Stepping Stones

For the Families of

Gluck Child Care Center

Dear Gluck Families,

Thank you for the amazing Valentine treats and goodies. The teachers loved them!

*Parent teacher conferences are coming up in April! Sign-up sheets will be posted in the classrooms soon. Please see below for each classroom's scheduled day.

This is a great opportunity for families to learn more about their child's participation in the classroom and their growth & development. We encourage families and teachers to use this time to ask questions and share!

April 2nd- Peas

April 3rd- Kittens

April 4th- Dinosaurs

April 5th- Penguins

April 9th- Koalas

April 10th- Monkeys

April 11th- Sealife/Rainforest

April 12th- Sealife/Rainforest

Thank you for signing up!

Upcoming Events:

Snow Day! Friday, March 8th - Every year the center organizes a fun snow day for the children using crushed ice. All classrooms (Infant and Preschool) will get to participate! Families are asked to bring the following items: Thick, water proof gloves are best. Jeans/pants, warm clothing with a jacket/coat is also recommended. Feet must be covered! No open toed shoes for this event. Please see classroom for reminders and more info. :)

*We kindly remind parents to please encourage children to use the sidewalk when traveling to and from the cars. Please remember to drive slowly when entering and exiting the center's parking lot.


*Heather- We have a new full time teacher beginning February 27th. She will be helping out in all the classrooms. Please welcome her!


If you have any questions regarding other illnesses please click on the link below.


If you have any questions please let us know.

Center Reminders

*Families must EXIT the center promptly at 6PM. Please arrive early to help transition your child from the center on time. Thank you!

*Your child is contracted for a 10 hour day. Please make sure you sign in and out the correct time on your child's clipboard located in their classroom.

*Please drive slowly while entering the center's parking lot.

*If your child(ren) will be withdrawing from the center please submit a thirty-day written notice. You can fill out and return the withdrawal form located at the front desk or submit an email to gluck@scrippshealth.org with your child's name and their last day of attendance. Thank you!

*We ask families to keep their child(ren) home if they display any symptoms of illness. This includes, but not limited to, fever, coughing, runny noses, diarrhea, vomiting, rashes that have not been cleared from your child's physician, and other symptoms/diseases/infections stated in the Gluck Health Policy.

*Center closes promptly at 6:00PM. Parents and children are not allowed to remain in the building past this time. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early if you need extra time to gather items and transition your child(ren) from the center.

If you have any questions please email us at gluck@scrippshealth.org

Follow us on Instagram @gluckchildcare

Our stepping stones will resume next year! If you child's classroom is missing a summary feel free to communicate with the teachers to see what fun things they did! We will be back on track in January 2024!

Happy Birthday to our Teachers!



25th Susan -Lead Teacher

WOW, lots of March birthdays coming up!!

5th-Tom Floater Teacher

15th-Liz Dinosaurs Teacher

16th-Milinda Floater Teacher

17th-Kristy Director

27th-Kayla Floater Teacher

Monthly Classroom Newsletter
Sweet Peas

Welcome February, with thoughts and actions of love and caring! We are so lucky to be able to love on your little ones all day, it truly fills our hearts. Our group is becoming two entities—we have our older friends who are all over the place, exploring and interacting with one another, and we have our younger babies who are acclimating to the sounds and activities of all the “big” kids! Our current challenge is allowing the older children to move and play about the room, while keeping the younger ones “safe”—“babies are friends, not food!”

We are saying “see you later, alligator” to our friend, Madison as she moved to the Penguin Class this month. Filling her spot is Violet, Raquel’s baby girl (and Wesley’s little sister)! We are so excited to welcome Raquel back from maternity leave and have her little one join us!  We will also have another sibling of a former Pea joining us in the future—Drake, Griffin’s baby brother, will begin in May.  It’s so amazing to watch our families grow and be able to be a part of their children’s early development 😊.

Our Sweet Pea Friends:

Zelda is taking steps now! She’s been a little timid to start but will be running around the room before we know it! Zelda will begin visiting in the older infant rooms as space permits, in anticipation of her move into the Dinosaur Room in April .  She has been taking her naps on a cot, and self-feeding for a while, so she is ready for the challenges of the next class.

Madison moved to the Penguin Classroom this month and is adjusting nicely. She is walking capably and enjoying the extra outside playtimes. All the activity is helping Madison to take longer mid-day naps—zzzzz. Madison still comes to the door occasionally looking for her BFF, Maru. Maru checks in on her also and is happy to see that Maddie is doing so well!

Ayla is getting ready to start walking also! She cruises all around the classroom, exploring toys and playing with her friends. Ayla is doing very well with her naps on a cot and is able to get off her cot and come to the gate when she awakes! She is so happy to see her friends when she arrives in the morning and enjoys socializing during her play times and mealtimes!

Reyan is a walking boy now! He just started but is taking more and more steps every day. Reyan is working on his solid food items also, but the lunch he couldn’t get enough of yesterday is the one he won’t touch today! Oh, Reyan, you are certainly making it hard for your Mommy to try and plan your meals. Reyan will be moving to a cot for his naps as soon as we have space—zzzzzz.

