As is his practice, Bishop Wright has offered short video meditations for spiritual growth during Lent, each one coming with a worksheet. Click here if you would like to participate.
Also click here for the Bishop's podcast with the same title, Letting Go.
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This is what you will hear Stacie Court report on this Sunday in church.
Dear Gregorians, Stacie Court here. Today I’m going to answer a few questions:
1) Why should I give to the Capital Improvements Campaign?
Starting out as a mission church, St. Gregory’s has never had a big endowment, which means we don’t have a lot of backup funding when something unexpected comes up. It can be a real headache for the vestry.
Right now, important parts of our buildings and their systems range in age from 20 - 40 years old. Systems like roofs and HVACs are not designed to last more than 15-20 years without replacement. Modestly-priced electric organs are not meant to be used for 40 years. And yet, here we are.
We have a number of issues that need to be addressed.
Our physical home needs renewal.
Just as we all invest in updating our personal homes to make them more comfortable, more welcoming, and safer, our spiritual home needs our investment, too.
2) I’m not wealthy: why should I even bother to give anything?
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Ephesians 4:16)
Because we can do so much more as a community if we pool our resources and work together. Together, we can create good for EVERYONE.
I want to be a part of this wonderful, vibrant community, and I express that desire through my willingness to give what I can to help support the well-being of my community.
3) How do I make my commitment to the Capital Improvements Campaign?
There are two ways; each will keep your information confidential:
1. you can use one of the Commitment Cards found in the Narthex. Fill it out, and place it in the Survey/Commitment Card Box (also in the Narthex).
2. Go to St. Gregory’s website:
a. Under Quick Links, choose Capital Improvements Campaign
b. At the bottom of the page, click the button that says “Make a Commitment”
c. Fill out and submit the online form, typing in your total commitment (you have until December 31, 2028 to fulfill it)
NOTE: I recommend choosing “As I Can” rather than one of the options under “Set a Schedule”; this makes clear to the Treasurer what your total commitment actually is.
If you have any questions, please contact one or both of the co-chairs of the Capital Improvements Campaign:
Stacie Court
Mark Richardson
Thank you all for the many wonderful ways you make St. Gregory the Great the best spiritual home I have ever had! I am so grateful to have this opportunity to serve.
Yours in Christ,
Stacie Court
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Congratulations to David Stooksbury!
I am writing on behalf of Bishop Wright to inform you that David Stooksbury, who had been recommended by the COM for Holy Orders, has now been admitted as postulant for priesthood by the Bishop, according to Title III Canon 8 Sec 3.
As a postulant in the Bishop’s care, we will be working with him on his continued formation during this time.
We are thrilled to support him on this next step!
Sally Ulrey
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Youth DnD Night - Tonight!
We are holding another Youth DnD Night on Friday, March 1st at 7PM, in the youth room. Snacks and drinks will be provided, but feel free to bring your favorites. Even if you've never played before, come join us, we'd be happy to teach you! If you have any questions, contact Wade directly or reach out on the youth Discord server.
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Student Housing?
From Mother Nikki: I would love to know if anybody has any student housing available? One of my godkids (sophomore next year, sweet girl) applied for housing on time but didn't get in a dorm. Looking for anything walking distance or bus-line to campus.
Text (404-520-9798) or email me if you have possibilities.
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Mother Nikki is Calling All Lay Preachers!
Hi y'all Beloveds,
In an effort to pursue shared ministry, I'd love if we had 3 more lay preaching here at St. Gregory the Great! (Note: if you've already preached in the pulpit here (during my time here), the formation piece to follow does not apply to you, unless you just want something else to do, lol. )There are a few of you I've asked privately about such an interest, but I'm aware that others may be out there who would like to explore the possibility. Enter our diocesan School for Ministry, Formation for all the Baptized (please see below)! If you feel lay preaching or some other lay ministry may be a call for you, please make an appointment with me asap, by contacting the Kendall, our parish administrator, so we can talk through requirements and possibilities.
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Creating and curating resources for ministry formation of all kinds, particularly lay ministry.
The Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church charge each diocese to "make provision for the affirmation and development of the ministry of all baptized persons, including: (a) Assistance in understanding that all baptized persons are called to minister in Christ's name, to identify their gifts with the help of the Church and to serve Christ's mission at all times and in all places. (b) Assistance in understanding that all baptized persons are called to sustain their ministries through commitment to life-long Christian formation." To that end, the School for Ministry for the Formation of All the Baptized was born.
