It was a little warm but still another great weekend at Scarborough Fish & Game. Short Bird/Long Bird has be one of the most fun shoots around. Targets turning to dust 15 feet off your barrel, then shooting at targets with big delays before they break…if they break. We heard a lot of laughing on the course and saw a lot of smiles.
As always, we will have both courses open this Wednesday from 10am - 4pm and next Sunday from 10am - 2pm. Come on back and try them again. And...we now have golf carts for rent if you don’t feel like walking!
The Main event had some friendly targets and was fun for all. Earle Glidden won with a 96. He was followed closely by Mickey Polakowski with a 95...congratulations to both! The Short Bird/Long Bird was soooo much fun to shoot. We saw extremes in both directions. We had three 50s in the short bird section of the course with Earle Glidden, Mickey Polakowski, and David Obolewicz all running the first eight stations - great shooting! For the Long Bird, there was only one person in the 40s and that was Bob Gatto, who shot a score of 40 - great shooting Bob. For the HOA, Earle Glidden won with an 89 and Dan Linker was RU with an 86. Great shooting to both!
And, finally, congrats to committee member, and king of Wednesdays, Jim Clemons, on his win in AA in Short Bird/Long Bird and punching back into Master Class!
Thanks to Greg and Sharon Berry for preparing lunch both days. Thanks to Lisa for registration and scoring. Thanks to Jim, Tom, Bill, Steve, Pam and John for helping to fill and stock all those traps. Additional thanks to John, Chuck, and John for helping to keep the course filled and running.
Our next shoot will be the Maine Open, and we will have three events - a Main, Super Sporting and new to Scarborough, a registered 5 Stand. Details will be emailed out by end of day next Monday. And as always, the shoot will be up on ScoreChaser.
Hope to see you in August at our next shoot!