July 2023

Issue No. 6

Annoucements and Updates

Recognition Program Honorees Announced!

Image Credit: Denver Public Schools

The Campaign is excited to celebrate schools and districts for planning efforts and outstanding implementation of solutions in the categories of Energy Efficiency Plus Health and Emissions Reduction and Resilience. Through setting ambitious goals and applying best practices, these schools and districts have achieved substantial energy savings and greatly improved the learning environment by improving their facilities’ indoor air quality, lighting, and building controls. Check out school and district projects here! By celebrating their success, the Campaign aims to amplify the importance of energy-efficient, healthy, and resilient schools, and inspire other schools to take action. 

Watch the Recording!

Free Air Monitors for Districts!

The Campaign is excited to offer schools and districts the use of 3 simple to use air monitors that can measure particulate matter, carbon dioxide, temperature, and humidity. We can guide you through the simple process. Indicate your interest by emailing Limited supply!

Indoor Air Quality Training for Schools

The Center for Green Schools and the U.S. Department of Energy's Efficient and Healthy Schools Campaign, in coordination with the U.S. EPA, hosted a free in-person training event for K-12 school staff working to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) June 21st-22nd, focused on developing or strengthening district IAQ management plans and sharing the most up-to-date best practices for continuous IAQ monitoring.

As part of this event, the Campaign hosted a hybrid webinar, with speakers from U.S. EPA and Sacramento City Unified, which you can view on our website, along with helpful slides.

Additional training will be held in Washington, DC October 2023, focusing on developing or strengthening district IAQ management plans and sharing the most up-to-date best practices for continuous IAQ monitoring. Indicate your interest here!

Department of Energy Announces Renew America's Schools Grant Recipients

On June 29th the Biden-Harris Administration, through the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), announced the first round of selectees for the Renew America’s Schools grant program. The Renew America’s Schools grant is the flagship funding opportunity of the Renew America’s Schools Program. This competitive award focuses on funding infrastructure upgrades at K–12 public school facilities, prioritizing high-need school communities.

DOE received 236 submissions from Local Education Agencies across 44 states, totaling $1.62 billion in requests. In response to high demand and overwhelming evidence of need, DOE doubled the funds available in the first round of the competition from $80 million to $178 million. 

DOE anticipates releasing a second round of funding in Spring 2024. Find more details here! Like, comment, or share DOE’s posts on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Resources and Opportunities

EPA Funding for Schools: Clean school bus grant competition

Clean School Bus Grant Competition: Application Deadline: August 22, 2023. The $400 million grant opportunity through EPA’s Clean School Bus Program will fund electric, propane, and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses that will produce either zero or low tailpipe emissions compared to their older diesel predecessors. Prioritized applicants may apply for up to $395,000 when applying for larger school buses and associated infrastructure, and other applicants may apply for up to $250,000 for larger school buses and associated infrastructure. To encourage federal funding to support the replacement of as many buses as possible, EPA will also offer points in the competition to those who can offer voluntary funding through public-private partnerships, grants from other entities, or school bonds.

Opportunities from the Center for Green Schools

FEDERAL FUNDING TRAINING SERIES | 6/29, 7/20, 8/2, 8/30|

Working alongside several partners, Center for Green Schools has gathered top experts together to answer your questions about federal grants, new tax incentives (IRA), and partnership opportunities that could benefit your facilities. The free, four-part "Federal Funding for School Buildings" series will run throughout the summer. 



Applications are now open through Friday, July 21st for the Center for Green Schools 2023-24 School District Fellowship programs! Each year, ten Fellows from school systems around the country are selected to participate in peer networking, targeted professional development, leadership training, and attend professional learning events such as the Green Schools Conference. This program is a unique and free opportunity we offer our peer-network community.

  • Leaders in Sustainability Fellowship: provides support to K-12 sustainability professionals working to improve the operations and/or curriculum across a school system or district. Learn more and apply.
  • Leaders in Air Quality Fellowship: provides support to K-12 professionals specifically working on indoor air quality and environmental health within school systems. Learn more and apply.

Training Certificate Series: Energy Savings Performance Contracting

Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs) are a well-established tool to deliver energy and infrastructure upgrades and cost savings to public sector building owners. Through ESPCs, K-12 schools can leverage and maximize the impact of available grants, incentives, and capital budgets to modernize systems and facilities, increase energy efficiency, reduce operating expenses, and improve learning environments.

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Performance Contracting National Resource Center (PCNRC) Training Certificate Series supports emerging and experienced public sector and industry professionals alike in building performance contracting expertise. The first four training modules are available now, with the remaining four modules to be released on a rolling basis through summer 2023.

The PCRNC will be hosting two informational webinars this summer to introduce this no-cost training resource. Register using the links below to learn more:

Questions about the Training Certificate Series or accessing additional ESPC resources can be sent to

Energy Star:

New K-12 Schools

focused webpage

K-12 school districts spend over $8 billion nationwide on energy costs each year. More than 30 percent of energy use goes to waste and ten percent can be saved by implementing low-cost measures. This new page will help you learn how to assess your building's energy efficiency, find financing, save energy, and earn recognition. 

Helpful Campaigns to Know About!

Integrated Lighting Campaign Recognition

The U.S. Department of Energy's Integrated Lighting Campaign (ILC) is a recognition and guidance program designed to help facility owners, operators and managers save energy and money in their facilities. Recognition will be announced at the IES Annual Conference on August 5th, where 3 schools will be recognized! Sign up to be a part of the campaign!

Smarter Small Buildings Campaign

Small and medium sized buildings served by packaged rooftop HVAC units (RTUs) comprise the majority of commercial buildings in the United States. The Smarter Small Buildings Campaign, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, offers technical assistance and recognition opportunities for adoption of RTU controls. Schools are included! Find out more and sign up!

Building Envelope Campaign

The Building Envelope Campaign is a program designed to help building owners and managers create more energy efficient buildings. Envelope technologies account for approximately 30% of the primary energy consumed in residential and commercial buildings, and therefore, play a key role in determining levels of comfort, natural lighting, ventilation, and how much energy is required to heat and cool a building. Schools are included and welcome to join! You can also find resources and webinars on the website.


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