November 24, 2024
Christ the King Sunday
10:30 a.m.
In the Church Sanctuary
Rev. Paul Bayerl Pastor
Bible Readings:
OT Lesson: Psalm 132:1-12
Gospel Lesson: John 18:33-37
Sermon: “How Did You Find Out?”
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Whether you attend church in-person or worship with us via Facebook Live, you are all beloved members of our church family. | |
The Service is also streamed on Facebook Live.
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FELLOWSHIP HOUR: is held in the Fellowship Hall following the Sunday Worship Service. The hostess this week is Lisa Joiner-Gilson and her assistants. All are welcome to come and enjoy good food and good fellowship with your church friends. We especially welcome our church visitors. | |
Our dear friend and brother in Christ, Elder Roy Hamlin joined the Church Triumphant on Thursday, November14, 2024 at home surrounded by his wife Joyce Anne, his son Chuck, daughter Julie and four grandsons.
His funeral will be held at the Hobe Sound Community Presbyterian Church on Saturday, November 30, 11:00 AM, to be followed by a luncheon in the church Fellowship Hall.
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An anonymous donor has offered a pledge to match up to $5000 in donations made between October 27, 2024 and December 31, 2024 by HSCPC Members and Friends of HSCPC, for roof related expenses.
This is a wonderful opportunity to double our money toward replacing a roof that must be replaced. This is a time sensitive opportunity, so please give this a prayerful consideration, Besides the cause, there may be tax advantages for those that make a donation. Donation payments should be made to HSCPC - Memorial & Centennial Fund, with notation For Roof Related Expenses.
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Organized by Deborah Carrington, 28 crafters rented tables on which to display and sell their creations. To entertain the children, Deborah included a story time (author Joanne Colisto read her book “I’m Not Just a Little Elf”), a petting Zoo (Happy Place Farm), and a surprise visit by Santa Claus.
To feed the hungry shoppers, lunch was available for purchase, and a bake sale (items baked by church members and friends) was also a major attraction.
And, opportunity was afforded for visitors to make voluntary donations to the church Memorial and Centennial Fund if they so wished.
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Deborah Carrington,
Craft Fair Organizer
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Courtyard with craft tables | |
Story Time:
Author Joanne Colisto reading her book I’m Not Just A Little Elf
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Santa Claus with “elf” Leann Kindberg | |
Petting Zoo from Happy Place Farm | |
Lunch – servers Suellen Millroy, Larabee Johnson and Carla Tinsley | |
Bake Sale - Mary Wilburn and
Deborah Wilde
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This ceremony immediately followed the Craft Fair, with church members, friends, and special guests gathered to dedicate the HSCPC Community Garden Mural.
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The Director of the Office of
Community Development explained
the role of her office, and introduced
Pastor Paul
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Pastor Paul welcomed the guests and offered a prayer. | |
Nadia Serenyi, mural artist, described the theme of the experiences encountered the
during the mural painting
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Debra Monet (church member and guest artist, pointed out some of the special features of the figures pictured in the mural | |
With this mural, Nadia Serenyi. adds the HSCPC Community Garden Mural to her Hobe Sound collection of large-format outdoor art! The mural will be part of the Hobe Sound Mural Project, begun in 2007, | |
The Community Garden is a joint a project of the Loxa-Lucie Headwaters Initiative, the Hobe Sound Community Chest, and the Guardians of Martin County. It is being developed on a portion of the church property which has been allocated to them by a vote of the Session. It is created, supervised and funded by this group, with Sal Orofino as its representative. It is a “community focused garden” planted and tended by community neighbors. The only responsibility of the church is to provide the land and the needed water. Elder Cynthia Cooper agreed to serve as liaison between the church and the garden group
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Thanksgiving Prayers and notes of appreciation were sent to our military this year, with our congregation signing holiday cards and thanking our military for their service to our country.
The children of Providence School in Tequesta ages kindergarten thru 12th grade created fun cheerful greetings to include!!
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Our church has been for many years and in many ways supporting our military troops serving overseas. This year we will again be supporting our military stationed overseas thru
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Snack and food items will be collected through November 24. Donations of the individual snack items listed above will be greatly appreciated!! Collection boxes will be available on the Sanctuary porch each Sunday morning, and donations may also be dropped off at the office during office hours, (Monday through Thursday 9:00 –noon),
Financial donations will also be accepted for mailing of the packages.
The deadline for all donations is November 24th.
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Each year at Hobe Sound Community Presbyterian Church we take up a special food collection for the HOUSE OF HOPE to help provide food for the Thanksgiving holiday. This year, through our Mission Fund we again donated $400 for turkeys, and through our traditional food collection we donated “Thanksgiving-specific” non-perishable food to complete the holiday table.
Suggested food items included canned or packaged potatoes, stuffing mix, gravy, canned sweet potatoes, canned vegetables, cranberry sauce, and whatever else you might like to have on your Thanksgiving table.
Mission chairman Carla Tinsley will be delivering them to the House of Hope in Hobe Sound on Thursday, November 21st
Your generous food donations will be a blessing to many needy families.
