider the nominees for some of the most powerful positions in the military?"

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The GOP’s ‘war on woke’ forced the Pentagon to axe its ‘countering extremism’ initiative

Success story

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Rep. Gaetz Demands Answers from Secretary Austin, General Milley on Military Drag Show Event

"DoD resources should be used for mission-essential operations, not diverted toward initiatives that create cultural fissures within our service ranks."

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Tuberville Blocking Promotion of Navy Captain Who Allowed Drag Shows Aboard USS Ronald Reagan

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Navy Seal Carl Higbie: Navigating Woke Culture, Weak Military

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Woke Terms Conceal Agendas

Lindsay: "You may be familiar with the actual words in use, like “diversity” or “resilience,” but the Woke are misusing them and tucking an agenda in them, every time."

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Former Military Intelligence Officer publishes new book about Left-wing brainwashing

Important read showing the direct roots of today's "anti-racist" education to Mao's tactics and re-education torture during the Cultural Revolution. Provides insight into why so many people blindly fall into supporting the divisive Marxist-rooted CRT/DEI ideology/agenda.

Woke Policies Have Consequences

"I’ve been in/ around military for 35 years. It’s worse than you think. Gen. Milley the best/ worst example, but his predecessor Adm. Mullen virtually encouraged homosexual disobedience in the DADT days. And "stalwart" Gen Dunford just joined amicus brief in FAVOR of racial quotas. And "staunch" SECDEF Mattis objected to Trump’s trans ban. DoD announced it will help troops get interstate abortions. The brainwashing "stand downs" are endemic, "conversations" go only one way. It IS woke central."

"I am a Ranger-qualified former infantry captain recently stationed in Europe; I commissioned from West Point near the top of my class and only just left the service, so I have *plenty* of firsthand experience with the new model woke military. The military isn't completely woke--not yet. But it is getting there rapidly. And it is doing so because wokeness is a symptom of total, bottomless ideological corruption on the part of America's military leadership.....Corrupt leadership has demoralized our troops. The Pentagon's insistent focus on wokeness and its fear of offending progressives has totally evaporated its ability to effectively advise and assist the Congress and the American people in military affairs. We are in dire straits as a country. Pray that we do not go to war soon. When we do, the loss of life on the part of American soldiery will be immense." 

From: Evidence that the DEI/CRT agenda in the military DOES hurt recruiting and retention

STARRS works to reveal and eliminate the Marxist CRT/DEI agenda infiltrating and dividing the US military and its service academies.


We also work on behalf of servicemembers and cadets adversely affected by the DOD vaccine mandate. We played a significant role in ending the mandate. 

Please consider making a tax deductible donation to help support our mission. Thank you!

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“We are all blessed to have STARRS members fighting this battle exposing all of this tyranny. You are all true hero’s and we are all so thankful for your hard work and dedication to saving our military and country!"

E Pluribus Unum – Unity is America’s Strength

Wake Up, Stand Up, Speak Up and Never Give Up!

STARRS educates our fellow Americans on the dangers of Marxist racist and radical ideologies infiltrating our military in order to eliminate these divisive influences and maintain a unified and cohesive fighting force. 

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