On October 21st, Albrey Arrington of the Loxahatchee River Environmental Control District (IRECD) contacted FRWA regarding donating two generators to systems that were affected by Hurricane Ian. FRWA responded immediately to their generous offer, sending IRECD a list of systems in the area that were damaged by the storm.
After reviewing the list, IRECD asked FRWA for suggestions according to the needs of the system. Upon review, the FRWA staff recommended two systems that experienced extensive damage during Hurricane Ian. "Moore Haven is small and very economically challenged and Punta Gorda served as the staging area in the SW for response crews, equipment storage and emergency response support for others while they had a bunch of damage themselves."
FRWA staff picked up the generators and delivered them to their respective systems. Both systems were very grateful for the donation.
In a letter to the District, Wayne Browning, Mayor of the City of Moore Haven expressed his appreciation to the district stating that, "The City of Moore Haven wants to thank the District for the donation of the 67kw portable generator. As the recent impact of Hurricane Ian has shown, the ability to recover quickly is critical to address damages and restore services as soon as possible to the residents of Moore Haven as well as have the ability to assist in other impacted areas as needed."
"The portable 67kw generator will be a much needed asset in many every day and emergency situations and this donation truly helps as City funding is limited especially during the current economic conditions."
Neil Peters with the City of Punta Gorda that served as a staging area for FRWA during relief efforts, was "incredibly humbled" by the "generous donation". Mr. Peters went on to say that " The donation of such a valued piece of equipment is beyond imagination. I hope not to have to face another disaster such as Hurricane Ian, but this generator will make recovery that much easier if the need ever arises."
"Not only will this generator aid in our future recovery, it will be made available for mutual aid to assist others in their time of need."
South Walton Utilities also donated a generator to the City of Labelle, a highly disadvantaged, low-income community who really benefits, appreciated, and needed a generator. Alicia Keeter, General Manager of South Walton Utilities, when asked to comment on the donations, simply said, "So glad we can help."
What a wonderful example of systems helping systems! The Florida Rural Water Association would like to thank the Loxahatchee River Environmental Control Systems and South Walton Utilities for their generous donation to their fellow systems. We salute the systems of Florida that work together to ensure safe drinking water is always available to all Floridians.
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This Week in Water History
December 1, 1909 An excellent summary of aggressive municipal measures to eradicate typhoid fever from a major city. Municipal Journal and Engineer. Philadelphia Wars on Typhoid. “In an address at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, Dr. A. C. Abbott, Director of the Hygienic Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania, and former Chief of the Bureau of Health, drew some striking comparisons between the present mortality rate from typhoid fever in Philadelphia and that which existed five years ago. In that time, he declared, by simple municipal measures, such as water filtration, strict supervision of the milk supply, and the cleaning up of river banks, the number of cases of typhoid fever had been reduced by fully 8o percent. Nearly one-half of the remaining cases are imported from other places by Philadelphians returning from their vacations. Still stricter regulation of dairies, the thorough disinfection of all sewage refuse, and, most important of all, the greatest personal care in the treatment of typhoid patients were urged as sure preventives of the disease. The use of uncooked vegetables raised on land fertilized with unsterilized sewage; the eating of raw oysters, not cleanly washed or handled, and the fly pest, which was characterized as a ‘filthy, intolerable nuisance, a disgrace to our civilization,’ were emphasized by Dr. Abbott as easily avoidable causes of the spread of typhoid. Vaccination, as a means of becoming immune to the disease, was described as entirely practicable and effective.”
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