2022 Volume: Edition 10

To our Sport for Life champions, 

As 2022 comes to a close, we have the opportunity to reflect on how far we've all come through these changing times — and celebrate the successes we’ve experienced in making sport and recreation more accessible, equitable, inclusive and welcoming while considering the principles of Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical Activity. 

This month, we have the chance to take that reflection a step further. In this edition of our newsletter, find out about the eight years of physical literacy work we have supported in Ontario, and read about CEO Richard Way’s induction into the Greater Victoria Sports Hall of Fame. We also share an important development from the Institute for Canadian Citizenship: Canoo, an app to help newcomers discover cultural and outdoor recreation opportunities across the country. 

As always, we continue to provide events for our community to come together, innovate and learn. Find information on the 2023 Sport for Life Summit and the last call for abstracts for the International Physical Literacy Conference in May. Finally, check out our Inclusive Physical Literacy workshop, and register for our December quality sport webinar Multi-sport: Is Playing Multiple Sports Moving Against the Tide?

Celebrating eight years of physical literacy in Ontario

This year, Sport for Life is celebrating and looking back on eight years of collaboration and innovation in the province of Ontario.

Together with the Government of Ontario, the Ontario Trillium Foundation and multiple communities, we have worked to advance the health of Ontarians, create a base for them to be more confident movers, and support community members to move more often through sport, physical activity, dance and the arts.

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Sport for Life CEO inducted into the Greater Victoria Sports Hall of Fame 

Richard Way has been inducted into the Greater Victoria Sports Hall of Fame.

In April, Sport for Life’s CEO was named alongside five athletes, one team and one coach. He was recognized as an architect of the Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical Activity framework and lauded for his work with national sport organizations.

Way is being honoured for his work within the builder category, for pioneering a generational change in the sport system, evolving how athletes are developed.”

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First 2023 Summit host communities announced

We’re excited to announce our first 2023 Sport for Life Summit communities: 

Keep an eye on our webpage for more announcements about host locations, information on our keynotes and more! 

Questions about the 2023 #S4LSummit?


Canoo app helps newcomers experience physical activity, cultural and outdoor spaces

Being a newcomer to Canada can be overwhelming, and finding time for physical activity, cultural activities, or simply exploring new environments outdoors, can be challenging.

Because of the barriers many families face when orienting themselves to a new country, they may struggle to access physical activity and cultural opportunities.

Canoo, a new app, aims to help newcomers navigate their first year in their new homes.

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Multi-sport: Is Playing Multiple Sports Moving Against the Tide?

Join Sport for Life Long-Term Development (LTD) Advisor Christian Hrab, University of Winnipeg Wesmen's women's basketball Head Coach Alyssa Cox and Director of Sport Development for Freestyle Canada David Mirota on December 13, as they discuss the key LTD factor of Appropriate Specialization, the reality of increased opportunities for early specialization today, and possible ways forward for in development pathways.

>>Register today

Reminder: Submit Your Abstract for the International Physical Literacy Conference


Calling all health, education and physical activity sector leaders!

The International Physical Literacy Conference (IPLC) is scheduled to take place May 1-5, 2023 in New York City—and we want to hear about your leading-edge work, inventive programming, best practices, research and/or findings there.

IPLC 2023 will feature keynote speakers, individual presentations, panel sessions, interactive breaks and activities, and workshops. 

Submit an abstract by December 13.

>>Learn more

Physical Literacy for Communities:

White Rock-South Surrey

Since White Rock and South Surrey became a part of the Physical Literacy for Communities project in 2017, their communities have seen continued successes in promoting healthy lifestyle choices, reaching everyone from young children to hospitalized seniors.

More recently, there has been development in the realm of multi-sport.

Semiahmoo Ravens Hockey, Pacific Sea Wolves Swim Club and Fraser Valley Water Polo have worked together to support Neil Zhou in pursuing all three sports.

Learn about their collaboration on Pacific Sea Wolves Swim Club’s blog:

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Workshop: Inclusive Physical Literacy

On December 3, Sport for Life recognizes the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. We reflect on the ways we can promote the rights and well-being of persons of all abilities across sectors–and encourage you to as well!

Learn about universally accessible programs, and how to plan and create them, in Sport for Life’s Inclusive Physical Literacy workshop. The workshop also helps participants to understand the importance of physical literacy development for participants with disabilities, and to develop adaptations to fundamental movement skills, to allow for participants of all abilities to participate and have a quality first involvement experience.

Learn more about the Inclusive Physical Literacy workshop through the Sport for Life Campus.

>>Book workshop

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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. 

Sport for Life |  (778) 433-2066 |

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