In 2022, the School for Ministry for the Formation for All the Baptized launched formation for Licensed Lay Ministries
Licensed Lay Ministries
The Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church provide for several licensed lay ministries:
Pastoral Leader
Worship Leader
Eucharistic Minister
Eucharistic Visitor
The new FAB (Formation for All the Baptized) School for Ministry will support the formation and licensure process for those lay ministries. To be licensed as one of these types of lay ministers requires participation in a discernment process, endorsement of clergy and vestry, formation classes, meeting with the Commission on Ministry, and a commissioning service. Licensure means that the person can serve not only in their sponsoring parish, but also potentially in other parishes in the Diocese who would benefit from those ministries.
More info about the process itself is HERE, including requirements
Article about our most recent commissioning of licensed lay ministers HERE
Pathways profile on one of our licensed lay ministers HERE
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Lenten Program
Adult Spiritual Formation will be offering a Wednesday evening program for Lent. The wonderful Matt Rogers will once again be leading us in Bibliodrama, this time in an exploration of the Psalms. Wednesday evenings 2/21-3/20, 6:30PM for a simple supper with the program to follow at 7PM.
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Wednesdays February 21, 28, & March 6, 13, 20, & 27 @ 5:30PM in the Sanctuary
The stations mark Jesus’ journey through the streets of Jerusalem from his arrest and trial to his crucifixion and burial. At each station, we pause for a brief reading and prayer.
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Family Promise
For 2024, we will have new opportunities to better the lives of the temporarily homeless families in the program. Our next week is March 17-24. As our week gets closer, we will have more information about the families and their needs. Here's what we have so far:
1. Make/purchase an evening meal on Tuesday, March 19, by 6:30 p.m.; for two families who are living in two separate parts of the same duplex, to be done by either one or two volunteers.
2. Transport families to and from the First Baptist Day Center on Saturday, March 23, tentative times 12:45-1:00 p.m. and/or 5:45-6:00 p.m. using the Family Promise van.
3. Be available at the First Baptist Day Center on Saturday, March 23 to help families as they do their laundry there, tentative times 1:00-6:00 p.m.
4. Plan and help with an activity for the children at the First Baptist Day Center on Saturday, March 23 sometime during the afternoon with other volunteers.
Click here to sign up to volunteer. The Day Center is located in First Baptist Church downtown. Park behind the church and head toward the door marked Family Promise on the far right hand side of the building as you face it. Questions? Annette Bates at
If you plan to volunteer for Family Promise, there is training available to help you be more comfortable with the program. You may just show up to one of these events, which are all held at the First Baptist Day Center.
Wednesday, March 6, 11AM- 12Noon
Thursday, March 14, 6-7PM
Park behind the church and head toward the door marked Family Promise on the far right hand side of the building as you face it.
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ACT Presents Blue Stockings
Tickets are on sale now for "Blue Stockings" by Jessica Swale. Shows March 7-9.
This compelling play about women's rights to education follows Tess Moffat and her peers through their first year of studies at Girton College.
Tickets available through the Morton Theatre Box office at or by phone at 706-613-3771.
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Easter Egg Hunt
Easter is almost here, and among the many Easter week events will be the Children’s Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday! We need some donations to fill our plastic eggs. If you would like to help out, bring donations to the copy room across from Kendall’s office. And remember, we are a peanut free parish. Thanks!
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Easter lilies
If you wish to dedicate an Easter lily in honor/thanksgiving of someone living or in remembrance of someone deceased, please complete the yellow form found in the narthex and leave the form and your donation in the offering plate or in Kendall’s office (or email Kendall directly)
The suggested donation is $15/lily. The deadline is Monday, March 25. ** Please note the additional question we ask on the form: Would you like to keep your lily after Easter or have it given to Pastoral Care to take to one of our shut-ins? **
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Blue Jean Sunday
Save the date for Sunday, April 14: Blue Jean Sunday! Everyone wear their blue jeans to church that day and bring your gardening gloves. More info to come!
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Beginning on Friday, April 19, St Gregory's will be offering a monthly Ceilidh service (pronounced kay-lee). Based on a Gaelic tradition of celebrating community and hospitality, a folk liturgy complete with live folk music and a meal will be offered in the Christian Education building at 6:30PM. Foot washing and hand anointing will also be available at these services for anyone who wants to take part. Any musicians that are interested in helping to provide the music for these services, as well as anyone with questions about the service, are encouraged to reach out to Wade McGlamery.
