
July 2022

Hello July!

Summer reading is under way! Stop in to get stocked up on books to bring to the beach or on vacation. Whether you're looking for a light beach reach, suspenseful mystery, historical fiction or a classic, we have you covered. Our Juvenile and Young Adult selection is brimming as well! You can also visit our book sale table which is always being replenished with great reads thanks to donations from the community. 

Follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook for our latest updates!

Watercolor by Carol Bruno

Operating Hours

Monday: 10:00 am-8:00 pm 

Tuesday: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Wednesday: 10:00am - 5:30 pm

Thursday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Friday: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday:  10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Holiday Closing

We will be closed on Saturday and Monday, July 2nd and 4th in observance of Independence Day. We hope you have a wonderful holiday!

Summer Reading is Under Way! 

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We are so excited for summer reading and have lots of rewards lined up for our readers! Visit our website at to register and for more information.

Adult Special Events

Bracelet Beading with Arm Candy

Arm Candy Beading for Adults

Monday, July 18 at 6:00 pm

Arm Candy Beading returns with a program for adults to create a Summer themed bracelet. Registration is a must as supplies and space are limited. Please stop by or call the library at 732-747-9649 to sign up.

Watercolor Painting with Carol Bruno

Wednesday, July 20 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Thursday, July 21 from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm


Tap into your inner artist in Carol Bruno's watercolor class! No experience is necessary and all supplies are provided. Registration is required as space is limited. Please call the library at 732-747-9649 to sign up.

Children's Programming

Tuesday is Children's Day at the Library!

Registration Required for All Events

Call us at 732-747-9649 to reserve your spot! Storytime reservations can be made the Thursday before and Special Events reservations can be made a week in advance. 

Please note that Family Storytime will be at 11:30 am instead of 3:30 pm for the months of July and August. 

In case of inclement weather, outdoor events will be held inside.

July 5

  • Outdoor Baby/Toddler Tales (ages 1.5 - 3) - 9:30 am OR 10:30 am 
  • Indoor Family Storytime and Craft (all ages) -  11:30 Popsicle craft 

July 12

  • Special Event Peas and Carrots Outdoor Musical Show (all ages) - 9:30 until 10:20 
  • Special Shark Outdoor Storytime - (ages 3 and up) 11:00 am - 12:00 pm with special guest visitor who will talk about sharks, answer questions and show everyone real shark teeth!

July 19

  • Outdoor Baby/Toddler Tales (ages 1.5 - 3) – 9:30 am OR 10:30 am
  • Indoor Special Event with Snapology (Ages 2+- 11:30-12:15 pm 

July 26

  • Outdoor Baby/Toddler Tales (ages 1.5 - 3) – 9:30 am OR 10:30 am
  • Indoor Special Event with Stage-A-Story - 11:30 - 12:15 Join us for an interactive workshop program of The Wide Mouthed Frog! Children can join the fun and be part of the storytime experience.  

Children's Virtual Event

Take 'N Make Crafts!

We've created "Take 'N Make Craft" kits for our littlest patrons to enjoy! They will be available in the Children's section of the library! Available while supplies last!

New Nature Backpack!


There's so much nature right here in town and in the county so we've created two nature watching backpacks for patrons to borrow! Each backpack includes a pair of kid-friendly binoculars, several nature field guides and a map to local trails. Stop in to check it out! Here's an idea - bring it to Sickles Park where you can check out our latest StoryWalk®! See below for our latest book. 

New StoryWalk® Book!

at Sickles Playground

hooray for birds.jpg

Check out our latest StoryWalk® book, "Hooray for Birds" by Lucy Cousins, at Sickles Park playground! Little Silver Library has collaborated with Little Silver Recreation to bring another book to our community! StoryWalk® is a way for children to enjoy reading and the outdoors at the same time. 

The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. Storywalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson.  

New Releases!
As always, we have a plethora of newly released books to borrow and enjoy! Here are some of the latest additions to our collection.

New Fiction and Non-Fiction

New Fiction and Non-Fiction

New Fiction

New Fiction

New Fiction and Non-Fiction

Great Reads!

Looking for a good book to read? Here are our latest books (in no particular order) that are sure to be favorites of our staff and patrons this month!

Non-Fiction/History Book Club

The Non-Fiction/History Book Club will meet at the library on Monday, July 25th at 6:30 pm. They will discuss "Three Days in January" by Bret Baier. You may contact the library at 732-747-9649 to borrow a copy of the book!

Museum Passes
Contact the library at 732-747-9649 to take advantage of our memberships!

Please note that New York museums are requiring proof of vaccination in order to attend.

Here are the museums and their websites:

American Museum of Natural History:

Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum:

The Frick Collection: Currently in a temporary location

The Historic Village at Allaire:

Museum of the American Revolution:

New-York Historical Society:

Visit our WiFi Patio!

Our WiFi patio is always available for your use!

Follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook to get regular updates on our status, as well as online programs!
Little Silver Library 732-747-9649
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