2025-2026 PREPA Grants: Request for Proposals
The Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) has announced their Request for Proposals for 2025-2026 PREPA Grants Funding for each project ranges from $5,000-$25,000 in scope. The PREPA Grant Program is designed to help communities make strides in protecting their natural resources and water quality, or in preparing for and adapting to climate change. Whether it’s updating stormwater management regulations, conducting natural resource inventories, or developing climate adaptation plans, this funding supports the important work happening locally.
Any of the 52 cities and towns in the Piscataqua Region Watershed in both Maine and New Hampshire as well as watershed groups and organizations partnering with one or more of these municipalities are eligible for this funding.
On January 15, 2025, from 10-11:30AM, PREP will host a webinar breaking down the process, from application through funding and implementation. Participants will also hear from funded applicants and have an opportunity to ask questions. Proposals are due March 31, 2025.
Request for Proposals link: https://prepestuaries.org/2025-2026-prepa-grants-request-for-proposals/
Webinar Registration link:
If a municipality is interested in applying or needs assistance with preparing an application, please reach out to Kyle Pimental at kpimental@strafford.org.