Hexagon | AutonomouStuff News
Enabling the future of autonomy
November 2022
AutonomouStuff leads the industry in enabling, accelerating and deploying the future of autonomy.

Our team works hard to remain at the forefront of technology in this fast-paced, ever-changing industry, with one main goal: help our customers succeed.
In this issue:

Go big or stay home!
  • Everyone loves a road trip, even our Ford Transit 

ICYMI The new Honda CR-V platform
  • Global, affordable and ready to accelerate your autonomy R&D

Have you read Velocity yet?
  • Learn about safe autonomy, from mining to agriculture
Taking our Ford Transit autonomous platform on a road trip
First: Our Ford transit platform arrives at NC A&T with Kevin Fay, our vehicle platforms portfolio manager, and Heather Reichert, our autonomy sales manager.

Second: The "Aggie Auto" GEM was unveiled earlier this month. The platform uses our autonomy software and perception hardware!
When the North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University invited us to join in the unveiling of their latest "Aggie Auto" Global Electric Motorcar (GEM) autonomous shuttles, we thought, "Why not get our Ford Transit out of the stable and take a road trip?"

On the way down from our home in Peoria, IL, to Greensboro, NC, we visited universities along the way to show and tell all the technology that goes into developing an autonomous platform—and made some new friends while we were at it!

If your institute or program is looking to accelerate its autonomy R&D program or application, we'd love to talk to you about how our automotive platforms are designed to make building easy.
Say hello to our latest autonomy platform: The Honda CR-V drive by-wire
Speaking of autonomous R&D, we recently launched the Honda CR-V drive by-wire kit for industry and universities looking for an economical, globally available platform for their autonomy R&D.

Available for 2020-2022 Honda CR-V models in both left-hand (LHD) and right-hand drive (RHD), the platform provides consistency across international research groups and applications.

Learn more about how you can accelerate your hardware and software development for advanced driver-assistance systems on our website.

All aboard for driving safe autonomy in Velocity 2022
In the 10th anniversary issue of Velocity, autonomy comes alive with a spectrum of stories about how our customers are improving the world around us.

Read how the University of Iowa uses our Ford Transit platform as a rural shuttle to increase accessibility through its R&D program or why a mining company in the Australian outback converts their transportation fleet into autonomous road trains. With the benefits of reducing crop inputs and increasing productivity, one agriculture customer literally reaps the benefits of autonomy.

Grab a coffee and click below to be transported into the autonomous future!