June 2022 Newsletter
In this Issue
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President's Report 2021-2022
Neighborhood Committees
- Public Safety
- Calvert School Project Committee
- Events Committee
- Streets Committee
- Greens Committee
- Membership Committee
- Calvert School Liaison
Neighborhood News
- Primary Election July 19
Curbside Recycling Pick-up, June 23, July 7, July 21
- Councilwoman Odette Ramos Update
Johns Hopkins University
Neighborhood Restaurants Updates
Home & Condo Current Sale Prices
Events In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury
- Next neighborhood dumpster - September 17 Linkwood and Tuscany
New Officers and Board Members for 2022-2023
TCNA Board Meeting, July 20, 7PM
Agenda and other information will be posted on TCNA website. All are welcome to attend.
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TCNA: Are you a member? We’d ❤️ to have you join us!
CLICK HERE to join or renew your TCNA dues.
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June 2022 photos in Tuscany-Canterbury | |
Beautiful median on 39th Street that the Broadview Apartments maintain.
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President's Report 2021-2022
Julia Frazier
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The Tuscany Canterbury Neighborhood Association has initiated and overseen various and important projects over the last year. We are certainly a vibrant community, and we care deeply about our neighbors, our streets and gardens, and our public spaces. I, along with the Tuscany Canterbury Neighborhood Association, have remained dedicated to these priorities, and have worked to keep the good work going of those who came before me.
Our Streets Committee, under the strong leadership of Brian ten Seithoff, has been actively advancing multiple projects around the neighborhood. These include:
- A new, safer pedestrian path along Linkwood Road to complete one of the last gaps in the Stony Run Trail. Our own Maggie McIntosh helped us secure funding for the Linkwood Road project in this year's Maryland State Capital Budget so we can use high-quality, durable materials that fit the character of the neighborhood.
- We've been providing input to the improvement plan for 39th Street, which will include extending the high-quality landscaping in the center median up towards Canterbury Road, installing some mid-block crosswalks connecting the Broadview to Hopkins House and Cypriana's surface parking lot, and improving the intersection of 39th Street and Stony Run Lane.
- Finally, we're providing input to City DOT on a near-term set of improvements to University Parkway that will be installed when they resurface University Parkway later this year. And, looking longer-term, we're working with Johns Hopkins and our neighboring community associations on a vision for the future of the entire length of University Parkway that could transform it from a high-speed roadway to a safer and greener amenity for all our communities.
TCNA has also been active in caring for our neighborhood’s public spaces. In Bishop’s Park, located at the corners of N. Charles Street, University Parkway, and Bishop’s Road, one can see the pedestal that once held the Confederate Women's Monument. It was removed, along with 3 other Confederate statues in Baltimore City on 2018.
Last June, the TCNA was approached by Union of Black Episcopalians to consider giving neighborhood support of erecting a statue in Bishop’s Square, commemorating The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray.
Dr. Murray was a native of Baltimore, was a civil and human rights activist, lawyer, educator, author, and the first woman to become an Episcopal priest. Last fall, approval was granted from the TCNA board, for the installation of this commemorative statue, with a unanimous supporting vote. While neighborhood support is only one step in a multi-step process of bringing this project to fruition, we are pleased to be part of a discussion of bringing positive improvements to a visible public park in our neighborhood.
This fiscal year, the Gardens Committee, under the direction of Bonnie Boland, performed their routine weeding and mulching of all four of our neighborhood gardens: the Garden at 39th St, the Tuscany Oval, the Ridgemede Elbow Garden, and the Garden at the approach to the Stony Run Bridge.
With guidance and assistance from Charles Brenton, Professional Landscape Architect (PLA), they will intensify their efforts to rid the Tuscany Garden of the large crabgrass infestation. A multi-season plan has been devised that will add new native perennial plants in planting this fall and next spring.