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An envelope for a THANKSGIVING OFFERING is found in the envelope boxes that many of you use for your weekly offerings. Each year the Session determines for what this offering will be used.
The session has voted to donate this year’s Thanksgiving Offering to help a young couple provide a special Christmas for their family. The young mother of 2 small children is undergoing treatment for stage 4 colon cancer, and is unable at this time to help contribute financially to the family’s many everyday needs. Her husband is working hard to keep supporting the family at this time of extensive medical expenses, when he must be the sole provider.
The goal of this offering is to provide a nice Christmas for the young children, a 3 year old girl and 5 year old boy. The funds provided through this offering will be used to purchase gift cards which the parents can use to select the gifts for their children.
This Thanksgiving Offering will be received through Sunday, December 8. If you are using a boxed set of offering envelopes you will find the Thanksgiving offering envelope in your box. If not, you can use any other envelope on which you indicate “Thanksgiving Offering.
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An envelope for the CHRISTMAS OFFERING is found in the envelope boxes that many of you use for your weekly offerings, but any envelope may be used to make a donation.. Each year the Session determines for what this offering will be used. | |
This year the Session has designated the church CHRISTMAS OFFERING for gifts, treats, and self-care items for 40 homebound senior citizens who are registered with the HOUSE OF HOPE and who are routinely supplied with meals delivered by HOH volunteers.
Monetary donations will be used by the Mission committee to purchase a major gift for each recipient. (Last year this gift was a Christmas themed blanket. The committee is still deciding what to select this year).
In addition, donations of smaller, gift and self-care items can be made:
Recommended gift items include: Large print books, adult activity books, treats such as cookies and candies (no home-made items).
Recommended self-care items include: lotion, shampoo, body wash, nail care items, hand sanitizer, gripping socks.
Donations should be brought to the church by December 15. A collection box will be available at church on Sunday mornings and in the church office during office hours (M – Th, 9am til noon). Once delivered to the House of Hope, the donated items will be wrapped and delivered by House of Hope staff and volunteers.
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The Christmas Joy Offering is one of four annual special offerings received by the Presbyterian Church (USA). It provides assistance to current and retired church workers and their families in their time of need (50%), and prepares students to learn and grow in faith at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of colo (50).
This offering will be received at church on Sunday, December 22 in addition to the usual weekly offering, and be sent directly to Presbyterian Church (USA).
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It is customary for the church Sanctuary to be decorated for Christmas in advance of the season of Advent. The First Sunday of Advent is December 1st, so the decorating will take place on Sunday, November 24th, following the Worship Service. All are invited and welcome to stay and help with the decorating.
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The December ladies’ luncheon is on
Friday, December 6, 12:30 PM,
at The Schnitzel Haus Restaurant
5687 SE Crooked Oak Ave, Hobe Sound
(corner of US 1 and Seabranch Blvd).
If you plan to attend, it is important that you make your reservation with Billie Yusczyk, by Thursday, December 5, at church on Sunday or at 772 545-4298, All lady members and friends of HSCPC are invited and welcome. Come and enjoy celebrating this Christmas season event with your church family friends.
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An Invitation from The Apollo School Foundation
Join us Friday, December 6, at 6 p.m., to celebrate our
11th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.
At the Historic Apollo School
9141 SE Apollo St Hobe Sound,
Join your neighbors and friends in welcoming the Christmas season with music by our special guests, the INDIAN RIVER POPS STRINGS. Refreshments available.
This is a free event and everyone is welcome.
The food trucks that have previously gathered behind Zeus Park on the second Friday of each month have been looking for a new home. Hobe Sound Community Presbyterian Church has offered them the use of its property adjacent to the dog park, and they will start gathering there on Friday, December 6, from 5 to 8 PM.
The venture will be fun by people from Sophia.s Restaurant, and the only role of the church will be to serve as a gracious landlord.
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BIBLE STUDY Bible Study meets on Tuesday mornings at 11am and Thursday afternoons at 4:30pm, with study of the Book of Revelation at both sessions.
Please note - With Thanksgiving happening next week, the Bible Study classes will not be held on either Tuesday or Thursday.
. The assignment for Tues. December 3 and Thurs. December 5 is chapter 6 of Revelation
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Instructor Sandra Price, an experienced yoga practitioner, RYT200, and Certified Chair Yoga Instructor, offers CHAIR YOGA classes in our fellowship hall on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM.
Instructor Mary Dietz, a certified Silver Sneakers Chair Yoga instructor, offers SENIOR FITNESS class on in our fellowship Hall on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall.
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Church member Debra Monet is offering art classes on our church campus. How to draw, paint in Watercolor and Acrylic will be the main focus for the lessons. The cost for each 3 hour class is $20, a portion of which will be donated to the Church Building Improvement Project.
For more class details, or to schedule a class, contact Debra at the Sunday coffee hour, or call her at 772-240-2063.
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The sewing circle meets every Thursday afternoon @ 1 pm in the office parlor, with Sheila Fortura serving as hostess. It’s a wonderful time to work on your own projects, and learn new handwork skills from others. For information you can contact Sheila at psfortura@att.net, or 772-708-8983.
