Happy New Year!!
Welcome 2024! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season.
Over the years I've studied the Human Design System and have worked with many to help you navigate life as your true self. In Human Design, the new year is celebrated when there is a change in the influences of the Sun. This year the sun enters a new energy cycle on January 22. Referred to as the Rave Solar Year, a new pattern of energies begins a few weeks after the familiar calendar new year.
Each Solar year brings with it a background energy that affects all of us. Over the past few years we have see how times are changing. The world is a very different place than it was even 50 years ago and we are having to adapt to the rapid change we are experiencing. This year you may feel underlying pressure to focus on security and survival despite circumstances. The social systems are changing, and the influence of past logic may no longer apply leading to frustration, upset or melancholy.
The key to managing this year's energies is to be in the now, the present moment, as much as possible. It is a technique we are familiar with. Mindfulness, meditation and present moment practices are common place now, replacing the fear and judgement of meditation that existed 50 years ago. And today remaining in the now, being present in the moment, is a practice that we can count on.
Holding on to what we think our life should be and trying to make that happen denies our present life. If we remain in the present, we can ask "What works now? What can I do now?" If the usual techniques or methods don't work remind yourself that there is a solution. Set aside the mind's chatter and step into the Now. If you experience melancholy, use that emotion as your signal to take some time to be alone and go within.
We rely so much on our mind to guide our way but it is the body that holds the wisdom of where we are going and what is best for each of us. It holds a subtle awareness or intuition of what is happening all around us. But the only way we can recognize this information that the body has to offer is to be present in the now. Let your mind hold the facts and figures, the pros and cons, but let the body be your guide when making decisions.
Human beings are survivors. In spite of what may be happening around us, if we remain in the moment, remain in the Now, our body's awareness of how to live amidst a changing world will guide us.
This year I invite you to practice a little selfishness. Pay attention to you and spend more time in the Now.
Happy New Year!!
Reiki training and sessions, personal counseling and Human Design guidance
and training are offered to help you balance and gracefully navigate life.
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