Baby Fold Shares Expertise with New Publication

Continually sharing our expertise, The Baby Fold has developed and published a manual to guide professionals working with families who have adopted or obtained guardianship. Known as START 24/7, this framework for care was born out of our work at the national and state level with both the National Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship Support and Preservation (QIC-AG) and the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. Because of The Baby Fold’s vast history in adoption work, our knowledge base is strong. We understand the challenges faced by families after their adoptions are finalized and recognize that a lifespan approach to meeting these needs is critical for a family’s long term success. Through this evidence based guidance, comprehensive assessment tools, and resources, other professionals can become better equipped to meet the individual needs of families across our nation.

More Experts in Action at National Conference

Earlier this month, The Baby Fold's Community Schools program leader shared her expertise at the National Community Schools and Family Engagement Conference in Los Angeles, CA. Rebecca Kinsey, MSW, presented alongside other experts who are dedicated to the community school model and academic success for all children.


The Baby Fold's Community Schools Program brings together all stakeholders in a child's life - school, family, and community - to create and achieve a shared vision of success for each child. Masters level social workers from The Baby Fold are embedded in Cedar Ridge and Fairview Elementary Schools identify children and families in need, connect them to resources, and remove barriers to academic success so that children can succeed in school and beyond.

Graduate Shares Impromptu Story of Success

"I could not have learned to speak without her."

The Baby Fold's special education program successfully pairs expert curriculums with personalized attention so children grow into the very best version of themselves. Recently, our dedicated staff unexpectedly witnessed that growth during a graduation ceremony. One student at The Baby Fold’s Hammitt Junior-Senior High School wasn't slated to speak at this year's graduation ceremony, but outgoing senior Sean Wyrick had something he needed to say. After politely raising his hand and asking permission to address the crowd, Baby Fold staff quickly turned off the recessional music and watched as he took the podium. Unable to communicate when he first entered The Baby Fold's autism program in 2007 at the age of 3, Sean's unscripted, nearly 2-minute address, captivated the onlookers and astounded his teachers.

Click here to read Sean's story of challenge and success during his 15-year journey through The Baby Fold's Hammitt School program.

Celebrations Across the Agency

We love gathering with our foster care families! They’re extraordinary people who open their hearts and homes to children in need. The pictures below are from a recent picnic held by The Baby Fold’s foster care staff to celebrate these special families!

It’s hard to fathom that children have run, played, and smiled in this same yard since 1910, when The Baby Fold moved from its North Street location to 108 E Willow. We love seeing children filled with peace and happiness. Pictured are the smiling faces of Hammitt Elementary School students during an exciting Field Day event!

We're celebrating our graduates! Hammitt Junior-Senior High School hosted 8th-grade and 12th-grade graduations. We are so proud of their uniqueness and spirit of determination. Congratulations, graduates!

Twelve Decades of Devotion: Journey Through the 1950s

As we continue our 120th anniversary celebration throughout 2022, we are exploring one decade of devotion each month. This month, we delve into The Baby Fold’s history of the 1950s.

On June 22, 1950, ground was broken for The Baby Fold's new nursery. Five buildings were ultimately planned, including an administrative building, a superintendent’s residence, and two cottages, in addition to the nursery. The Baby Fold had operated on a cash-only basis from the beginning and this venture would be no different. To secure the necessary funding, the agency planned to ask for the support of McLean County.


While the majority of children served by The Baby Fold were from McLean County, most support came from elsewhere. The agency had never made a countywide appeal for capital funds before. The Honorable Robert C. Underwood, a board member, spearheaded the McLean County campaign. As a county judge, Underwood overhauled the child welfare policies of McLean County including having a trained social worker in the juvenile probation office for the first time ever.

One very successful promotion for the McLean County campaign was the “Lights On” event on December 14, 1950. The Pantagraph urged readers to leave their porch light on or put a candle in their window from 7:00 – 10:00 pm if they were willing to receive a visit from one of The Baby Fold’s 150 volunteer solicitors. WJBC hosted special broadcasts to report on the progress, featuring Baby Fold Superintendent Rev. William Hammitt, Judge Underwood, local celebrities, and a barbershop quartet. The “Lights On” evening raised $14,000.

On October 17, 1952, The Baby Fold’s new nursery opened. The $260,000 construction included living quarters for the nurses and a clinic. Many special mementos were included during the build. A clay brick from the White House is mounted on a corridor wall with a bronze plaque that states, “original White House material, removed in 1950” with the Great Seal of the United States. Another commemorative plaque near the entrance honors "Mother" Tompie Asher and her years of service as Superintendent. Finally, an exterior cornerstone reads, "The Baby Fold, an Investment in Humanity." All of these items are still on display today; the space now known as Hammitt Elementary School.

(Reference: The Baby Fold: An Investment In Humanity, by Elizabeth Glidden, 1992, and The Pantagraph)

Twelve Transformative Programs: Camp Highlight

We are highlighting one of our 12 programs each month. This month we're sharing our camp program, which has happened yearly since 1979! 

The very first Baby Fold Summer Camp was held for 5 days in July of 1979 at East Bay Camp, Lake Bloomington. Now in its 44th year, Camp remains a cherished tradition for our special needs children. Students practice social skills learned during the school year, make new friends and create lasting positive memories. It’s a time of growth and renewal in the great outdoors, under the supervision of Baby Fold teacher therapists. To support families beyond the summer months, The Baby Fold also hosts camp “Take-a-Break” for children throughout the year. Started in 1994, Camp Take-a-Break provides respite weekends for children and families receiving adoption preservation services, allowing parents and children some recovery and renewal time from the many challenges they face in life.

Camp and summer activities are bringing smiles and joy to children across our programs.

Click Here to Bring Smiles and Joy to Children this Summer
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