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Get to know your Vestry- Q&A with Les House
During Mother Nikki's sabbatical, the Friday newsletters will feature one Vestry member each week. Please thank them for their service to the congregation, and let them know if you are able to assist with their committee's work!

Q: Name?  


A: Les House. This is my fourth year as Treasurer. The Treasurer is not on Vestry, and thus there is not a three-year limit. I would like to invite someone to agree to be the assistant Treasurer with the goal of taking over sometime in the future.

Q: What does a Treasurer do?

A: The Treasurer reports the financial stability of the church to the Finance Committee, Vestry, and parish. The Treasurer works closely with the Rector, Finance Committee, Endowment Committee, and Vestry in all aspects that affect the financial well being of St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church.

Q: Does it require a lot of training to be a treasurer?

A: Technically, a treasurer should have a degree in Accounting, but I have a degree in Paper Engineering. The thing that Accountants and Engineers have in common is that they are very good with numbers.


Q: What's the best part about serving on Vestry? 


A: Working with Mother Nikki, Vestry, the Finance Committee, and the Finance Committee Chair in helping maintain St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church's financial stability . Financial stability enables us to do God's work. It has been an absolute pleasure working with the leadership group.


Q: What's has been the biggest challenge on Vestry? 


A: I am a Paper Engineer by education. A Paper Engineer is a specialized chemical engineer. Engineers understand the need and the concept of double entry accounting, but the execution is counter-intuitive to an engineer.


Q: What would you tell a person considering serving on the Vestry? 


A: Prayerfully consider this calling. You are being asked because someone thinks you have a gift that is needed.


Q: What are your hobbies? 

A. I am a homebrewer since 1979. I brew the beer that I drink.

Q: What is your favorite hymn? Why?


A: I want to walk as a child of the light (490). The refrain is what really speaks to me:

    "In him there is no darkness at all.

    The night and the day are both alike.

    The Lamb is the light of the city of God.

    Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus".

This is an assurance that we will be with Jesus after we die. I had a soloist sing this at my dad's funeral in 2012, and I will have this sung at my funeral when the time comes. I want it to be sung as a celebration of life rather than a somber funeral.

Parking Lot Repaving

During the week of July 17, we will repaving our main (south) parking lot. During that week, you will not be able to park in this lot. This will affect VBS and any other goings-on that week. We will have signs indicating for all to park in the Christian Ed lot (closest to the Montessori School). Any overflow may certainly use the Montessori lot also, per their permission. This should not affect parking on Sunday, July 23.

Compassion Camp Accolades

   Our 2023 Vacation Bible School has come and gone, and we shared another intergenerational experience of Compassion Camp. This past week, we learned that God created us to be people of compassion, and we are called to extend that compassion to all living things.  So many Gregorians contributed to the success of the week that there is not enough space to name them – but thanksgivings are due to all who showed up faithfully and were living examples of compassion.  We all shared a common experience of a uniquely formed community, shaped by the presence of the Spirit as we participated in historic, yet creative, practices of our faith: fellowshipping together around a meal; singing praises together; praying together; creating together; moving and playing together; listening and learning together.  

   On our final night, we had to make major adjustments as the tornado warning came just 20 minutes into the first rotation.  The experience of moving to safety, huddling together, following the weather forecast, lifting and removing a limb off of a parishoner’s car – profoundly illustrated for our children the theme of the last session: all living things need community to thrive.  We shared compassion in our care for each other until the storm had passed.  Adults surveyed the damage and addressed the most immediate concerns.  The children completed their project of preparing meals for neighbors who need them.  And we re-convened for a final prayer, acknowledging the God who called us into community; who formed us into a unique community for four nights; and who promises to be our shelter in the storm.  Thanks be to God for a church family whose faithfulness in gathering at 3195 Barnett Shoals results in compassion shared every day.

 Fr Doug   


The Outreach Committee has received confirmation from the Clarke County School District’s Homeless Program that contributions of backpacks and binders are needed for homeless students. While other school supplies will be provided to all CCSD students by the district, these two items probably will not be. Over the years, our congregation has been very generous with these donations, and they make a big difference to these students.

We will be collecting backpacks and binders for elementary, middle and high school students from Monday, July 3 through 5PM Wednesday, July 26, in the entry to the Parish Hall. If you want to be certain that the Parish Hall is open before you come to leave your contributions, you may call Kendall at 706-546-7553. Contact Gail Eilers if you have questions.

Thank you for your support,

St. Gregory Outreach Committee

Unfortunately, Movie Night (which was supposed to be tonight) is canceled !

Parish Administrator Vacation

Kendall will be out of the office from Monday, July 24 - Tuesday, August 1.

Brown Bag Lecture Series

The next Brown Bag Lecture will be held at St. Gregory’s on Sunday, August 20 in the Parish Hall from 2-4PM. Presenter will be Holle Tubbs, Director of Diocesan Youth Ministries, and co-author of Keep Watch: Suicide, Christ, and Community. Keep/Watch is a learning tool for people of faith around suicide causes and prevention. Bring a snack if you’d like!

Family Promise

Our Family Promise (formerly IHN) week comes up August 13-20. This is an outreach to help those who are temporarily homeless and who live in the shelter attached to and behind Milledge Avenue Baptist Church. Individuals or groups of friends volunteer to fix supper (usually no more than 10 people to feed) or sign up to be available in the host room for a few hours on an evening or weekend. This is easy and gives so much to these families who are working to maintain a steady job and obtain permanent housing. The Family Promise social worker helps them with these goals and regularly checks in with them after they leave the shelter. If you have questions, email Annette or call 706-255-5839. To sign up, use this link and scroll down to August 13-20.


when parks and lawns

were first a craze

for maintenance

some sheep would graze 

turf builder next

to grow and wean

suburban yards

for even green

then came the time

when most would spray

to keep wayward 

weed growth at bay


now haunt us still

for chemicals

once spread at will

alice mohor

Attention Acolytes!

Please be aware that we have now switched to Sign-Up Genius as a way to schedule acolytes, rather than Wade putting it together each month. Sign-Up Genius has worked very well with our lay reader ministry. Please take note of this and sign up when Ron Balthazor sends out reminders ! The link for the sign up is here.

The AAEFB is in need of saltines, family-sized boxes of cereal, and juices!  Please help us fill the Little Red Wagon!

Adult Spiritual Formation

The Adult Spiritual Formation Sunday morning Bible Study group meets at 9:15AM and is currently on a journey through The Book of Acts of the Apostles. Please join us!

Instructions for Live Streaming

  • Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:

  • If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it.  

  • When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it. 

Welcome to worship!

Meeting Opportunities

Parish community offerings via Zoom or in person:

Hebrew Reading meets via Zoom on Wednesdays from 1-3PM. If you're interested, email Joel Hunt for more info!

Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!

* St. Gregory's Book Club meets the first Friday of the month in Parish Hall @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future.  Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.

*Threads of Prayer meets on the 1st Tuesdays of the month @1PM! We'll meet outside if the weather is good and inside the Christian Ed building if the weather is bad. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!

*Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays. 1st & 3rd Saturdays at St. Gregory's library and 2nd & 4th & 5th Saturdays at the Somerville's house ! Email Peter Rice

* group(s) meeting in person

Acolyte Sign-Up

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St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church |
706.546.7553 |