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Service Recordings

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contact Laura to add info

Peace Center

Our Fellowship meets every Sunday (September - May) at 10:00 am at the

Headwaters Peace Center 

1826 Mikrantip Rd SW

Bemidji, MN 56601 

For more information contact: 

Join us by zoom using the link above or following this sign-in information:

Meeting ID: 960 3461 6935 Call in number: 1 (312) 626 6799

Click here for Google directions
Oct. 2023

October 1, 2023

The Beliefs We Inherit

Speaker - Karen Gustafson

Coordinator - Maggie Carlson

All of us come to Unitarian Universalism with a previous relationship/history of beliefs bequeathed to us by our families of origin, our cultural, educational, religious backgrounds, that we have integrated or metabolized, rejected or reframed or retired. We come for many reasons into what we hope will be a space large enough to hold our doubts and our dreams, our longing to connect our beliefs with our actions, to be held in a community of acceptance and integrity. We keep showing up because, more often than not we find enough of that space. And from time to time, we are met with language and assumptions carried by the the beliefs we thought we had left behind. What to do?  

Karen Gustafson is recently retired after 39 years of active Unitarian Universalist ministry. She served the Duluth congregation from 1986 to 2007 and the First Unitarian Society of Madison WI from 2007-13. Since then she has three interim ministries and is REALLY retired now except for offering individual Life Review retreats at her home in Knife River, MN on the North Shore of Lake Superior. She lives with her husband . She has been visiting the HUUF fellowship since about 1988 and is always delighted to be invited to speak.

October 8, 2023

Am I my ancestor’s wildest nightmare or a dream?

speaker - Terry Anderson

coordinator - Barb Houg

As Austin Kleon explains: We are a collage—a remix—of our ancestors. We have spiritual DNA, as well as physical, and our lot in life is to answer the questions posed by the people who came before us. 

At this service we will explore how a connection to our ancestors may help us understand who we are today. What do I carry on my DNA that comes from the experiences of my ancestors? What are my ancestors’ hopes for me?

Will I become my ancestor’s wildest nightmare or a dream? 

We warmly welcome former HUUF member, Terry Anderson, to share her thoughts with us in her uniquely authentic and inspirational approach.

And, another special treat for this Sunday's service...

Shylan Rose will be joining us virtually from Washington to sing a couple of songs today!

October 15, 2023

More info to come...

coordinator - Paul Kivi

October 22, 2023

Working together to preserve our heritage on the Chippewa National Forest

Speaker and Coordinator - Sean Dunham

October 29, 2023

Details of Rev. Skochko's service will be included later in the month....

Speaker - Rev. Sarah Skochko

Coordinator - Maggie Carlson

Sarah Skochko is a Unitarian Universalist writer, minister, and chaplain. She is a good speaker, expressive, very determined to point out how UU churches have a unique challenge. Liberal organizations can be prey to individuals or small groups that have major agendas. We have a challenge of not taking on all sides of a topic. She argues that it is important to not let our liberal stance mean that we have to hear all sides of an argument especially that of racism or anti LGBQ beliefs. Her specific talk for HUUF will be detailed in the service reminder for this week.

During Sunday Religious Growth and Learning children who have been attending are reminded of our overall theme this year of The Gifts of Our Faith. We start by talking about our theme of the month; October’s being The Gift of Heritage/Roots!

Then our focus of the Sunday is introduced. They take guesses what is in the gift box relating to our topic and then

enjoy opening the Gift Box to view what is inside. I find most children are eager to share their thoughts in our discussion. I am amazed by their comments and shared experiences on each topic.

Please remember to sign in your child each week at the welcome table so we know who will be in class each Sunday. Registration forms will be completed in October so that we

have a better idea of the ages and number of children attending each Sunday.

The RGL committee will hold a meeting on Sunday, October 8, 11:20am after the service. Anyone interested in RGL is welcome to attend; childcare will be available.

