August 11, 2023

Tacos, Trademarks and Today’s News

Taco Bell will offer free tacos on Tuesdays in August for “Taco Tuesday.”

This year’s 800-lb. butter cow is unveiled at the Illinois State Fair.

The Associated Press provides live updates on the destructive wildfires in Maui, Hawaii.

Bureau of Labor Statistics data indicates that the Consumer Price Index rose 3.2 percent in July compared to the prior year.

The thirty-year mortgage rate hits 7.09 percent, the highest level since 2002.

Some Illinois residents may be eligible for a rebate up to $4,000 for their purchase of an electric vehicle.

Governor Pritzker signs a law to consider a new state flag.

Pritzker signs law changing how day and temporary labor can be utilized in Illinois. Emergency regulations are on the law are released.

Fisher Village Trustees will consider awarding TIF grants to a pair of local businesses and begin the process of replacing the Sangamon Street Bridge.

Champaign Round Barn owners seek new business to occupy the building.

Douglass Park’s basketball courts are set to be refinished. 

Bids and RFPs

City of Champaign: Invitation to Bid: Champaign City Building Renovation Project; Janitorial Services for the City Building, 205 W. Park Ave., Public Works, Parking and Fire Station No. 1. Request for Proposals: 2023 MDCs, Docks, Mounts, Printers and Software for Police Squad Cars; Electronic Procurement System; 2024 Police Sergeant Promotional Testing Process; Commercial Painting and Drywall Repair Service Agreement.

City of Urbana: Invitation to Bid: Savannah Green Alleys Pavement Patching

Champaign County: Request for Proposals: Fiber Optic Loop Cable Replacement  

Village of Mahomet: None at this time.

Village of Rantoul: None at this time.

Village of Savoy: Request for Expressions of Interest: Downtown Savoy Development Opportunity.

C-UMTD: None at this time.  

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