The ILLBA Roundup

Monday July 10, 2023

Upcoming Events

Coffee With the ILLBA

July Meeting Announcement Coming Soon


City of Chicago Updates

Webinars and Workshops

Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection’s

FREE business education webinars .Click here for the schedule


Compliments? Complaints, Incidents?

Report it!

Non Emergency - call 311

Emergency numbers

O'Hare 773-894-9111

Midway 773-838-9111

Incident Report - issues, complaints and compliments

Click here for incident report

If you witness an incident, do not confront the individual(s) for safety reasons. The CDA encourages you to use one of the above ways to inform authorities.


Public chauffeurs (taxi, transportation network provider/ride-hail, livery, charter/sightseeing, etc. drivers) must accept passengers with service animals/dogs, per the

Municipal Code of Chicago sections 9-104-130 and 9-115-180(m). 

Register Today!


City of Chicago Events and Traffic Restrictions

Wrigley Field Transportation Restrictions Map 2023 - click here

Soldier Field Transportation Restrictions Map 2023 - click here

McCormick Place Events Calendar

Stay up to date on traffic and road closures by downloading and using the Chicago OEMC App:


Register For The Upcoming Webinar Hosted By The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)

Whether you are an owner/operator transporting passengers for hire, or a service provider to the industry, this webinar will provide important information regarding the federal laws which apply to you and your business.

Date: Wednesday July 12th, 1pm CT.

Read more and to register

News You Can Use

Read the latest edition here

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

 —Maya Angelou