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The church Thrift Store is open on Sunday mornings during Fellowship Hour after the Worship Service. It contains a large variety of items, both decorative and useful, that are just waiting to find their new homes.
Members and friends of the church are encouraged to pay the store a visit on Sunday mornings after Church. All proceeds from sales are donated to help meet the financial obligations of the Church.
Locally collected raw honey is also available for “purchase.” T J Gilson has made available jars of local raw honey collected by an apiary business in Palm City for which he works. The “sale price” is a voluntary donation which will be allocated for church structural and roof repairs.
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On January 10, 1926, Hobe Sound Community Church was organized under the supervision of the Presbyterian Church, USA.
As we look toward our 100th birthday, we are making plans for the exciting centennial celebration to take place in the year 2026. These plans include an ambitious and much needed Building Improvement Plan extending through 2025, and beyond. All donations to this fund-raising campaign to help maintain and preserve our historical church facility will be warmly received and appreciated.
THE FIRST PHASE OF THE BUILDING IMPROVEMENT PLAN consisted of installation of new storm resistant windows in the Sanctuary and Manse, and accompanying needed repairs. That phase has been completed.
THE SECOND PHASE OF THE PLAN consisted of renovations in the kitchen and fellowship hall. That phase has been completed.
THE THIRD PHASE OF THE PLAN consisted of repair and painting of the church steeple. Commissioner Harold Jenkins committed $35,800 of his MSTU district funds for the refurbishing of the historic Hobe Sound Community Presbyterian Church steeple. With a sincere “thank you” to Commissioner Jenkins, the work was completed as of October 19, 2023.
THE FOURTH (AND FINAL) PHASE will be replacement of the church roof and attached structures.
SPECIAL RECOGNITION is due to Elder Raelyn Holmes, the chairman of the Building and Grounds Committee. She has taken charge of all the detailed work involved in getting bids, selecting vendors, keeping track of work schedules, checking on work-site progress and being available to the work crew for questions. Thank you, Raelyn, for all the time and effort you have put into this and the many previous building improvement projects.
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The expenses incurred in maintaining our church and its missions continue to exceed our income. Please remember to consider the financial needs of your church, and continue to support the operation of our church by making your weekly offerings even if you continue to worship from home for a while longer.
You can send your weekly offering or any other donation via regular mail to the Hobe Sound Community Presbyterian Church, 11933 SE Juno Crescent, Hobe Sound, FL 33455, or drop it off at the church office during office hours, M-Th, 9 til noon. In addition, a link for on-line donations is available on the church website or by clicking the link below.
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Scan the QR code or click the link to make a donation through Paypal | |
THE CHURCH OFFICE hours this week are Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00 AM til noon.
PASTOR PAUL’S OFFICE HOURS are Monday through Thursday, 9:30AM to 12:00 noon. If you want to meet with him, check ahead since he often has morning commitments outside of the office. He is available at other times by appointment.
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We invite you to access the church website frequently to keep informed of ongoing activities. It includes recordings of past Worship Services, a calendar of upcoming events, information and stories about all ongoing church activities, back issues of the MESSENGER, and much more. Each week the Sunday Bulletin, a Bible reading for the coming week, and the video from the previous Sunday’s worship service are included.
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2 Mary Wiggin
5 Johan Greene
14 Bob Schaefer
24 Diane Atkisson
21 Stan and Clair Ball
21 Liz and Shawn Seleski
(If we have missed your birthday or anniversary, please let us know so you can be included here for the rest of the month.)
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PRAYER REQUESTS: PLEASE NOTE: In the future, the date of the request will be included and the name will be removed after three weeks. The names below (except those that are preceded by a date) will be removed next week unless a continuation request has been made.
This request should be made to Karen Metzger, kmmetz@bellsouth.net, or 772 220-4678, or to Diane Atkisson in the church office. phone – 772-546-5043, email – church@heartofhobesound.org or through the prayer request card found in the Church pew rack.
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Gary Shriver
Alan Reddish
Ellen Hamlin
John Frazee
Jan Norrish
Joan Benedict
Jim Wiggin
9-9 Stan Ball
10-13 Paul Fortura
10-15 Baby Lillian
11-3 Connie Frazee
11-10 Joan Barwise
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Family of Roy Hamlin
Arline Holloway
Joyce Anne Hamlin
Elliot Phillips
Bob Atkisson
Frank Lund
Family of Anne Linman
Sabrina Morse
Family of Terry Christian
10-27 Tom and Karen Boyson
11-17 Bill Hehli
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To request prayers through the Prayer Circle, for yourself or someone else, contact Jan Norrish, 772-486-5514, jannorrish@hotmail.com,
To have a prayer request included in the Church Sunday bulletin and the MESSENGER, fill out the prayer request card found in the Church pews or contact the church office, phone – 772 546-5043, email - church@heartofhobesound.org
HSCPC WEBSITE: The MESSENGER is posted on our website each week. If you want to check content from a previous week, just go to www.heartofhobesound.org and click on the Newsletter link.
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