K-State Housing GA Newsletter

Moving to Manhattan


This edition will discuss the benefits that are offered through the graduate assistantships and how they will guide your transition to Manhattan.

For a quick snapshot of our benefits, visit our benefits webpage.


Zoom Info Sessions

Dec. 6, 2022 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 956 1086 6799

Social Media Take-Overs

Dec. 5 - 9 Alli Coleman

Jan. 23 - 27 Jordan Wolf

Jan. 30 - Feb. 3 Liv Abell


Graduate Assistantship applications are now open!

Applications are due Feb. 1, 2023.

OPE applications are now open!


First-Year GA Ruby Selvage

"I really appreciate the structure of the HDS GA program. Specifically, the rotation of meetings and emphasis on equity, inclusion and professional development."

Living Expenses

For the GA position, you are compensated monetarily with a $10,000 stipend every 12 months distributed on a bi-weekly basis. 

Other costs covered by the department as a part of this compensation include a full access meal plan to campus dining centers and free laundry services. 

GA's are provided a furnished 1-2 bedroom apartment within their respective communities. The apartments include a kitchenette area and private bathroom with campus WiFi readily accessible. 

Additionally, GA's have access to "Staff Parking" as part of a free upgrade to ensure they are able to park in close proximity to their campus community.  

Living Options

Here is a glimpse of some of our current GA's apartments on campus!

Benefits and Program Information


GA's are allocated tuition funding for up to 12 graduate level academic credits per semester. 

Many GA's pursue the College Student Development (CSD) Master's program, which is focused on young adult development and critical issues within Higher Education. More information regarding the CSD program will be available in the next newsletter! 

Other programs with transferable experiences are welcomed within the assistantship as well. Recent GA's have graduated with Master's in Business and Communications, so all programs of study are welcome! 

Inclusive Living Policies

GA's are provided two policies to promote healthy living while working in Housing. 

The Partner policy allows GA's to have a partner live with them for extended periods of time in their provided apartment. Their partner is also welcomed to join them in the dining centers using GA meal swipes and utilize provided laundry funds. 

The Pet policy allows a GA to have one pet that is approved through leadership team to reside within their apartment. This typically includes cats (not just Wildcats) and doggos!

Professional Development

GA's are provided a private office to utilize as a work and meeting space. This is a great opportunity to create an environment that fosters connection while expressing their work personality. 

Throughout their assistantship, GA's are provided ample opportunity to connect and network throughout the department serving on one training and one hiring committee. 

GA's consistently apply theory to practice by participating in annual Senior Staff trainings, while completing Ongoing Development through staff meetings dedicated to Professional Development and Equity & Inclusion. 

For professional development outside the department, GA's receive professional development funds to attend conferences, complete certifications, or purchase materials that will foster professional growth.

Additional Benefits

Informal Perks

While GA's are provided a breadth of benefits, there are some informal perks that make our department unique. 

Our department operates within a co-supervision model. This means within your building or community, there is a full-time staff member paired with a GA. This is beneficial to glean experience from one another, while providing support for GA's with busy schedules. 

We offer flexible time off for graduate coordinators, which ensures that you have the ability to be active outside your assistantship. This is most prominent during academic break periods, where graduate coordinators are encouraged to take time away from their position. 

GA's are fully supported in their ambitions to engage with community outside their work by finding connections among the Senior Staff team. The department is a social atmosphere that promotes personal and professional wellbeing and connection. We often attend campus/community events together and have group activities such as intramural sports to participate in.  

In Summary

The graduate coordinator positions in Housing provide many benefits which are helpful in transitioning to Manhattan, Kansas. 

Two expenses the position does not cover are parking permit costs and textbook/class fees.

If you have any questions, please let a member of our committee know! 

Stay Tuned

Up Next

Dec. 19: Academic Program.

Happy to Help!

For answers to any of your Graduate Assistantship recruitment questions, please contact the Student Living office at or visit the GA recruitment website.


Housing and Dining Services
