February 2024

St. Nicholas’ Mission is to actively share

Christ’s love for all people.

Our vision is to strive to be a welcoming community who

worships a caring and merciful God, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love.

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church

Pastor: Bob Farrow

office: 706.628.7272

Upcoming Sunday Worship

Sunday, February 4

Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

Isaiah 40:21-31

1 Corinthians 9:16-23

Mark 1:29-39

Psalm 147:1-12, 21c

Sunday, February 11

Last Sunday after the Epiphany

2 Kings 2:1-12

2 Corinthians 4:3-6

Mark 9:2-9

Psalm 50:1-6

Sunday, February 18

First Sunday of Lent

Genesis 9:8-17

1 Peter 3:18-22

Mark 1:9-15

Psalm 25:1-9

Sunday, February 25

Second Sunday of Lent

Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16

Romans 4:13-25

Mark 8:31-38

Psalm 22:22-30

Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers

every Sunday

Other Worship Opportunities

Evening Prayer

Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m.

February 7

February 14

February 21

February 28

Ash Wednesday Service

February 14 at Noon

Adult Forum

Sundays at 9:00 a.m.

Join us for in-depth explorations of the aspects of your Episcopalian life that you may have begun to take for granted.

This series takes a closer look at elements of Lenten worship.

February 4: Rite I and II

February 11: Rite I and II

February 18: Lent

February 25: Lent

First Sunday Brunch

February 4

Due to a change in the Vestry meeting schedule, the old Third Sunday brunch is now First Sunday Brunch - and the first one is February 4, hosted by Martha!

We need crucifers for the services on Sunday! (The crucifer gets to carry the cross in the processional and recessional.)

If you are interested in being one please contact the church office by email:

Happy Birthday to...

the Rector's Discretionary Fund!

Did you know that St. Nicholas shares the love of Christ by providing assistance with utility bills? The Rector's Discretionary Fund offers up to $100 per applicant, once a year, to help folks make ends meet.

The need is great in our community and the Fund runs low from time to time. Wouldn't it be a fantastic way to celebrate your birthday - or any other milestone celebrations in your life - by making a tax-deductible donation to the Rector's Discretionary Fund?

Look for envelopes in the narthex to use for your celebratory donations.

Mardi Gras: Dinner on the Grounds

February 13 5:30 p.m.

Everyone please bring a Cajun or Creole dish to contribute to the covered dish dinner. Ideas include gumbo, dirty rice, red beans and rice, jambalaya, or shrimp. The community is invited to join for an evening of food and fellowship.

Afternoon Tea

February 24 2:00 p.m.

You are invited to join us for a delicious, delightful, and elegant Afternoon Tea at St. Nicholas. Tickets and information are available on our website (

Click the image above for a full-sized informational flyer.

Book Club

February 14 (Ash Wednesday)

after Evening Prayer

Only a few of us were well enough to attend the January book club meeting. We agreed that News of the World was an enjoyable look at an unusual facet of American history. We also reviewed several options for our next book and chose Everything I Never Told Youthe 2014 debut novel of Celeste Ng. She is better known for Little Fires Everywhere, which was made into a movie. 

The next meeting is on Ash Wednesday, February 14 following Evening Prayer at 5:00 pm. We will finish our discussion in plenty of time for Valentine celebrations.

Here is the write-up that swayed our selection of Everything I Never Told You.

“Lydia is dead, but they don’t know this yet.” That’s not a spoiler, that’s the opening line of Ng’s stunning debut. When this unexpected loss is discovered, the family begins to fall apart, and as they struggle to understand why it happened, they realize they don’t know their daughter at all. Ng’s use of the omniscient narrator is brilliant: she reveals what’s going on in her characters hearts and minds, allowing the reader to learn the truth of the tragedy, even if the family never does. An exploration of love and belonging, fraught with racial and gender issues. This is one that will stay with you long after you turn the last page. Powerful, believable, utterly absorbing. 
From Modern Mrs. Darcy

Vestry Meeting

February 18

The Vestry will meet after the service on Sunday, February 18 in the Parish Hall.

February 11, 2024

Part A: Tea Fundraiser Primer Part B: What Is Lent?

February 25, 2024

Part A: Altar Guild Primer       

Part B: Communion in the Service

Save the Date!

The date for CVEM’s Striving for Justice presentation at St. Nicholas about the Harris County Community Remembrance Project will be Sunday, February 25. The time is TBA, but since this is an “in-person” event we will want people to be able to get home before dark, so it will likely be the middle of the afternoon.

For both this session and the March 25 meeting, we will discuss the Equal Justice Initiative's Community Remembrance Project, which is an effort to locally memorialize and educate communities on victims of racial violence. In February, Harris County representatives will discuss their Community Remembrance Project, and in March, Muscogee County will do the same. 

Prayer Requests

Prayers for Gene, Jewel, and Dwight.

Continued prayers for all those in need within our community and those in the world who have suffered due to war and natural disaster, especially the people of Israel.

Please send any prayer request to

Happy Birthday & Blessings to...


Alice Taylor


Kenny Hall


Kevin Anderson


David Johnson


Aubrey Flournoy

Happy Anniversary and many Blessings to...


Bobo and Barbara Morgan 

If your birthday or anniversary is not included or is incorrect,
please email the Parish Office at

The Reverend Becca Stevens is an ordained Episcopal priest who has raised seventy-five million and helped launch 10 justice not-for-profits. She will engage diocesan leaders about breaking boxes that restrict how we preach and live in the marketplaces of our lives. She will share the story of Thistle Farms and what it means to lead with love. She believes that curiosity, commerce, creativity, and courage are signposts that lead to freedom in ministry. She will encourage us in our small acts done with great love that make this blue planet still a place of hope. She will also be bringing some beautiful chalices from Bethlehem to share the vision of the gift of finding something fragile in hard times to cherish. 

This event is open to ALL, clergy & laity, in the Diocese of Atlanta.

  • Check-in and coffee at 9:30a; program starts at 10a
  • Thistle Farms products will be available for purchase to support this ministry!
  • Parking is available in the Cathedral parking lot.
  • Please direct questions to Sally Ulrey at

Click here to register.

Click the image above to read the most recent news from The Episcopal Church Press Office.

If you have an event coming up, an announcement you'd like to share, or have recently experienced a birth, death, or sickness and would like some EXTRA prayers, send them to or call the office at 706-628-7272.

Click on the links below to access St. Nicholas church documents and websites of interest.

January Vestry Minutes

Annual Meeting 2024

2024 Annual Budget

The Lectionary Page

How to Give Electronically

Church Directory Instructions

Pastoral Institute

Tithe Chart

Deadline for submitting news items is noon Wednesday.

 Send news and photos to: 


The Spirit of St. Nicholas is published every month.

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church.

69 Mobley Road, PO Box 752, Hamilton, GA 31811


Visit our website