A large bed of native sedge plugs that were planted in the 39th St. Garden to add depth to the garden, and for the purpose of erosion control. Trees were trimmed so that more light would enter the garden. The committee is also keeping watch over the storm drain that gets stopped up and overflows water toward that garden. Many thanks to everyone on the Gardens Committee, who organized the staging and installation of all these invaluable efforts.
The Calvert School has been busy erecting a new athletic facility on campus. The new building, projected to be completed by this fall, will house squash courts and an indoor field. The Project Committee, designated to work with Calvert throughout the design and construction process, is co-chaired by Pat Hawthorne and Mike Travieso. The committee is comprised of representatives from TCNA, The Gardens of Guilford Condominium Association, The Tuscany Lombardy Community Corporation, and The Ridgemede and Ridgewood Condominium Association. The committee has been in continued communication with Calvert School, and acts as liaison for neighborhood concerns and questions. Thank you Pat and Mike, and all members of the Project Committee, for your continued efforts to create transparency and communication throughout the process of the school’s acquisition of the property, and their construction project.
Under the stewardship of Linda Eberhart and TCNA member Julie Watson, our website has been updated and revamped. It is a tremendous resource, with vital and helpful information. It is now possible to see our past newsletters and historical documentation of our amended covenants with the Calvert School. Current news and updates are posted regularly on the website. www.tuscanycanterbury.org.
It has been a busy and productive year in Tuscany Canterbury. We are pleased to be getting back to “normal” with in person events, and regular activity. We are evaluating the possibilities for reinstating the popular First Friday events. There are some changes happening with local vendors, such as the recently closed Hopkins Deli, and the restaurant at the Inn at the Colonnade. We are hopeful that these spaces will continue to provide much enjoyed services to the neighborhood.
Please feel free to contact me if you want more information, or if you just want to connect. I believe we live in the best neighborhood in Baltimore City, and it’s been a pleasure to get to know you all better.
Julia Martin Frazier President, TCNA
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A big "thank you!" to Alison Moliterno of Cloverhill Road, who is stepping down from the TCNA Board after three years' service. Alison has served as Secretary of the TCNA Board, taking minutes and ensuring TCNA has accurate records of its meetings. Alison shares her home with her husband Adam Snyder, where they've lived for more than 20 years and raised their children, Will and Natalie. Alison is a hematologist, researcher, and associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins. She's stepping off the board in June, to pursue new professional goals, but she will continue her gardening work on Bonnie Boland's Greens Committee. We appreciate you, Alison!
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Tuscany-Canterbury has a number of active committees. Please consider helping with one of these committees.
Write articles for the website and/or newsletter.
CLICK HERE and let us know which committee you want to help.
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Public Safety Committee
Paul Gallo, Committee Chair
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Tuscany-Canterbury Crime by Month 2022 | |
Tuscany-Canterbury is one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore. Tuscany-Canterbury is home to 3800 people in 1700 homes, condos, and apartments.
The only information about the one car theft is the vehicle was stolen on May 17, 2022, between the hours of 9:30am and 6:30pm. The vehicle was stolen without any contact being made between suspect and owner.
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Tuscany-Canterbury Safety Suggestions
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Summer Safety Suggestions
Keep outdoor lights on your porches and outside your condos throughout the night even if you are not home. This discourages crime from happening.
Check your car doors to make sure they are locked (even if you park in a condo or apartment building garage). Don't leave any valuables visible in your car.
If you see a street light that is out, call 311 as soon as possible. If it doesn't get repaired email TCNA with the confirmation number and location. Click here.
If you are going away even for a few days, tell a neighbor who can keep an eye and ear out for anything unusual.
If you see something suspicious, call 911 as soon as possible.
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Current Websites for Reliable COVID Information
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Where to get tested in Baltimore (Daily updates) CLICK HERE
Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count CLICK HERE
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Tuscany Woods
Project Committee
Pat Hawthorne & Mike Travieso, Co-Chairs
CLICK HERE to contact Project Committee
For the most updated information go to the TCNA website
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June 2022: Progress on the Athletic Field
Updates are now posted on the updated TCNA website. CLICK HERE to find out more information about the Calvert project.
