Each time the IRB takes an action on your protocol in E-IRB (e.g., approves a change, acknowledges a violation), a new iteration of the protocol is saved as a PDF.
When submitting an updated document for Continuing Review or a Modification Request, please be sure to remove the old version of the document from the list of attachments so that the new, current version is the only one saved as part of the iteration PDF.
Please be aware, the previous/old version of the document will still be available and remain in the former PDF iteration of the protocol in the system, so it will not be lost and is always available for reference.
To avoid inadvertently enrolling a participant with an old version of a consent document (i.e., informed consent non-compliance), please always remember to download a copy of the approved consent from the list of attachments related to the latest IRB action/approval on the protocol since that list should only include current versions.