Volume 5, Issue 8
August 2023
25,000 Ramps!
Another Stunning Milestone for TRP
In July 2023 the Texas Ramp Project surpassed yet another major milestone: Volunteers built the 25,000th ramp since inception in 1985, when a handful of Richardson Kiwanis members built three ramps for neighbors who needed them.
TRP’s history has been dotted with milestones, the most recent being the 20,000th ramp at the end of 2000. Coincidentally, that event occurred during our celebration of 100 miles of ramps. As of today, TRP volunteers have built 128 miles of ramps, if they were laid end to end. That’s nearly two hours’ driving time on a West Texas freeway!
The early years in Dallas resulted in about 1,400 ramps being built. When the Dallas organization went statewide in June 2006, the newly minted Texas Ramp Project really took off. TRP has expanded into more than 40 regions, and in 2022 volunteers built over 1,900 ramps in 123 Texas counties. This momentum was directly attributable to the vision and hard work of TRP founder John Laine.
TRP tracks other key statistics as well. One of the most important is the number of volunteer hours since inception. Since 2006 volunteer builders in the field have contributed 639,000 hours of labor, a value of nearly $16.3 million. Contributions and other revenue have risen from $110,000 in 2007 to $1.8 million in 2022. And over 90% of that funding has been directed to providing ramps for low-income people who need them.
The need for ramps has also grown over the years. In 2012 TRP received 2,437 referrals. Last year we received 5,739, and so far this year referrals stand at 4,263. In 2023 we will easily outstrip last year’s record total. The increase in referrals can be attributed in part to Texas’ aging population and the aftereffects of COVID. However, TRP’s growing reputation and increased publicity have also contributed to referral growth.
As an all-volunteer organization, the Texas Ramp Project stands out from other organizations its size. With only a two-person staff, a working board, committed region coordinators, surveyors, team leaders, other key volunteers and, of course, our teams who turn out on Saturdays and weekdays to build ramps, TRP has accomplished much. And the future looks even brighter.
Thus, a huge thank you to all who work so selflessly to bring mobility to the many Texas residents who so desperately need it.
New Survey Confirms Ramps' Value
A random survey of past clients confirms that the ramps they received are of great help to them in their daily life.
The survey was initiated by TRP’s SMU Fellow, Rachel Marchand, who joined the TRP board last fall. Every month since January Rachel has attempted to contact a 10% random sample of clients who received their ramp two years ago, from January 1 to June 30, 2021. Of the 371 attempted contacts, 74 clients or caregivers responded—a very respectable 20% response rate. The mean age of the clients was 63 and the median age 66, reflecting TRP’s demographics. About 75% of our clients are 60 or older.
Rachel asked three questions:
- Are you still using your ramp?
- Are others using the ramp as well?
- Has the ramp helped/improved your life?
- Invited comments
Rachel and summer intern Dylan Conkwright analyzed the data and produced a Power Point showing the survey results for the first six months (attached). Of the 74 respondents, 74% are still using their ramp after two years. Of the 26% no longer using them, the primary reasons were that they had moved away or died. In addition, 91% of the comments stated that the ramp helped or improved their life.
As one client commented, “I love my ramp. It is so nice and so was the crew who built it. I use it everyday now.”
The survey is ongoing and will provide valuable information for TRP to use in demonstrating how our ramps provide life-changing mobility to our clients.
Rachel is a junior majoring in psychology at Southern Methodist University, with minors in business and neuroscience. She plans to obtain a Ph.D. in psychology and eventually work in the nonprofit realm. Dylan is a student at the University of North Texas in the supply chain and logistics fields of study.
San Angelo plans more Survey Saturday events in the future.
In June an all-ladies crew, the Power Puffs, hosted a half-day surveying event for the San Angelo region TRP. That morning, veteran builders from the San Angelo area were invited to gather at a local church for half an hour of breakfast and training. Then, the crew members were sent out in pairs to survey ramps.
Survey kits were provided to each pair. Kits included graph paper, survey forms, referral sheets, tape measures, pencils and a clip board. While the kits did not include sample 2x4s and 2x6s or small pieces of ¾-inch plywood, it would have been practical to include these items as well.
A total of 20 ramps were surveyed that day, creating a large pool of ramps for build crews to pull from.
This plan to have seasoned builders step in as surveyors was born out of necessity. The local TRP found itself working hand-to-mouth; surveys were done only as crews became available to build.
There was no store of surveyed ramps to draw from. With an inventory of referrals, construction can now proceed more efficiently.
Valued Roles: Fundraising Manager
by Roy Harrington
To build ramps, every region needs referrals, volunteers and, of course, funds to buy tools and materials. A dedicated fundraising manager can focus on identifying and developing a variety of funding sources.