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June 19, 2022
New athletic center to open in the Fall of 2022
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Updates about the cooling tower next to the new athletic field near Tuscany Road can be found on the TCNA website.
CLICK HERE for updates and other information about the project
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Events Committee
Ann Christopher, Chair
Roz Mansouri, First Friday Coordinator
Josh Cohen, Tuscany-Canterbury 100th Anniversary Coordinator
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Plans and activities are being planned for the fall.
CLICK HERE to get involved with other events that are being planned.
Josh Cohen and Mat Leffler-Schulman are also planning for the 100th Celebration of Tuscany-Canterbury. The homes on Canterbury and Cloverhill (University Homes) were built over 100 years ago and the Gardens of Guilford were built in 1922.
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Streets Committee
Brian ten Siethoff Committee Chair
CLICK HEREto contact Streets Committee or Visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets On-Going Projects
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Orange Cone Alert!
University Parkway Resurfacing and Construction Begins
You may have noticed construction equipment on University Parkway in the last few days. Work has begun to resurface University Parkway from 39th Street to Charles Street in both directions as part of the Baltimore City Department of Transportation's routine pavement maintenance program. The city's contractor, P. Flanigan and Sons, has set up an equipment and materials staging site on northbound University Parkway just north of Charles Street. Be careful when driving, biking, and walking on University Parkway during construction, and help keep the workers safe, too.
After the new pavement is laid, P. Flanigan and Sons and City DOT crews will install new pavement marking which will narrow the vehicle travel lanes in both directions, more clearly mark where parking is allowed, and move the bike lanes so that they are between the parking lanes and the curbs in both directions. The City also will give University a "road diet," shrinking from two lanes to one in the southbound direction only. Northbound University will still have two lanes. Many of these changes are mandated by the City's 2018 Complete Streets Ordinance, which resulted in a new set of design guidelines for city streets that undergo resurfacing or reconstruction.
As this project is funded from the maintenance budget, there is not enough funding to make major changes to the design of University Parkway, and there will be no significant changes to the medians or curbs, other than minor repairs where needed. We also were unable to get a new crosswalk installed at Bishop's Lane and the Johns Hopkins University North Gate, but a significantly narrower roadway in both directions should be safer to cross.
Once the near-term resurfacing and restriping project is completed, we'd like to hear from you! Please drop us an email at TCNAstreets@gmail.com with your observations and suggestions, and we'll pass them along to the City for consideration.
This near-term resurfacing project has spurred a lot of discussion in the TCNA Streets Committee about what University Parkway could look like in the long term. We've partnered with Johns Hopkins and community associations from 33rd Street (near Waverly Farmers Market and the Waverley Library) up to 40th Street to develop a long-term vision that could lead to a more extensive reconstruction of University Parkway in the future. If you're interested in participating in this visioning effort, please reach out to TCNAStreets@gmail.com.
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Greens Committee
Bonnie Boland, Committee Chair
Committee Members: Alison Moliterno, Pat Hawthorne, Pat Mutch, Pat Loker, Fred Chalfont, Will Snyder, Chris Whitaker
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Accomplishments 2021-2022 and Updates | | | |
TCNA member Charles Brenton, Professional Landscape Architect has been working with the Greens Committee and advising us on ways we can improve our gardens.
Last season we performed our routine weeding and mulching of all 4 of our neighborhood gardens: the Garden at 39th St, the Tuscany Oval, the Ridgemede Elbow and the Garden at the approach to the Stony Run Bridge. We continued to hire Jenna Sylvester to do the weeding both last spring and this spring. Chris Whitaker was our champion in purchasing and delivering the mulch. .
