Issue 14| March 18, 2021
A Message from the Vice Chancellor

Hi, Student Affairs team!

In light of the murders in Atlanta and other senseless acts of violence and hate against Asian Americans, particularly in recent weeks and months, I want to echo the sentiments shared last week by Chancellor Guskiewicz, Provost Blouin and Interim Chief Diversity Officer Sibby Anderson-Thompkins. On behalf of our SA leadership team, we stand in support of our Asian American community and encourage all staff to read last week’s message and avail yourself of the resources they shared if you need support.

It’s hard to believe it has been a year since the pandemic started, and I know we all are reflecting on the loss and change we have experienced. Your adaptability and commitment to our students has been remarkable, and so I believe this is also a time to reflect on all that we have accomplished over the last year.
In case you didn’t see it, I wanted to share Chancellor Guskiewicz’s video message to mark the mid-semester milestone.
With the COVID vaccine becoming increasingly available to many of us, please read this information about how to register for your shot if you haven’t already. While many of us were already eligible under Group 3, Group 4, which includes our faculty, staff, student employees, as well as students living in on-campus, in fraternity and sorority chapter houses, and in off-campus congregate housing (such as rented houses and apartment complexes), will be eligible on April 7. 
I hope you will join me tomorrow at noon for the March Student Affairs Town Hall!
Thanks for all you do!
Office of the Vice Chancellor

 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training Reminder

The University is implementing online diversity, equity and inclusion training for faculty and staff. This program, similar to our required Title IX awareness and violence prevention training, is designed to teach new concepts, broaden perspectives and provide our community with a common set of terms.
In the coming weeks, all faculty, staff and post docs will receive an email invitation to Managing Bias training, which will be available from Monday, March 22 through Friday, April 16. All employees will be required to take this course, which takes about 20 minutes to complete.
University Career Services

Upcoming March Events
March Virtual Information Fairs click here for full descriptions of each fair. All fairs are open to all undergraduate and graduate students (except MBA, Medical, Dental, and Law).
New Student & Family Programs

Orientation Registration Opens March 24
Registration opens March 24 for New Student & Family Orientation. We are excited to work with our students in the next step of their on-boarding process. We are gearing up to answer their questions and of course ready all of our partners for virtual Orientation this summer. You can find Orientation dates and regular updates on our website. 
Carolina Union

Save the Date
First Day of Reservations is April 22. Event Services is hosting training workshops online in March and April to get to know more about processes, 25Live, and services offered. Visit the Event Services reservation webpage for details. 

Good to Know 
Check out the Carolina Union's Annual Report  for 2019-2020. This report is housed in the About section of the Carolina Union's website. A printable PDF file is also located on the webpage. 
Carolina People
Meet Sarah

Sarah Smith is the Global Civic Engagement Coordinator at the Campus Y where she serves as the Global Gap Year Fellowship as well as the primary staff mentor to the global service committees.

She is now in her fourth year at the Y.

Inside Student Affairs
Inside Student Affairs: Special Guest Ken Pittman

Ken Pittman, executive director of Campus Health, shares the latest news about providing health care for students in the pandemic and beyond.
Wellness Center Discount
University employees receive a 20 percent discount on monthly dues at UNC Wellness Centers and through March 31 pay no fee to join. Contact or enroll online.
  • The Well: March 22 is the last day to nominate a faculty member for the Thomas Jefferson Award, the University’s highest award for faculty.

  • The Well: Faculty Council meets virtually at 3 p.m. March 19. Links to the online streaming video and the agenda will be posted on the Faculty Governance website.

Office of Event Services|Carolina Union: Winner of the ACUI 2021 Excellence in Student Training Programs contest for their 5 C’s: Carolina Cross-Collaboration Contingency Curriculum program. The two-semester program, was created with three main drivers of development. Special shout out to Assistant Director of Facilities Rustin McNiff and Assistant Operations Manager James Selby who compiled the project details and submitted it to ACUI.

Kudos to Executive Director Alexandra Marchesano and Assistant Director for Student Life and Leadership Tammy Lambert for successfully presenting at the 2021 ACUI annual conference. On March 3 they virtually presented on Risk Management for Student Organizations.

Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Student Affairs Town Hall
Friday, March 19
12-1 p.m.
  • Passcode: 044386
  • Number for Attendees: 877-853-5257 (Toll Free)
  • Webinar ID: 968 0369 6634
Monday, March 22
2-3 :15 p.m.

Guest speakers: Dr. Mayra Bámaca, Dr. Glorisa Canino, and Dr. Shawn Jones! This is the next event in the Spring 2021 Series on Culture & Developmental Science: Considering Context, Culture, and Intersectional Approaches. 
Save the Date: GiveUNC
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 30, 2021, to make a gift to the areas on campus that mean the most to you. Together, we'll make this GiveUNC a day like no other!

GiveUNC is a 24-hour virtual gathering of Tar Heel alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students and friends to give back and support Carolina. By participating in GiveUNC, you are supporting the people, experiences and groundbreaking work being done by Tar Heels across the world-- truly making Carolina a place like no other!

Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter