The Bird of the Month is the Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa). Two distinct subspecies exist, one found in Alaska and Western Canada and along the Pacific coast, the other in Central Canada and Central and South Eastern U.S.
Marbled Godwits do migrate over short to medium distances breeding in Central Canada and around the Hudson Bay area before dispersing along a broad front from Alaska to Eastern Canada and heading South to both the Western and Easten seaboards of the U.S. and the Gulf Coast down into Mexico and Central America as far South as Northern Chile.
Preferred habitats are wetlands and wet meadows close to pools for breeding but other than this it is a coastal inhabitant in marshlands, saltwater pools, and estuaries.
Breeding season is early May through August often in loose colonies. Three to five eggs are laid in a shallow depression and are incubated for around 22 days by both parents. Fledging occurs around three weeks later.
Food is generally obtained by probing mud but is sometimes taken off water directly. Small fish, mollusks, and other invertebrates are taken. They will hunt in coastal vegetation as well as mudflats.
A large brownish sandpiper with a long slightly upturned two tone bill, pink and black. Upperparts are a mid to dark brown mottled black with the underparts being a warmer lighter brown but again mottled. Winter birds tend to be duller and less mottled – note the female is larger than the male. Legs are blue-gray to black. In flight, note the distinctive cinnamon underwing, brown rump and tail, and clean orange upper wing with a black leading edge.
The Marbled Godwit has a loud “kerreck” or god-wit call.
Interesting Facts:
· When disturbed on the nest godwits will freeze rather than flush and sometimes can be picked up!
· The tip of a godwits bill is flexible as it probes for food and they probe very deeply with the head often submerged.
· A group of godwits is known as an omniscience, a pantheon, or a prayer.