14 W. Main Street, Middletown, Maryland 21769aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJune 29, 2022
Empowering you to create greater health & well-being through Yoga!
July 4th - Celebrate with Family & Friends!
Studio closed Monday July 4th

Summer is in full swing with July 4th just around the corner! Celebrate the holiday with family & friends - picnic, swimming, fireworks, yoga on your own.

MSY studio is closed so we can join in the fun.
All classes resume Tuesday July 5th.
Summer Class Registration is Open!
Living in Balance with the Seasons:
Yoga and Ayurveda for Summer
Saturday July 16, 11:00am-1:30pm
$35, with Mary Barton

In the Yoga and Ayurvedic tradition, we are moving into Summer - the season of pitta imbalance. The elements of pitta are water and fire. In the summer season, those elements can create fatigue and burnout from high heat, heavy humidity and even longer hours of sunlight.
This workshop will lead you on a journey of staying in balance with the heat of the season. Through the Ayurvedic perspective, we can learn how to adapt our day to avoid overheating and the lack of energy that may arise. Recipes, essential oils, daily self-care, and scheduling around the high temperatures can help to avoid these tendencies. We will also have a practice utilizing movement and breathwork to lead us to an understanding of our own needs in summer. 

You will receive a handout with all the information for the season, as well as recipes for food and essential oils. Please join us! Bring your mat, blocks, blanket or towel, and most of all - an open mind and heart.

Rest and Renew Yoga
bliss is just a breath away!
Sunday July 10 and August 14, 2022
4:00-5:30 pm $25/class
with Mary Barton

Cool summer’s heat and release tension throughout your body. Rest in restorative yoga poses and experience the healing qualities of guided meditations through the practice of yoga nidra. No experience needed. Bring a friend!
Maximum of 6 students to allow deep relaxation amidst an ocean of props.

Register for all classes and workshops here!
Come experience why Mountain Spirit Yoga WON Best of the Best Yoga Studio in Frederick County for 2021, and was a Top Finalist for the previous 6 years!

Classes, workshops, Private Yoga Therapy to serve the needs of all our students through Yoga and Pilates.