As part of weeding/mulching, we decided to intensify our efforts to rid the Tuscany Garden of the large crabgrass infestation: I’m sure you have seen the successive sets of landscape fabric over the southern face of that garden. At the same time we were contacted by Charles Brenton who was volunteering his time and expertise to us to improve the garden. So in consultation with Charles Brenton, we have come up with a multi-season plan to improve that garden. We hope to add new native perennial plants such as giant onion, hydrangea, bluestar, sideoats gramma and coneflowers. We are also aiming to relocate some of the plants that are there now. In the end, we intend that the garden will need no additional watering, other than the natural rainfall. We hope to do some of the planting this fall, and then work on the crabgrass area next spring: giving us a full year to hopefully kill all the crabgrass. Obviously, we will need water to get these gardens installed and underway, but we hope that will take less than one season. We are extremely fortunate that an adjacent homeowner is willing for us to share their garden hose. We could not install these garden improvements without their generosity, and I wish to thank them publicly. (John and Kirsten Held).
A large bed of native sedge plugs was planted in the 39th Street Garden this Spring. Again with the expert guidance and design from Charles Brenton we installed a broad band of these plants for two purposes: to add depth to garden; and to fill in what had become a pretty deep erosion channel along the interior sidewalk. We are water-challenged at this location; so we hope/expect the new sedges to survive this first season and get established.
The erosion channel was also eroding the roots of the large tree that shades that garden. BTW, Fred Chalfant assisted by Will Snyder trimmed the tree so that more light would enter the garden. We are also keeping watch over the storm drain that gets stopped up and overflows water toward that garden: emptying it as often as we see that it has been filled up. Grateful kudos go Alison Moliterno who championed and organized the staging and installation of the project along with TCNA Board member Patricia Hawthorne and Will Snyder, for installing the garden and for Mary Loker’s (another TCNA member) watchfulness over the storm drain. And of course, a huge thank you to Charles Brenton for his steadfast patience and guidance and expertise.
Regarding the Elbow garden in Ridgemede: on March 2, 2022 we sent in a 311 request to the city to have the mostly dead tree in the that island garden assessed by the city. It needs significant trimming, or most likely, total removal. We are still waiting.
As we close out this fiscal year we have already done more weeding in all of the 4 gardens and hope to add some mulch to the 39th St. garden and the Stony Run Garden. We also hope to find a relatively crabgrass free Tuscany Oval early next spring so that we can get the new plants installed bright and early, to beat out the crabgrass next spring.
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Membership Committee
Pat Hawthorne, Chair
Committee Members: Ann Christopher, Nancy LaMotte, Mary Loker, Sam Park, Mat Leffler-Schulman
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The Membership Committee has significantly increased paid membership from the previous year
- 196 Paid members/ families in 2021-2022
- 144 Paid members/families in 2020-2021
- 27 NEW members this year
The number of emails continue to increase also.
- 630 emails in June 2022
- 386 emails in June 2018
If you are interested in joining the Membership Committee. It is a great way to help and meet neighbors at the same time. CLICK HERE.
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Calvert Liaison Committee
Amy Mutch, Chair
Committee Members: Ferd Latrobe (Canterbury Road), Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford), Arna Margolis (Tuscany/Lombardy)
CLICK HERE for more information about the Liaison Committee established by the Calvert Covenants with TCNA.
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The TCNA members of the Liaison Committee requested that Calvert replace their broken sidewalk along the 200 and 300 blocks of Tuscany Road. Calvert agreed that the work would be done the week after school ended in June. The work as shown below was completed. They replaced the entire sidewalk from the Tuscany Court alley to 200 Tuscany Road.
The first meeting for the upcoming school year is August 24. Please send Amy any questions or concern. amyemutch@yahoo.com or call 410 371 9957
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Neighborhood News
- Questions
- Comments
- Messages
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If you have a neighborhood question, comment, or
issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please CLICK HEREE and we will try to help.
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2022 Election Changes
- Tuscany-Canterbury is in a new congressional district: 7th Congressional District.
- This is the first time that City voters will elect 2 members of the Baltimore City School Board. Baltimore City is currently the only jurisdiction in Maryland whose entire School Board of Commissioners is appointed/unelected. In 2022, the Board will expand from 10 to 12 seats, with the two additional seats being elected rather than appointed.
