Call Us At: 636-947-3199
DESC Board Chairman Jan Donelson, St. Charles Mayor Dan Borgmeyer and Museum Founder Mimi Jackson celebrate the city's proclaiming July 1, 2023 as Lewis & Clark Boat House & Museum Day.
Mayor Proclaims Lewis & Clark Boat House Day in honor of 20 years on Missouri’s Banks

WHEREAS: For 20 years, the Lewis & Clark Boat House and Museum has shared the history of the epic Expedition in the spot where the famous explorers camped in May 1804;
WHEREAS: The museum traces its roots to 1985, when Mimi and Darold Jackson opened the Lewis & Clark Center, an educational museum telling the story of the Lewis & Clark Expedition on Main Street and to the historical research and craftsmanship of Glen Bishop who created replicas of the explorers’ boats;
WHEREAS: The museum is rated as one of the top attractions in St. Charles, with more than 25,000 annual visitors and status as an official destination on the National Park Service’s Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail. By virtue of its location, the museum is a welcome destination for travelers on the National Trail, the Katy Trail and the Missouri River – including serving as the finish line for canoeists and kayakers paddling from Kansas City in the MR340 each year;
WHEREAS: The museum is a favorite destination for school and senior groups, hosting more than 200 school groups annually, developing a series of films based on key episodes in the Expedition, and using its location on the banks of the Missouri to educate about the history and science behind the life of the river;
WHEREAS: The Boat House was created along the banks of the Missouri River in order to serve as dry dock for three full-size replica historic boats and to be home for the museum’s displays and artifacts and headquarters of the Discovery Expedition of St. Charles, a crew of re-enactors and historians who re-enacted the full journey of Lewis & Clark from 2003-2006;
WHEREAS: This anniversary year, the Museum has embarked on a capital campaign to expand its classroom space and improve exhibits, lighting, garden and event space and celebrating the many volunteers, founders and partners who have contributed along the way;
WHEREAS: The mission of the Lewis & Clark Boat House, Museum and Discovery Expedition of St. Charles is to provide genuine living history and museum experiences that promote education and the study of our national heritage during the period surrounding the historic Lewis & Clark Expedition of 1803-1806;
WHEREAS: The organization strives to educate all people who visit the Boat House and Museum on the challenges faced by the Corps of Discovery, their recordings of new floral and fauna, their encounters with the many indigenous people, and the story of the organization’s Bicentennial re-enactment.
WHEREAS: The Museum is a proud and active partner with the City of St. Charles, the County of St. Charles, our Chamber of Commerce and many festivals and civic organizations.
NOW THEREFORE I, Daniel J. Borgmeyer, Mayor of the City of St. Charles, Mo, do hereby declare July 1, 2023, “Lewis & Clark Boat House and Museum Day” and heartily congratulate the Museum on its milestone anniversary and its most welcome presence as a landmark on our historic waterfront.
Visitors to the anniversary celebration learned, from top left, about the life of the Voyageur, firestarting, the skills of Newfoundlands, the travails of author Amanda Hoenes, who canoed from Three Forks to the Gulf of Mexico and from Sue Schneider who spoke at the Anniversary Dinner about the beginnings of the Lewis & Clark Boat House and Museum.
Join the encampment at
Ft. Massac
Be part of one of the largest historical camps anywhere at Ft. Massac as part of the Corps of Discovery. Ft. Massac Encampment this year falls on Friday October 20th thru Sunday 22nd.
Each year our level of participation is determined by the number of volunteers. This encampment is a premier event nationally and we’ve been taking center stage inside the fort.

This year our Board has determined to put some requirements on our participation. Declining numbers and folks not being there to set camp and not staying to break camp has really burdened the few that do set up and take down. Having a good contingent to march on Sunday is important, too. The Board has decided to require 12 to 15 soldiers/engagees to meet those ‘beginning to ending’ times in order to participate this year. Spouses can be counted in the 12 to 15. This is a wonderful event and the weather cooperates most years.

Jim Wallace and I hope you’ll sign up. The daily schedule will be the same as years past starting with students on Friday and the public on Saturday and Sunday. More to come as signup starts. If you have any questions, you can reach me (Mack Thornton) at 731-514-4075. We’d love to have our young actors to come and hone their skills that in turn might propel their acting skills to greater heights! We need your commitment by August 22nd.
Thanks, Jim Wallace and Mack Thornton (phase leaders)
PS: please signup with Brigitte (314-304-7877).
Americana Corner
As part of our commitment to enhanced history education, we have added interpretation experiences to our tours on some days. This month, Christian Brungart, a graduate student of history at the University of Missouri - St. Louis (at right) and Leah Webb, an English/Archaeology student at Grinnell College (shown below), have begun offering visitors descriptions of objects and skills that would have been critical in the era of Lewis & Clark.

