PAD General Meeting Wednesday, April 27th 2022 at the Plymouth Senior Center at 5:30pm.

Thats right! This month PAD is excited to announce that our monthly meetings will be back at the Senior Center. Our potluck will start at 5:30 and the zoom portion of the meeting will start at 6:00 pm.

Please join us, bring a friend, and bring a dish to share. If you aren't able to bring a dish, come anyway. 

Potluck dinner breakdown by last name:  

S-W Side dish or salad
A-I   Entree
J-R Dessert or wine

We are excited to host Claire Helfman as PAD's April keynote speaker. Claire is currently representing Grafton County on the State Committee. She also co-chairs the Waterville Valley Democrats and has served as Chair of the Hollis Democrats.
Meet PAD's Officers
A graduate of Cornell University, Bill Nesheim spent his professional career in the IT industry, leading R&D teams at Sun Microsystems and Oracle Corporation until retiring. A life-long Democrat, Bill has been a full time resident of Holderness since 2019 after living for 32 years in Windham NH. Bill & his wife Melanie have two children and two grandchildren who all live in New Hampshire. Bill enjoys hiking, skiing, boating and flying small airplanes and is an active volunteer for the AMC, the Squam Lakes Association and the Lakes Region Search and Rescue team. Bill currently serves on the Holderness Planning Board and Conservation Commission.
Gunnar is a consultant in environmental governance and sustainable development in the international arena, but has significant experience in developing and managing websites and related content to support his work. His creative side initially led him through a series of marketing roles, including as a designer and copy writer, which culminated in creating first-generation websites during the 1990s while working at an NH advertising agency. Gunnar’s work exposed him to a variety of emerging legal issues related to e-commerce, privacy, and intellectual property, ultimately motivating him to enter the legal profession. Gunnar has maintained his web management skills to support business communications tasks without needing to outsource them. Gunnar relied on these skills to produce a website related to his current practice area ( and has also managed the PAD website since March, 2021.
Jane was born and raised in Ridgewoood NJ. She received her BSN and MSN from the University of Virginia. As Department of Defense civilian employees, Jane and her husband Tom, a clinical child psychologist, were assigned overseas, and enjoyed living in Germany, Italy and Japan for over 30 years. Jane held numerous leadership positions in DoD soldier and family assistance programs at local and headquarters level. Recently retired, Jane and her husband returned to New Hampshire, where they first met and now live in Plymouth. In addition to volunteering with PAD, Jane loves to hike and kayak, and dabbles in writing poetry.
Get Involved

New Volunteers Welcome!
If you have interest in participating on any of the following committees please email Bill Nesheim.

  • Hospitality Committee
  • Visibility - Chair, Joyce Weston
  • Fundraising
  • Bylaws Committee

PAD needs volunteers to fill the following roles for the upcoming elections:

  • Office Manager(coordinated campaign) 
  • Volunteer Manager(coordinated campaign) 
  • Visibility, Canvasing and Phone Banking Volunteer Coordinator(coordinated campaign) 
  • Yard Sign Captain (coordinated campaign)
Take Action


Carbon pricing is mentioned 680 times in the IPCC's new report on climate
mitigation, and the IPCC'S SR15 report states, "*Explicit carbon prices remain a necessary condition of ambitious climate policies*". In other words, if we fail to include putting a price on carbon emissions from fossil fuels in our climate solutions mix we will fail to achieve the 1.5˚C or even the 2˚C warming limit goals.
In the last three years, 45 NH citizens have put the C3 article on their town's warrant, and 75% of those towns passed the resolution. Even when the resolution doesn't pass, this project gives people an opportunity to learn and talk about an effective and equitable climate solution. This project has attracted attention in Congress - our NH delegation is
interested in this policy but even more interested in the positive response to the C3 project. The carbon cash-back bill in Congress now has 96 co-sponsors ( but more support is needed to push it through.
You can learn about and join the C3 town warrant article project at The citizens' petition warrant article template is available on the *Files* page, studies showing the power and benefits of federal Carbon Fee and Dividend legislation are on the *Benefits* page, and a summary of NH town successes can be found on the *Celebration* page.


On Monday, the Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs Committee held their public hearing on HB 1393, the school budget cap bill that narrowly passed the House and could have disastrous consequences for a school district that adopts its provisions. As a reminder HB 1393 would:

  • Allow school districts to place a warrant at the regular annual meeting, special meeting or by ballot (if SB 2) to adopt a per pupil budget cap that can only increase by inflation unless there is an override vote
  • Overriding the cap would require a 3/5ths vote at the annual meeting or by ballot for SB 2 districts
  • Requires a 3/5ths vote to adopt or to rescind the cap altogether
  • Adoption of the budget cap may be placed on warrant by school board or by petition
  • Adoption of the cap can take place at annual or special meeting
  • Starting per pupil dollar amount is totally arbitrary – either the school board or the petitioner chooses the proposed dollar amount

Plymouth Earth Day Visibility
Thursday, April 21 ~ 7:30 – 8:30am EDT
Join your neighbors in the Plymouth Area Democrats at the Plymouth rotary downtown to get the word out about Earth Day and our concerns regarding climate change. Sign-up Here

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee of NH Sierra Club
Wednesdays from 7-8:15 Sign-up Here

We all deserve to breathe fresh air, drink clean water, and live and work in a clean economy and a thriving community. We know there are a wealthy few who would rather divide for profit and greed than unite for justice, balance, collaboration, and transformation. Not US!! We want to unite! If that sounds like you too - You are invited to the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee of the NH Chapter of Sierra Club. We welcome our neighbors and friends who are working on anti-racism goals for NH communities, outdoors, schools, workplaces, government and ourselves. Everywhere. We also recognize the biases based on religion, sex, gender identity, preferred language, ethnicity, ability, or income affect people here in New Hampshire too. We have identified two shared goals for 2022 and many partners to collaborate with but we can't do it without you! We need you to help us build an anti-racist and environmental justice collective for NH. I hope to see you there!

Northern Counties Strategy Session (Carroll, Coös & Grafton Counties)
April 21st from 6:30 to 7:30 Sign-up Here

Join us for a discussion of our campaign outreach strategy this year. This is an opportunity for you to learn about different ways you can get involved, and a forum to share your ideas of how we can build a successful campaign in the North Country. We are excited for you to join us as we develop a plan to elect Democrats up and down the ballot!
Celebrating The Confirmation of
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson proclaimed the progress her confirmation to the Supreme Court represents and offered her gratitude to the many people who she said helped her along the way at an event on the White House South Lawn on Friday.

"It has taken 232 years and 115 prior appointments for a Black woman to be selected to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States, but we've made it! We've made it — all of us," Jackson said.
Plymouth Area Democrats