Chilly season is right around the corner, with the official first day of winter sneaking up on us at the end of the month. With colder weather on the horizon, we’ve complied a list of pet safety tips to keep your furry friends safe and warm:
Keep them inside!
Even with a “fur coat,” cats and dogs are still susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia and should only be outside for short, supervised periods of time. Limit travel with your pet to only when necessary and never leave your pet alone in your vehicle.
Know your pet’s tolerance!
Older animals, young puppies and kittens, or those with health conditions may have a harder time regulating their body temperature, leaving them more prone to weather-related illness. Pets with smaller bodies and shorter coats may get cold quicker than those with long hair. Keep an eye on elderly and arthritic pets when walking as they may be more prone to slipping and falling.
Check up after outside time!
Check your pets' paws frequently for signs of cold-weather injury or damage, such as cracked paw pads or bleeding. During walks, your dog’s feet, legs and belly may pick up deicers, antifreeze, or other common winter chemicals. These can be poisonous and should be kept out of reach of pets at all times. Wipe down or wash your pet’s feet, legs, and belly to remove these chemicals and reduce the risk of poisoning if your dog licks or grooms itself.
Look out for community cats!
A warm vehicle engine can seem like a good heat source to outdoor or feral cats, but it can be deadly! Cats who hide up in cars for warmth can suffer from severe burns, loss of limbs, and even death if the engine is started. Before starting your engine, make sure to check underneath your car, bang on the hood, and honk the horn - encouraging any hiding cat to leave their spot. Taking a few minutes to do this could save a life!
Feral and outdoor cats will be on the lookout for safe, warm shelter during cold weather and winter storms. You can help outdoor cats be safe and healthy by offering shelter that is well-insulated, has minimal air space, and is waterproof. Check out this DIY guide for temporary shelters, here!
Be prepared for severe weather!
Cold weather also brings the risks of extreme weather, meaning potential power outages. Prepare a disaster/emergency kit, and include your pet in your plans. Have enough food, water, and medicine on hand to get through at least five days.