The personality and skills needed for successful fundraising are generally different from those needed to be a build team leader or volunteer coordinator or to maintain region data. Therefore, it is beneficial to recruit a person who can be dedicated to seeking corporate sponsors, individual donors and church groups and even to keeping past donors engaged and up to date with the region’s accomplishments.
There may also be opportunities to promote specific fundraising events for which the fundraising manager may coordinate with the publicity/media manager.
In smaller volume regions, most volunteers wear many TRP hats, but as the region grows, having a person dedicated to finding funds from local/regional sources to support the work being done can be a very valuable asset.
TRP’s overall focus is building ramps, but it will not happen without referrals, volunteers and funding. So maybe you don’t feel comfortable building ramps, but you, or someone you know, may still want to help by carrying the TRP story to potential donors.
For more information or to volunteer to help with fundraising, contact your region coordinator, Sandy Knutson at sjknutson@texasramps.org, or Mark Hinzman at mhinzman@texasramps.org.
Tips for Staying Safe While Building Ramps
Safety is everyone’s business, and particularly when using power tools. TRP recommends that only seasoned volunteers and team leaders use the power saws. Also, be sure to take extra measures when setting the saws up to make sure they are seated correctly.
When using saws, do not wear work gloves. The gloves can get caught in the saw and pull your hand into the saw, with disastrous results.
Also, when operating the saw, TRP recommends wearing safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying bits and pieces or from a breeze that could blow sawdust into your eyes.
Volunteers of the Month:
The Shields Family
East Texas Marshall and Longview
For the Shields clan, life is a family affair. And so is their mission to bring ramps to the people who need them in East Texas. Mom Linda, dad Gerald and son Lindsey all contribute to TRP’s efforts in the Marshall and Longview regions, specifically East Harrison and Gregg counties.
Lindsey serves as project manager. He receives referrals, which he forwards to Linda. Linda and Gerald visit the site while Lindsey draws the ramp plans. Gerald orders materials. Linda recruits the volunteers, made up of friends and members of their church, First United Methodist Church in Hallsville. The group started building ramps in 2013. In 2021, the FUMC Texas Ramp Group completed their 100th ramp. They build on the second Saturday of every month.
Linda was born in Indiana but moved to Hallsville, her father’s hometown, when she was six. She and Gerald were married in 1964 and Lindsey arrived in 1968, followed by a second son, Darrell, three years later. A graduate of East Texas Baptist University, Linda taught elementary school for 14 years.
Lindsey graduated from the University of Texas and worked in banking until he and Darrell started Shields Motor Co. Inc. in Longview, selling vehicles. Later they started Shields Performance to repair and inspect vehicles. Lindsey enjoys restoring classic vehicles to their original beauty.
After 10 years with the Ramp Project, Linda and Co. are still hard at work. “Our biggest challenge is that we mostly build in rural areas where the ramps are 32 feet to 64 feet,” she says. “Our biggest reward is giving people a way to enter and exit their homes safely.”
Their church also benefits from their activism. Gerald and Linda serve on the finance committee. Lindsey is on the trustee committee. Gerald, Linda and Lindsey cook on the fourth Wednesday each month for their church family. They also cook once a month for the Johnny Way, the church’s mission for those in their community in need of a hot homemade meal. Lindsey drives the church bus for youth events.
Fellowship is another hallmark of the Shields family. Gerald, Linda, Lindsey, Darrell and his wife, Susan, get together often. Linda and Gerald enjoy traveling together to play golf. And the Ramp Project Team presents another opportunity for community with others.
“It is a joy working with our team building ramps,” Linda says. “We always eat lunch together and enjoy our fellowship.”
TRP has revised some of the basic forms you are currently using.
They are:
Ramp Completion Form
The Ramp Completion Report form has been updated to include where to send the completed form.
Combined Invoice and Donation Form
TRP has developed an Invoice form which can be used to receive personal reimbursement for approved expenses or to capture in-kind donations such as the cost of a ramp, a donation of lumber or other materials or mileage. For example, if a church pays for a ramp, those funds do not show up on the region’s costs or receipts. In an effort to capture the real costs of the program, we’ve asked that this form be used to list the real costs. A section has been added at the bottom of the form stating the requested reimbursement be considered a donation. An invoice for in-kind materials should be included with the form.
Media Release Form
We encourage use of this form to obtain the client’s permission to use their pictures in our publicity, whether that be to post on Facebook or provide to media. Should the client be a child, or if a child is in the picture, be sure to get a release signed by the parent or person responsible for the child.
To access fillable Word versions, click on the images below.
Combined Invoice & Donation Form
Recent Grants and Donations
Grants and donations in July and early August included a $75,000 award from the Kronkosky Charitable Foundation for four San Antonio region counties: Bandera, Bexar, Comal and Kendall. This grant was especially welcome because our request had only been for $50,000. It is always gratifying when a foundation or other entity actually provides more than requested. Thank you, Kronkosky!
