~ April 21, 2022 ~
The Brookings Institution: Jonas Nahm, Johannes Urpelainen
Forget recent inflation, this company's flagship product has been the same price for thirty years. What gives?
Institutional Investor: Michelle Celarier
"'Well, he's doing it. I can do it, and it must be okay.'" What happens when it's not? (also see The Ukraine Crisis: What Corporate Responses Tell Us About the Future of Stakeholder Capitalism and Five Questions Boards Should Ask About the War in Ukraine)
The Verge: Amanda Chicago Lewis
Obstacles on all sides: How did one man move from "How can I take advantage of the chaos?" to "Why is it so hard to do one good thing?"
AP News: Joshua Goodman, Helen Wieffering
Good luck avoiding "authoritarian" pollock, salmon or crab. How do gaps in labelling laws obscure product origins and undermine informed consumer choice?
Poets&Quants: Marc Ethier
How can professors address challenging headlines in ways that prepare students to "make tough leadership decisions in complex political and economic contexts"? (also see The MBA's Reputation Is Untarnished In GMAC's Annual Survey)
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