Ministry Expansion in East Africa
Dear Ministry Partner,
I am blessed about what God is doing in East Africa as He expands the CCI ministry into new territory. I am thankful for a fruitful trip to East Africa and for the leadership of Pastor Andrew Wakabi, my Assistant Regional Director and Pastor Abraham Koche, Area Coordinator for Eastern Uganda.
In July and August, I traveled to this region and had the opportunity to conduct Teacher Training Workshops (TTW) with ten pastors from two different districts in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. Pastor Andrew Wakabi accompanied me. One of the groups was composed of a traveling missionary from Cameroon who was eager to expand the work in Nigeria. Lead pastor Gideon Sila has successfully finished teaching course #1 with 35 students.
Our journey continued to Uganda, where I spent three days in Eastern Uganda with Pastor Abraham Koche, the coordinator of that region. He is teaching 4 different groups in districts near Pallisa. We conducted The Cross Before the Crown in 2 different churches with about 80 attendees. I also met with Pastor Samuel Mswenga, an evangelist with a ministry throughout East Africa, who gave his blessing for our work in the region and praised Abraham's efforts.
On the way back to Jinja, Andrew and I visited Pastor George and Sylvia Kooli at their school and orphanage, which has 100+ children.

Pastor George and Abraham are currently teaching Book #2: Old Testament Survey.
Finally, we went to Nairobi, Kenya, where we conducted a seminar and a TTW with 30 pastors from different regions near Nairobi. Pastor Protais, who is from Rwanda also joined us there. Pastor Habakkuk Kariuki, a significant leader there, coordinated the event. Habakkuk holds a master's degree from the USA and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. Due to government pressure, pastors in Kenya need more training, and Habakkuk already has 42 students ready for Book #1, with more in progress. He works with several mission agencies and is dedicated to providing training to pastors in the region. He is all in.
Thank you for your prayers and support.

Bob Loeffler
Regional Director for CCI East Africa
Our vision: 

  1. To start new classes in different areas of each of the 6 countries. 
  2. To train and equip leaders in each of the countries to oversee the training. 
  3. To raise support for the national leaders for their work and travel expenses. 
  4. To find churches to adopt a national leader. 
  5. To find and train my successor. 
Needs and prayer requests:

  1. For key pastors to see the need of training in their locals. 
  2. For monthly financial support for Andrew and Abraham, they both need at least $500 each/month.   
Crossing Cultures International