Week of November 3, 2024


November 8-10 - RHS Drama presents Sense & Sensibility

November 11 - No School - Veterans Day

November 15 - Last Day to Donate Backpacks

November 15-16 - RHS Drama presents Sense & Sensibility

November 19 - Last Day to Order Poinsettias and Wreaths


New and Gently Used Backpacks Wanted!

Do you have an extra new or gently used backpack that you’re looking to donate? The counseling office is looking for extra backpacks to help students in need. Preferably black, blue or grey. You may drop them off at the front office during school hours by Friday, November 15. Thank you! 

Get Festive with Poinsettias and Wreaths

Poinsettias and Wreaths Sale

The holiday season is almost upon us, and what better way to bring festive cheer to your home than with a beautiful poinsettia or wreath? The RHS PTSA is selling poinsettias and wreaths for this holiday season. These holiday plants come in beautiful choices of white, red, pink, and glitter in select sizes. Visit our website for all the options.


Order by Tuesday, November 19 and poinsettias and wreaths will be available for pick up on Friday, December 6. Thank you for supporting our Grad Night Celebration fundraisers.


ACT Practice Test Registration Closing Monday

Does your student need practice for the SAT or ACT? Our full-length practice tests, administered by Enhanced Prep, offer students the opportunity to practice test taking strategies and determine baseline scores prior to taking the official SAT and ACT college entrance exams. Scores are not reported to anyone other than the student.


Registration deadline for our Fall Practice ACT Test is tomorrow Monday, November 4. For more information and to register, please visit our website

Halloween Treats for our RHS Staff

RHS Staff celebrated Halloween with treats from the PTSA. Thank you to those who provided the baked goods and to all who have donated to our Staff Appreciation Fund. Your donations allow us to treat our amazing RHS Staff throughout the school year.

Your RHS PTSA Hospitality and Staff Appreciation Team

Congrats to the Winner of our Membership Drawing!

Congratulations to RHS Parent, Patty Smith, for being the RHS PTSA's October drawing winner! Patty won a $25 Target Gift Card. Thank you to all the RHS PTSA members so far for supporting the students, staff, and families at RHS. We are 441 strong at the time of writing and becoming stronger every day!


Remember, every member is eligible for all future drawings! Keep an eye out for the November drawing to win an Amazon gift card to help in your holiday traditions. Tell your neighbors, friends, and parents to sign up by Saturday, November 30 to be entered in this drawing!



RHS PTSA Volunteer Spotlight: Sandeep Chhabra

The Volunteer Spotlight hopes to recognize those who provide their time and efforts to Redmond High School students, staff, and community. Thank you for your amazing dedication and support. We are a better organization because of you! It's a recurring feature that strives to shine light on PTSA's greatest assets, our volunteers!

Our Volunteer Spotlight honoree is Sandeep Chhabra! Sandeep shared with us a little bit about himself and what motivates him to volunteer at RHS! Sandeep writes, "What I love most about volunteering is the chance to connect with the school community and be part of an environment that supports our children’s growth. It’s inspiring to witness the dedication and school spirit that make RHS so special." Please click on the link below to read more.


If you'd like someone to be featured in our series, please email us at


Mid-Year Financial Review - Help Needed

No experience required! PTSA needs three or more current RHS PTSA members to review our financial documents using a checklist provided by WA State PTA. This is done to provide transparency in our organization and to identify areas for improvement. Time commitment is 2+ hours in January or February, at a date and time set by members of the committee.



Tickets on Sale now for Sense & Sensibility

RHS Drama opens its season on Friday, November 8 with a playful new adaptation of Sense & Sensibility. Information about the show, including which roles are double cast (you will want to see BOTH amazing casts) and a link to get your tickets is available on our website. Tickets are also available on the HomeTown Ticketing App. 


Parent Chat - Screen-Based Childhood

Join us for a webinar to explore how screen time affects your child’s mental health. Learn practical tips and strategies to help navigate today’s screen-dependent world and foster a healthier relationship with technology.

This topic is suitable for parents of all school-aged children.

Wednesday, November 13 from 7-8pm, over Zoom.


College Essay Workshop

Tick Tock! Deadlines approach!


Friday, November 15: Early Action, Early Decision, and UW deadlines


Monday, December 2: UC Schools deadline

 The College Essay Workshop connects students with trained volunteers for personalized support in editing and reviewing their essays and personal statements. Share this with your student, we look forward to helping them wrap things up!



When: Loads of options!

How: Zoom link provided upon sign up.



Due to frequent no-shows on Zoom, we have implemented a waitlist system. There will be a 5-minute grace period. If a student does not arrive, the tutor will fill the spot from the waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis. To be added to the waitlist, just sign up for the desired slot; if it’s full, they’ll be waitlisted automatically.



We’re excited to introduce CEW OFFLINE! Students can email their essay or personal statement for review to A tutor will provide feedback and return it with edits within 24 hours. It’s quick and easy - no appointments needed!


Questions? Ask us!


Remember to vote by Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Return your signed ballot by mail, drop box , or voting center by Election Day on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

There is still time to register to vote in person at a voting center by Tuesday, November 5 at 8pm!

To learn more about all things related to voting in Washington State, visit this helpful WA Election Information website and our RHS PTSA Advocacy Page.

RHS PTSA Opposes Ballot Measures

The RHS PTSA board and membership have voted to oppose three ballot measures in the November election because of the impact they would have on student health and schools.

Our opposition to Initiatives 2109, 2117, and 2066 aligns with the LWPTSA (see below). The WSPTA also opposes I-2109 and I-2117. To read WSPTA's opposition statements and for general information on taking positions on ballot measures, please see this FAQ.

'No' on 2109

The RHS PTSA board and membership have voted to oppose Initiative 2109, aligning with the LWPTSA and WSPTA. Read Council’s statement on I-2109 here.


'No' on 2117

The RHS PTSA board and membership have voted to oppose Initiative 2117, aligning with the LWPTSA and WSPTA. Read Council’s statement on I-2117 here.


'No' on 2066

The RHS PTSA board and membership have voted to oppose Initiative 2066, aligning with the LWPTSA. Read Council's statement on I-2066 here.

Support the LWSD Levy Campaign

Vote yes for our kids! The LWSD levy campaign has kicked into full gear! As a volunteer-run organization, the Lake Washington Citizens Levy Committee relies on parents, teachers and community members to ensure we support LWSD kids at the ballot box this November.

RHS PTSA board and membership endorse the levy, and we hope you will not only vote YES this November to help ensure that every student in LWSD learns in safe, healthy and modern schools—but we also encourage you to show your support through the following advocacy actions:


REQUEST A YARD SIGN to show your support.

Join the LWCLC at one of their many upcoming voter contact events. Training will be provided; no experience needed.



Peach jar

The PeachJar is LWSD's publication for community news and events. Click the logo to see what's happening!

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