July 25, 2023
Dickinson Research Extension Center Updates

2023 Soil Health Workshop Date Set

Douglas Landblom
DREC Beef Cattle and Integrated Systems Specialist
Dickinson Research Extension Center
Office: 701-456-1109; Mobil: 701-690-8245

Summer is passing rapidly and the Dickinson Research Extension Center’s soil health workshop will be here before we know it. The program will be split again between the classroom environment to be held at the Dickinson State University, Biesiot Activities Center, during the morning session. Following the morning session, lunch will be served and then attendees will caravan to the DREC  integrated crop and livestock systems research site located on section 19-143-96 in Dunn County. The program is scheduled for Wednesday, September 20, beginning at 8:00 am with the welcome and opening comments and will conclude at 2:00 pm. All times are MDT. The program will focus on a variety of aspects associated with soil health focusing on methods for measuring and improving soil health, the role of microbes in soil organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling, and residue management. There is no cost for the program and lunch is also free. Plan to attend this soil health educational event to better understand the complexity of soils and how plants are fed.

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