Sunday, Oct. 1 -

The Gifts of Staying Close to Our Roots

Sunday, October 8 -

The Gifts of Reclaiming Our Roots (Indigenous Peoples Day)

Sunday, October 15 -

The Gifts of Our LGBTQ+ Roots

Sunday, October 22 -

The Gifts of Being Rooted in Science and Reason

Sunday, October 29 -

The Gifts of Honoring and Grieving Our Roots (Samhain & Pagan Roots)


If you have any comments or questions, please contact me on Sundays after service, or my phone number is:


Susanne Rabel

HUUF Committee Links

HUUF Board

Social Justice




October's Features

Sometime Choir

Sometimes Only Choir

Thanks to our choir who sang and played on Sept. 10th. If I can speak for the rest of you (and I am), we had a great time singing and playing, and I know that our people had a good time too! Thank you!

I will send out music, and a date for our next "performance" as soon as I get the word from which presenter would like to have us. In the future, I'd love to say we'd meet on a certain Sunday of every month, but I cannot establish that yet. Meanwhile, just wait for a text or email from me. If you are a person not in our "Sometimes Only" choir, and would like to join us, PLEASE let me know. Send me a text, or call, or email. phone #(605)321-3772. We're happy to have you join us!  

Peace, Deedee  🎼

huuf food

Sunday Snacks

If you enjoy gathering after Sunday fellowship for coffee and treats maybe you would be willing to bring treats yourself one Sunday. Better yet, sign up with a friend and each bring something. It can be store bought or made at home. Follow the link below to sign up or let Candy Roberts-Salter know and she'll get you signed up


Snack Sign-Up Genius

Highway Clean Up

Saturday October 7th, 10 am

Please consider helping our fun crew as we show up for HUUF along Highway 2 and clean our stretch of the road. This is a great one-time Social Justice opportunity. Meet at the 2 West Express Gas Station in Solway at 10:00 am or give Fred a call for more information.

Fred 763-567-8897

The Soul Matters theme this month is:

The Gift of Heritage

If you'd like to access the packet for this month's theme follow the link below and enter the password: huuf23

The Gift of Heritage.
A welcoming message from our new UUA President, Dr. Sofia Betancourt.

The annual Welcoming message from our UUA President, Dr Sofia Betancourt.

Tell us about your family....

I’m a mother of two children, Amberly (23) and William (“Billy” – three years old). My daughter, Amberly is in California finishing a premed internship at UCLA and many of you have met Billy who often attends HUUF with me. Billy’s

family also includes his father Randy and siblings Maggie, Klara and Sam.

My parents, Mary and Steve, moved to Bemidji from Alexandria to be close to Billy. They share my values consistent with HUUF and may attend sometime!

We love our pets, including a very sweet dog Suzy, an elderly cat Layla, and Billy’s bunny.

Meet the Members

Stefanie Sanden

Tell us things you’d like us to know about you.

1. Family-life is my priority

2. My professional background is in nursing, advanced practice, and education

3. I love to get out and enjoy the Bemidji area’s nature!

Briefly tell us about your journey to HUUF.

I’ve been coming to HUUF for the last year. I participated in humanist,

interfaith, and secular communities and camps while raising my daughter in

other locations prior to that. These communities have provided cherished

friendships, shared values, inspiration, and many opportunities for growth. I look forward to these kinds of experiences here.

My journey to HUFF included discovering the local UU fellowship online. I

searched for a local UU after years of knowing this would be a good fit for me

and my family. I am grateful for being a part of this community and the

opportunities for Billy including religious growth and learning and the parenting

group. I have enjoyed coming together for talks – especially from local speakers

and those within our group. I always leave inspired!

Peace Center

Board Members

Candy Roberts-Salter - President

Laura Dropps - Treasurer

Nancy Mason - Secretary

Deedee Buetner- Trustee

Allison Cease- Trustee

Mike Bjerk - Trustee

Amy Hartwell- Trustee

Jennifer Dunham - Trustee

Committee Chairs

Sunday Sacred Service- Maggie Carlson and Tricia Andrews

Newsletter- Nancy Mason


Membership- Paula Peters

    Caring Team- Nancy Benson and Deedee Buettner

Canvass- Brent McWithey

Facilities - Sean Dunham

Religious Growth and Learning- Susanne Rabel

Social Justice- Sarah Baker and Mike Bjerk

Finance- Laura Dropps

Technology - Fred Foresman

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