- Tuscany-Canterbury is in now in District 43A. This means that only 2 delegates are elected and will represent us in the future. You can only vote for 2 delegates instead of 3 as we have in the past.
Why do we only elect two delegates now instead of three?
Redistricting requires that all legislative districts have the same equal populations. To hold on to Baltimore City’s 5 State Legislative districts requires adding population. Our 43rd Legislative District is centrally located in the City. Mapmakers moved some of our voting precincts into surrounding City Districts. to meet their population deficits.
To make up for these losses, the new 43rd District will add Baltimore County voting precincts, and County voters will elect one of our 3 State delegates.
The 43rd District is in the City and County will share one State Senator, but only 2 State Delegates will be elected by and for the City. That is District 43A
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Primary Election
There are 3 options how you can vote
- In person on Election Day, July 19
- In person during Early Vote between July 7 and July 14
- By mail or drop box between now and postmarked or in drop box by 8pm on July 19
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Early Voting Option
July 7 through 14 7am to 8pm
Early Voting Location near Tuscany-Canterbury
Click here for the list of all Early Vote Centers You can vote at any of the sites.
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Voting by Mail Options
US Mail or Drop Box
July 12 - Last day to request a mail in ballot (and have it sent to you).
You can request your ballot here if you prefer to vote by mail.
Drop Boxes Available for Mail-In Ballots
Any time before 8pm on July 19. They are secure and available 24 hours a day and are now available to use. Nearest drop boxes for Tuscany -Canterbury:
- Western High School (Coldspring Lane & Falls Road)
- Baltimore Museum of Art (10 Art Museum Drive)
List of all drop box locations click here.
US MAIL- Must be postmarked by 8PM July 19 and arrive by July 20. Don't wait to mail your ballot.
Mail it early.
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Primary Election Day Option
July 19, 7AM to 8PM
All regular polling places will be open.
First English Lutheran Church (Charles and 39th Street) is the polling location for Tuscany-Canterbury
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Resources for more election information and information about the candidates.
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Residential Permit Parking
Renewals began on June 1, 2022.
- Must have new permits by June 30, 2022.
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75% of neighbors picked up their permits at the TCNA meeting on January 15. Individuals who were unable to pick up their RPP at the TCNA General Meeting will need to go to the Baltimore City Parking Authority office to acquire their permit. The permits are only for residents who live in certain blocks and streets.
Location: 200 W. Lombard Street, Suite B, Baltimore, 21201
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm
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Messages from Baltimore City DPW
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Tuscany-Canterbury Curbside Recycling Schedule
June 23, July 7, July 21
Go to the DPW website:for the latest information about the schedule.
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BMORE Beautiful has an official YouTube Channel. Helmed by our AmeriCorps Vista, Morgan Thapa and in partnership with Master Gardeners, you can tune in to watch the Fall Urban Gardening Series. Topics range from pollinator gardens to beekeeping. I guarantee you will walk away with some new tips and tricks that will help you gear up for the Spring. Visit: B'More Beautiful - YouTube
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Messages from
Councilwoman Odette Ramos
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Please Leash Your Dog!
We have received a number of complaints in the last couple of weeks of unleashed dogs on the Stony Run Trail. Unleashed dogs have attacked other dogs, and even bit a child in the face. It is illegal to have your dog unleashed in public. Until we work through a solution to have a dog area in the lower meadow, you MUST HAVE YOUR DOG ON A LEASH when you are in the rest of the park. I was very pleased when I visited Stony Run over the weekend when I saw everyone had their dogs on a leash. Let's keep up that great work. Again, when you are on the trail, please leash your dog.
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New Tip on Mosquito Control - BTI Mosquito Dunk
Our Friends at the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection sent out this tip on mosquito control without pesticides. Mosquitos are plentiful in our district, and while I still think building dragonfly habitat is the answer, that takes a few years. An immediate remedy could be what is suggested above - using a BTI mosquito dunk. They can be found at local retailers. I will try it this summer and will give a review!
