Care Camps Connections

August 2023

Welcome to our monthly e-newsletter, Care Camps Connections!

Join us on our mission to fund medically supervised pediatric oncology camps across the United States and Canada so more children living with cancer and their families can experience the healing power of community and the outdoors.

Find out what's new at Care Camps, our impact, partners, upcoming events, and more below.

What's New?

Karen McAndrew Children’s Oncology Camping Association

Scholarship Fund

In honor of Karen McAndrew’s leadership, dedication, and service to Care Camps of over 10 years, Care Camps has established the “Karen McAndrew Children's Oncology Camping Association (COCA) Scholarship Fund.”


This scholarship will be distributed annually to COCA providing camp directors in need the opportunity to attend COCA’s Annual Conference to continue their professional development and training. 


Thank you, Karen, for your legacy of caring and love to the camps who serve children living with cancer and their families. 

Our Impact

Eli’s Promise Fulfilled! 

We are shining the spotlight on 16-year-old Eli, whose journey at Camp Wapiyapi (one of 120+ pediatric oncology camps we fund) has been nothing short of incredible.

Eli was welcomed by the camp with open arms as they did everything possible to ensure he had a fantastic week, despite him facing a difficult year marked by medical challenges and a lengthy hospital stay.

When Eli had to leave camp early due to ongoing illness, he made a promise to return the following summer and he kept that promise! And, when he returned, he brought his younger sister along, creating cherished memories for both. 

“Wapiyapi year after year far exceeds our expectations!" says Eli's mom. "He returns from camp calmer, stronger, more flexible, less anxious, and a happier child! Thank you, a billion times!!!! We LOVE WAPIYAPI!!!” 

Partner Spotlight

Individuals Make a Difference!

Hugh Barton celebrated his birthday last month and in honor of his special day, hosted a Facebook Fundraiser for Care Camps.

He surpassed his fundraising goal, resulting in a $275 donation reminding us that every individual can make a difference and every dollar counts.

Your individual donations play a significant role in supporting our mission and when combined with others, creates a BIG Impact!

Learn more about how you can host a Facebook fundraiser for Care Camps.

Happy Birthday Hugh, and many thanks to you and your friends for supporting Care Camps! 

Campground Highlight

Indian Lakes/Batesville KOA, Cruisin and Cleanin for Care Camps! 

Indian Lakes/Batesville KOA is well on their way to achieving their 2023 fundraising goal for Care Camps. Last month they held “Crusin for Care Camps,” a car show fundraiser at their gorgeous campground. This month “Cleanin for Care Camps Golf Cart Wash” is sure to clean up more funding.

Indian Lakes/Batesville KOA is full of fundraising ideas that create fun opportunities for the whole family, spearheaded by Chris Clein and his team dubbed, “The Camp Party Time Production Crew” who have been creatively raising funds for worthy causes since 2020.


Thank you to the Indian Lakes/Batesville KOA, and Chris's crew for stirring up lots of fun to support our mission! 

Upcoming Events

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, a time to honor children and survivors affect by pediatric cancer.

Stay tuned for Care Camps' special campaign to help raise awareness and funds to make a difference for the incredible children living with cancer and their families. 

KOA Golf Tournament to Benefit Care Camps

Thank you to Kampgrounds of America, Inc. for hosting 'Fore the Kids' Golf Tournament on September 25, 2023, to help Care Camps fund pediatric camps across the U.S. and Canada.

Register to play or become a sponsor. See details below.

Join Our Mission, Donate Today!

Your donations give the healing power of community and the outdoors to children living with cancer and their families.


Thank you for your support!

Donate here or scan the QR code.

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