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Adult Sunday School
Adult Discussion Group: (Parish Hall) The Adult Spiritual Formation Sunday morning Bible Study meets at 9:15AM in the Parish Hall. We are currently discussing the Gospel of Mark led by Wayne Coppins. Please join us!
Lectionary Class: (Library) The lectionary class meets in the Library at 9:15AM. We study the assigned readings for each Sunday. Please contact Les House at 478-733-2939 or via email if you have any questions.
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Children’s Sunday School continues for children in grades K-5/6 beginning at 9:15 with a gathering time in the Children’s Chapel located on the ground floor of the education building. We go to the upstairs classrooms at 9:30 and hold our program until roughly 10:20. It would be great if parents could drop off children and pick them up again when the group time is over. That would help keep our youngsters safer!
Children’s Chapel/Church starts with families gathering in the Sanctuary at the 10:30 service for opening announcements, music, and prayers. The children then adjourn to the Children’s Chapel for their own worship time, including their lighting candles, having a short and usually interactive lesson, saying a doxology, singing, and saying the prayers of our young people. Children return to the Sanctuary during the peace, so that they can join their families for communion. Children of all ages are welcome to attend the children’s service time.
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Orthodox Tours
In Oct 2022 Anthony Barkdoll went to Israel and Jordan on a tour with a group called Orthodox tours, with his in-laws who are Greek orthodox (his sister-in-law painted the icon in the sanctuary). The person that runs the Orthodox tours, Father Ilya Gotlinsky, is trying to fill up spots for a trip to England called "In the Footsteps of the Early English Saints" and asked if any parishioners at St Gregory would be interested. Here's the link for the tour.
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Save the Date! April 6
Jack Armistead has again chaired a committee to plan the annual 5K run/walk in support of Parkinson’s research through the Michael J. Fox Foundation. This year’s event will honor his late wife Jane (1946-2023) for her work toward finding a cure for Parkinson’s. Outpace Parkinson’s 9 will start at 8 am on April 6th in Sandy Creek Park, Pavilion 1. Runners can choose either on-site or virtual participation. To qualify for a T-shirt, they should register by midnight, March 22nd. Late registration will be available as well. There will be a full slate of awards and plenty of refreshments and opportunities to socialize. Donations to the Parkinson’s research effort are also encouraged. Details about the race and links to registration and donations can be found at
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We continue to collect estimate of giving pledge cards for 2024. You may put your completed card in the collection plate on Sunday, mail your card to the church office, bring your completed card to the church office, or enter your pledge online here. | |
Camp Mikell
The Episcopal Church offers Kid camp, Junior camp, Intermediate camp, and Youth camp experiences specifically tailored to each age group. There is also a Mini camp experience for young children to explore with a parent, as well as a performing arts camp. Registration for summer 2024 camps is now open. Check out the website for more information!
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The Athens Area Emergency Food Bank needs boxed mac & cheese, pork & beans, dried beans, and sanitary napkins! Please help us fill the Little Red Wagon!
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lent 3
in metaphor
and simile
we come to know
that grace is free
but stories from
the distant past
can leave us with
questions unasked
in worship with
this fellowship
we learn from the
true scholarship
of sermons that
make scripture clear
when two or three
are gathered here
alice mohor
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Instructions for Live Streaming
Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:
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If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it.
When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it.
Welcome to worship!
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Meeting Opportunities
Parish community offerings via Zoom or in person:
* Holy Eucharist and Healing Service Please join us on Wednesday evenings at 6PM in the sanctuary for eucharist and prayers for healing.
* Community Yoga Monday evenings January 8 - May 27 @ 5:30pm. ALL are welcome! Donations are accepted, a portion of which will go to Saint Gregory for use of the space. We do have a small supply of props but please bring a yoga mat.
* Blindspot Group Our 20s and 30s group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 6:30PM and the 2nd Sunday of each month at 6PM for dinner and a small group study (usually off-site of the church). We also meet at least once a month for game nights, dinner and drinks, movie nights, and more. Newcomers are always welcome! Contact Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837 for more information.
Hebrew Reading meets via Zoom on Wednesdays from 1-3PM. If you're interested, email Joel Hunt for more info!
Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!
* St. Gregory's Book Club meets the first Friday of the month in the library @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future. Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.
*Threads of Prayer meets on the 1st Tuesdays of the month @1PM! We'll meet outside if the weather is good and inside the Christian Ed building if the weather is bad. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!
*Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays. 1st & 3rd Saturdays at St. Gregory's library and 2nd & 4th & 5th Saturdays at the Somerville's house ! Email Peter Rice
* group(s) meeting in person
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