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Recent update on the JHU Behavioral Health Crisis Support Team (BHCST), a co-responder approach which pairs behavioral health specialists with public safety personnel to serve students, faculty, staff, and community members experiencing a behavioral health crisis on or near JHU’s Baltimore campuses. This pilot program launched in the fall of 2021 serving the Homewood campus and surrounding area. As of March 2022, the team is fully staffed and covering shifts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
After receiving positive feedback from the clinicians, public safety officers, and Johns Hopkins community, we are now looking ahead and planning a gradual expansion of the BHCST to the Peabody campus and Mt. Vernon area. Additionally, we hope to launch a dedicated phone number for individuals to call to reach the BHCST directly.
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Neighborhood Restaurants Updates
Support Our Restaurants in Tuscany-Canterbury
Call or check website (listed below) for LATEST information
Amy Mutch, Neighborhood Business Liaison
This space is provided free for our neighborhood restaurants.
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Updated Hours
Tuesday - Sunday: 11:30-2:30 & 5-9
Lunch Buffet, Friday - Sunday
Monday: Open for Party Only
Voted Best Indian Restaurant in Baltimore by Baltimore Magazine
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(443) 335-6236
Open Daily
Sunday thru Thursday
Friday & Saturday until 11:00 pm
Can host private parties and events. 10% discount for residents of Tuscany-Canterbury.
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The patio is open
(weather permitting)!
Friday & Saturday 5 - 12
Sunday - Thursday. 5 - 9
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Closes at 4pm on Sunday
Call for the menu.
410) 235-5777
100 W University Parkway
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The Hopkins Deli
The Hopkins Deli has closed because their lease was not renewed. They are currently looking for a new location and they hope it's within walking distance of their former location. It has been great to have a deli in the neighborhood and it will be missed.
A new tenant is coming to the Hopkins House with a similar concept as the previous tenant and renovation is currently under way.
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Recent Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
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Thanks to TCNA president and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.
Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
Source: This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email: julia@monumentsothebysrealty.com
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Events Happening In and Around
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Household Hazardous Waste Collection
- July 1 & 2
- August 5 & 6
- September 1 & 2
- October 7 & 8 (last one until Spring)
Residents may drop off household hazardous material at the Northwest Citizens' Convenience Center, 2840 Sisson Street, from 9:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. on both days.
This is an opportunity for Baltimore City residents to drop off items such as oil-based paints, pesticides, herbicides, car and household batteries, drain cleaners, pool chemicals, and more. Latex paint is NOT hazardous waste, it can be dried up and the cans put out for regular trash collection.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Season runs from April to October and generally occurs on the first Friday and Saturday of the month.
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The Book Thing
- Sat, July 9 – details TBD
- Sun, Aug 14 – details TBD
- Sat, Sept 10 – details TBD
Check their website for more information
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2022 TCNA Neighborhood Dumpster Dates
No set time for dumpster to be delivered but it comes between 8 and 12. Once delivered it will be here for 4 hours.
September 17: Location: Linkwood/Tuscany
October 1: Location: Canterbury/Highfield
Special thanks to TCNA Board Member, Sam Park who will be coordinating with Baltimore City for this neighborhood service.
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Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association
Tuscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, please Canteesend them this newsletter and ask them to join.
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Don't know when to pay your dues? Reminder renewal notices for 2021-2022 are sent the month that your dues need to be renewed.
Not a member yet? Join anytime!
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TCNA officers and board members 2022-2023 were elected at the June 15,2022 TCNA Spring general meeting.
President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
Vice President: Garth Thompson (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Sam Park (Tuscany Court)
Board Members:
- Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
- Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
- Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road)
- Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
- Paul Gallo (Tuscany Court)
- Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op, Stony Run Lane)
- Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
Nancy Lamotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Road)
- Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road)
- Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House Condo, Charles Street)
- Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road)
- Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo Charles Street)
- Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
- Lauren Urbanek (Tuscany Road)
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