By offering guests the experience of handling items like beaver pelts or military hats, we hope to instill enthusiasm and further interest in the era of Lewis & Clark in particular and the study of American history in general. The work of Christian and Leah is funded by the Americana Corner, Preserving America Grant Program.

Want to re-enact in St. Charles? Join us for Festival of the Little Hills, August 17-20! Call 636-947-3199 to volunteer.
DESC Director attends National Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation Annual Meeting
Travelers' Rest, the stopping point of Lewis & Clark, was the destination for 170 Lewis & Clark enthusiasts June 27-30 for the Annual Meeting of the Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. Representing DESC at the meeting, Executive Director Bob Foster said, "It was a great opportunity to meet historians, National Park Service staff and researchers alongside the trail in Montana." Among the many presentations, Sadie Peone-Stops, Director of the Séliš-Ql̓ispé Culture Committee, at left, discussed the ways Salish culture and traditions are practiced, and the richness of Salish life before and after the Lewis & Clark Expedition.
Volunteer for the MR-340 Finish Line crew!
When competitors in the world's longest nonstop single-river race finally set down their paddles after 340 miles, you want to be there cheering and bringing them refreshments. We're looking for volunteers to prepare the Boat House for finish line festivities, staff concessions, offer logistical support to the race organizers and help with restoring the museum to pre-race status. Contact Nancy Jackson or Bob Foster at 636-947-3199!

The race begins August 1 at Kaw Point on the Missouri River by Kansas City. Competitors have until sundown August 4 to get to the Boat House aboard their canoe, kayak, paddleboard, dragon boat or other non-powered watercraft. The event is a fundraiser for the important work of both Missouri River Relief and for the Lewis & Clark Boat House and Museum.
Road Scholars
Mimi Jackson describes and shares historical items with a group of children and their grandparents as part of the Road Scholars program. The museum is proud to partner with Road Scholar and offer custom programming to audiences of all ages. Learn more here: Educational Travel & Learning Adventures | Road Scholar
Upcoming events
August 3-4 MR340
August 18-20 Festival of the Little Hills, St. Charles
Sept. 22-24 Walk Back in Time, Mexico, MO
October 21-22 Fort Massac Encampment, Metropolis, IL
December 2-3 Holiday Celebration, St. Charles

At left, with April and May, we celebrated the return of school groups, with at least one class per day!
Renew your membership dues now!
Dues are paid by the calendar year: You can renew online, call 636-947-3199 or send a check to DESC, 1050 S. Riverside Drive, Saint Charles, MO 63301. Thank you for your support and for being a member!
Re-enactors wanted:
Walk Back in Time in Mexico, MO Sept 22-24.
Dear DESC members,
Several of you attended the Mexico Missouri Walk Back in Time event in 2021. In discussions with the planners they don’t feel that they will be able to raise the funds to have the boats back for this year's event. This is one of the three events that I felt was worth keeping (along with Festival of the Little Hills in St. Charles and Fort Massac in Metropolis, IL). I’m afraid that if we don’t keep the door open we won’t be invited back. 

Initially the Cadre elected not to attend this event due to the lack of funding. After relaying this decision to the WBIT planners they were very disappointed. They asked if we could show up with a small contingent of men and a small camp. After meeting with the Cadre and informing them that the planners could provide a $1,000 stipend, it was approved that I could offer a small camp. 

My thoughts are a group of 4-6 Corps members and a small camp consisting of 3 or 4 tents. I think this would be an opportunity to do a lean and mean camp that may serve us well going forward if there is a lack of manpower. If any of the volunteers could bring their own camp setup that would be great. No kitchen tent or food. There are food vendors of all kinds on site, a inexpensive fish fry on Friday night, plus they put on a reenactors dinner on Saturday night that is free. We will not have to attend on Friday which is the school kids day but we can set up camp on Friday afternoon. 

This is such a great event and I would like to keep the door open for us in future years. Be thinking about this and if you would like to be one of the members contact me through the boat house or directly. The event is September 22-24. I know it is early but wanted to get it on your calendar. I already have a couple of members committed. While I’m only asking for 4 to 6 members we will be happy to have more and that way if you only can come for a day we will have enough to man the camp throughout the event. Don’t let my request for a small number of men stop you from attending.

You can contact me at or at 573-253-0319.

For the good of the Corps, Tom Young -- Pvt. Patrick Gass
Annual Report to the Community

We welcomed 23,500 museum visitors last year, but our impact on the community is so much greater. We’re at the center of community celebrations, such as the Festival of the Little Hills and Fort Massac Encampment, the finish line for hundreds of paddlers in the MR-340, a regular partner with the St. Charles Convention and Visitors Bureau and destination for school groups, senior centers, and tour groups.

