Rumney Old Home Day: August 12. Plymouth Area Democrats have participated in this neighborhood party for decades. Located at the Rumney Commons, it is lively and well-attended. We need you to help us at the booth.. where we will be selling buttons, bumper stickers, — and, of course, our messaging.
Here is the schedule of available booth shifts:
7:30am Set up booth – Joyce (plus 3 others)
8-10am Joyce (+ 1 other person)
10am-Noon (2 people)
Noon-2pm (filled)
2-3:30pm plus take-down (2 people)
Please email Joyce Weston, if you’d like to help. Either way, please drop by, it will be a blast. We will not be marching in the parade this year, but it’s worth coming by early to watch.
Plymouth Town-Wide Yard Sale: September 10. We will be collecting sellable items for our yard sale. This is a good time to clean out the closet! Stay tuned to the newsletter for more information.
September 27 Monthly Meeting: Our usual pot luck followed by a brief business meeting and guest speaker, Manchester Mayor and Gubernatorial Candidate Joyce Craig. Mayor Craig is committed to building strong communities, protecting abortion access, supporting public schools, and increasing affordable housing.