Cultivating Connections

December 2024


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Our Annual Meeting was a Smash!

You all SHOWED UP!

We had such a great time welcoming over 100 ACORN enthusiasts to our new Food Hub space just a few weeks ago! Between the buzzy energy, the gorgeous food spread from Janis and Jason of Frog Hollow Farmstead + The Farmstand Cafe, and the rich, diverse storytelling from across the food shed, it was an annual meeting to remember. We mixed, we mingled, we heard from five inspiring storytellers who shared tales on the topic of "showing up."

We are incredibly fortunate to have such a supportive community of farmers, eaters, legislators, educators, funders, advisors and friends cheering us on.

Thank you, thank you for helping us ring in another stellar year of local food. We can't wait to do it all again in 2025! 💫

If you missed the event, you can check out our 2024 impact report and a video of the presentation and story hour. And, please consider supporting our work in 2025 by clicking the button below.

Help us raise $50k by the end of the year (we're 50% there)!

Watching the HVAC team move our entire walk-in freezer in one piece using just two pallet jacks was a thing of beauty. Thanks to the VT Foodbank and VT Community Foundation for funding our move!

We've officially moved! If you haven't yet heard, we moved warehouses... two doors down, to the former VT Soap Company retail space. In less than 36 hours, walk-in coolers were disassembled, moved, rebuilt, and back online in the new space.

Why move two warehouse bays down? Good question. Our new space allows us to have a climate-controlled office space, meeting space, better parking, and more visibility from the street!

Please note the online market is closed for the holiday season, allowing our staff to take time to rest and plan for another year. The market re-opens Friday, January 10, 2025.

We're Hiring!

Learn more about the role on our website

Concerned about the future?

Want to get more engaged?

Join us on Jan. 30 from 5:30-7:30pm for a Community Action Workshop hosted by NOFA-VT in collaboration with ACORN and Liberation Ecosystem (fka VT Releaf Collective).

NOFA-VT is offering Community Action Workshops to support our communities in sharing our voices. Farmers, producers, and Vermonters who see the importance of supporting local farms and our thriving local food system are welcome to participate! We’ll create a shared understanding of the pivotal importance of farm security to Vermont, learn more about an emerging campaign to pass climate resilience legislation for our farms, and take action together.

Learn more and RSVP here.

Another Year of Farmer Climate Network

Thanks to VCRD Grant

We are honored to have been granted another year of funding for our Farmer Climate Network for 2025, thanks to VCRD's Climate Catalyst Innovation Fund! In collaboration with generous funders, VCRD is supporting local innovators in developing solutions that move Vermont closer to its climate and energy goals. Our Farmer Climate Network organizes working bees as well as farmer appreciation and wellness events. If you have an event idea for 2025, please email

Looking for Youth Leaders for the

June Youth-Led Agrotek Conference

The AgroTek Conference is a youth-organized day of workshops and conversations designed to convene Vermont teens who are passionate about food systems, sustainability, and their role in addressing climate action. 

A youth planning committee, supported by 4-H staff, will work together for several months to plan, promote, and facilitate the event. In late June after school is out, youth workshop leaders will present on an agriculture or technology topic of their choosing. Youth workshop leaders selected by the committee will present interactive work-shops on a topic they choose in the area of agriculture and technology. ($75 stipend). Click on the link above to learn more.


Throughout the Year, Buy Local

ACORN's Online Market is flush with fall root veggies, for all your toasty, roasty, soupy dreams!


Cultivate Community (Events)!


We're so glad to be in community together. Wishing you and your loved ones a happy solstice and new year.

Welcome back the light! ✨

Lindsey, Jess, Lilah, Abby, Alicia and the ACORN Board


Support dairy workers' rights - sign the Milk with Dignity Pledge. /