To learn about all we do, and plan to do, check out our

You can also mail a tax-deductible contribution to:
Discovery Expedition of St. Charles, 1050 S. Riverside Drive, Saint Charles, MO 63301.
Film Series Special Offer:
The first release of our film series capturing key moments in the journals of Lewis & Clark is now available for purchase and viewing. As members of the Discovery Expedition of St. Charles, you can subscribe to the initial introductory release of the Series at a greatly reduced price for a limited time offer of $29.99, a discount of 50 percent for the first six episodes. This offer will only be in effect until March 1, 2023. TO ACCESS AND DOWNLOAD THE VIDEOS, CLICK HERE.
Book your event at the Boat House!
Just this month, we hosted a 60th birthday party, wedding proposal (she said "yes!"), two days of corporate meetings and the return of school visits! We have booked a wedding rehearsal dinner for June 2023 and now have an ordained wedding officiant on staff.
Thanks to our friends and supporters!
We have been blessed by hundreds who helped along the way, but a special shout out to the following for their financial support!

Sacagawea’s Club ($10,000 and over)
Mr. and Mrs. Barbara and Ed Eller
FHC Foundation
Ms. Marilyn Geery
Ms. Carlota (Lotsie) Clark Hermann Holton
Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation (Lewis and Clark Trail Stewardship Endowment: A National Council of the Lewis and Clark Expedition Bicentennial Legacy Program)
Ron Lowery and family
National Park Service
Mr. and Mrs. Sue and Lynn Schneider

Jefferson’s Club ($1,000 and over)
Americana Corner
Audrain County Historical Society
Mr. Bryant Boswell
Mr & Mrs. Bill and Teri Brecht
City of St. Charles
The Explorer’s Club, St. Louis Chapter
Mr. John Fisher
Fort Massac State Park
Mr. Jerry Garrett
Mr. Duane Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Tom and Karen Ronk
Friends of Sue Schneider
Ms. Connie Tesson
Mr. & Mrs. Mack and Charleen Thornton
Paric Construction
Mr. & Mrs. Tom and Joy Young

Captain’s Club ($500 and over)
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Donelson
Ms. Anna Laughlin
Mr. Bob Learned
Kluesner Kreations
Lewis and Clark Indiana Foundation
Lewis and Clark Trust
Ms. Janise Manchester
Mr. Richard Prestholdt

In Honor of
Donations in Memory of Jay Coble
Donations in Memory of Barb Eller
Donation in Honor of Gene Glandt
Donations in Honor of Darold Jackson
Donations in Honor of Bob Kilmer
Donation in Honor of Marita Ulhaas Parker
Donations in Honor of the Wedding of Lynette Trotter and Gaylen Medders
Donation in Honor of Gene Olson
Donation in Honor of William J. Wolf
Donation in Memory of Donna Whitton, from her Knit-Wit Group
Donations in Memory of Bob Anderson
Donations in Memory of All DESC members who have passed: Presented by Bob & Pat Learned

The list is updated continually on our website! Visit and learn more about how you can get involved. And a special shout out to our Board and Staff for giving selflessly all year long.
You can be involved in many different ways:
  • Become a member or consider making an extra donation!
  • Volunteer at the Museum.
  • Consider adopting a part of the museum, such as a new display or upgrade.
  • Consider sponsoring an educational program or video series.
  • Does your company have services or products to donate? From cleaning services/supplies to printing to items for our raffle, we are always interested in partnerships.
  • Adopt a part of the museum, such as a new display. Consider sponsoring an educational program or a film in our mini series.

Just as the Corps of Discovery depended on teamwork, dedication and perseverance, so does your Museum and Discovery Expedition. We are incredibly proud to be recognized as an official site on the Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail. We have the only fleet of river-worthy replica boats in the United States. And most importantly, we are proud to be a living, working Museum! Thank you for being part of our journey.
Information about your Corps

Form 990, Annual Tax Filing As a 501(c)3 non-profit, the Discovery Expedition of St. Charles is required to file an annual statement for public viewing. The 2021 report and it's published here for your reference.

Guidestar Listing We have Silver Certification from Guidestar, a trusted directory of all U.S. nonprofits (free log-in may be required)
Interested in Qualified Charitable Distributions? We can help!
We're glad to accept gifts of cash via our online portal and we are a 501(c), with donations eligible for tax deductions. We hold Silver Certification from Guidestar, so you can feel comfortable donating.
Our mailing address is 1050 S. Riverside Dr., St. Charles, MO 63301.

Seeking a tax-advantaged way to handle your retirement plan's Required Minimum Distribution? Consider a Qualified Charitable Distribution, with our helpful IRS resources here.

Also, we are in the midst of a major renovation of the museum. We'd love to make a new home for your gently used office equipment including:
  • Bookshelves
  • Large flatscreen monitors (Smart TVs)
  • Patio Furniture