You will also notice a number of grants for East Texas Jacksonville. TRP challenged region coordinator Jerry Halpain to match a $5,000 challenge from the Anderson Foundation. Jerry has secured the match through the entities listed below plus a number of individuals. Good work, Jerry!
Other grants and donations in the past month include the following:
- $15,000 for Houston from The Guild Shop of the Church of St. John the Divine.
- $15,000 for six Austin counties from Austin Community Foundation.
- $10,534 for Dallas and unrestricted statewide from King of Glory Lutheran Church.
- $10,000 for Tarrant and Denton counties from CoServ.
- $7,860 for Dallas from Community Council of Greater Dallas.
- $5,000 for Wichita Falls from Guinn Foundation.
- $5,000 for Abilene from The Legett Foundation.
- $5,000 for Abilene from the Kickapoo Springs Foundation.
- $4,000 for Texoma Grayson County from American Legion Post 29.
- $3,500 for Dallas from Numotion, Inc.
- $2,500 for McAllen from City of Harlingen.
- $2,285 for Waco South from Habitat for Humanity.
- $1,000 for Austin Central Travis County from Recognizegood the Foundation.
- $1,000 for Victoria from South Texas Electric Cooperative.
- $1,000 for San Antonio Northeast from St. John’s Episcopal Church New Braunfels.
- $800 for East Texas Jacksonville from Evangelistic Temple.
- $750 for East Texas Tyler from Celebration Class.
- $707 for East Texas Tyler from Pollard Memorial Methodist Church.
- $500 for East Texas Marshall from New Destinations.
- $500 for San Antonio Northeast from First United Methodist Church New Braunfels.
- $500 for East Texas Jacksonville from Woodman Life Texas Chapter 303.
- $500 for East Texas Jacksonville from Montalba Christian Church.
- $400 for East Texas Jacksonville from Apex Construction.
- $378 for Austin West from The Church at Horseshoe Bay.
- $350 for Austin West from Hill Country Fellowship.
- $350 for East Texas Marshall from East Texas Professional Community Credit Union.
- $100 for East Texas Jacksonville from Citizens First Bank.
Les Schmaltz, Houston Region Coordinator receiving the check from The Guild Shop of the Church of St. John the Devine's Executive Director, April Lykos.
Les surrounded by The Guild Shop volunteers. Pretty happy Les.
Ramp Team # 2 Minus One - Hays County
On July 15, 2023, a group of four volunteers known as Ramp Team #2 got together to build a ramp for Mr. Richard H. on Spring Road in San Marcos. Mr. H. is a hospice patient. The ramp was 28 feet long and took 2.5 hours to build.
The ramp team would like to dedicate this ramp to the memory of Nancy Strunk, who was an original member of Ramp Team #2. Nancy has gone to be with the Lord. She was a dedicated volunteer, and a faithful servant to the Lord. There will be no replacing Nancy. So from here on out Ramp Team #2 will be known as Ramp Team #2 Minus One. She will never be forgotten.
Gary Strunk
TRP Featured on Charities2Love Website
You are invited to share any comments from our Facebook page or website as well. There is a section at the bottom called “Leave a Reply” that allows you to share easily. Please make sure you link it to our website.
Your Feedback on Newsletter
TRP’s first newsletter was published in April 2019 with a subscription list of about 150 people. Since that time, it has grown significantly to 549 subscribers. We have tried to fill the newsletter with timely news and information, region management tips, building basics, volunteer profiles, and ramp builds across our state.
We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter. However, to make it even more informative and in tune with your needs, we are requesting your feedback. We also invite contributions to the newsletter from readers and volunteers out in the field.
Please click on the link below to give us your ideas and suggestions to make this a more robust resource and better serve your needs. Spoiler alert, it’s a short survey.
RAMP OF THE MONTH: Harris County
Mr. Mike R., 62, of Houston was referred by Fresenius Medical Care. He uses a power wheelchair because of double foot amputations. He also needs to receive dialysis every week. The steps at his home did not allow him to exit in his chair. Fourteen volunteers from Christ Memorial Lutheran Church turned out to build Mike a 38-foot ramp, donating 58 hours of labor to complete it.
We hope you enjoy having the newsletter sent to you directly, as it is filled with useful information, building hints and tips, data collection updates and processes, client stories, special announcements and recognitions.
The newsletter only does its job when it is dispersed and shared with all who might be interested. We encourage you to liberally pass it on to others in your region.
Also, do send email addresses of people in your region who should be receiving it, along with their name and TRP region, to Sandy Knutson at sjknutson@texasramps.org.
If you prefer to NOT receive the newsletter, you can unsubscribe by emailing sjknutson@texasramps.org and asking for your name to be removed or use the "Unsubscribe" link below.