           Kassandra is working very hard to keep up with her older classmates (and succeeding!). She is moving all over the room to play with the toys and her friends, pulling to stand at every surface and getting ready to take independent steps at any moment!  Kassandra really loves her foods but wants to feed herself more and more—gyros and pita coming right up, yum!

Naomi is getting acclimated to our group care environment but is still trying to figure out how to share her teachers with the other friends. She takes her bottles easily and is doing better with napping in her crib rather than in her teacher’s arms!  Naomi is working on rolling from her back to her tummy, but then gets stuck! Keep trying, Naomi, you’ll get it soon!

Violet is the newest little one to join our group! Her mommy is our floater teacher Raquel, and her big brother (and former “pea”) is Wesley, who is now in Sealife! Violet has made a very smooth transition into our class and seems to be enjoying having the other curious children in her space.  We are happy to welcome Raquel back to work, and have Violet become a part of our classroom! 😊




Feb 1—Madison moves to the Penguin Class

Feb 2—Groundhog Day!

Feb 6—Violet begins in Peas! Welcome back, Ms. Raquel!!

Feb 10—Lunar New Year! Year of the Dragon!

Feb 14—Valentine’s Day!

Feb 19—Presidents’ Day—Center CLOSED

Feb 29—Leap Day!!

March 10—Daylight Savings Time begins.

March 16—Kassandra’s First Birthday!

March 17—St. Patrick’s Day! (and Kristy’s birthday!)

April 2—Sweet Peas Parent/Teacher conferences on MicroSoft Teams (more info to follow)


“Measure your life in LOVE.”

--Jonathan Larson

“Seasons of Love” from RENT

Cozy Kittens

Happy Valentine’s Day Kittens families! This month our children had a lot of fun participating in different Valentine art projects. They also enjoyed having their pictures taken!

Mia is very happy to see mom when she comes to visit during lunch and breaks, she babbles and waves to mom. She also gets excited to hear music and dance along with it. She is practicing to say “Hi” and other words. She is doing very well during nap time.  She likes to follow her teachers to the kitchen/diaper area.

Clara is standing by herself just in time for her birthday on February 24. She is doing well pushing the first step baby walker around the classroom to start practicing on her steps. She still enjoys standing by the window watching old friends playing outside. She is working on taking her milk from a sippy cup!

Rylee is scooting and crawling all over the room. She becomes very excited to see the things she can reach and play with. She is working on pulling herself up on the furniture. She enjoys sitting at the table eating snack and lunch with her friends. She loves to listen to the teachers singing a song.

Theo is rolling around all over the classroom. He is sitting up strong with support. He is working on his scooting and crawling. He is happy sharing his smiles with his teachers and loves to watch his friends at play. He is working on eating finger food at the table with his friends.

Alexander is working on eating more finger foods and baby food. It seems like he loves it. Alex is always happy when mom visits for feedings. He is very good at rolling on both sides and practicing moving forward. He loves grabbing toys on the activity bar to play with. He likes babbling with his teachers and he gives a big smile. He also likes to interact with Rylee and Theo.

Kabani is beginning to feel more comfortable in a group care environment. She enjoys observing her friends around her. She is doing well with her bottle and eating solid food. She is also taking a good nap in her crib. She can roll over from her back to her tummy. She enjoys the songs the teachers sing to her.

Luca is the youngest in our class. He is a very happy and smiley boy. He can roll over from his back to his tummy and is working on his motor skills. Luca and Alex have also shown a lot of babbling and talking with friends. He is working on eating solid food.

Happy Birthday to Clara on February 24.


Friendly Reminders:

Center will be closed on February 19, 2024.

Sign your child in/out every day on the attendance sheet.

Remember to label and date all your child’s bottles and food brought to school.

Please change your child’s diaper when you arrive to school/bring them in a clean diaper.

Please follow the health guidelines of the center regarding illnesses.

Please bring in plastic containers only for baby food.

Please always use the gate properly. (i.e. no hopping /jumping over, or slamming, etc.)

We hope you have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

See you next month!


Please see classroom :)


Hello February, from your Penguin Pals!

In the past month of January, we did New Years themed art projects such as footprints to “step” into the new year! We are excited to continue more art projects for Februrary! Check out our Instagram page @penguinsclass to see what our penguins are up to during school!

In February, we plan to continue having loads of fun as Valentine’s Day approaches. Just as a reminder, the center will be closed all day on February 19th to celebrate Presidents’ Day. We wish Luke and Emery good luck as they move over to Koalas this month! In February we welcome Madison from Peas, and Miram who is new to Gluck so make sure you give them a warm welcome!

As a reminder, please remember to LABEL your child’s water, milk, and lunches daily (name and date.) Please make sure to apply sunscreen on your child before coming to school. Please start to bring jackets to school as we are transitioning into colder months. Got toys you don’t need? Consider donating them to the Penguins, as we are always in need of more toys for the children!

We hope everyone has a safe and happy February!

Our Penguins:

Luke is ready for the challenges that await him in Koalas! He is able to utilize a spoon and fork and knows the classroom routines by heart! He loves being outside and running around with his friends! His bright energy and enthusiasm will be missed around the classroom. Good luck in Koalas Luke!

Emery is an independent girl who is more than ready to move up into Koalas! She has been talking so much now and can ask/say 2-3 word sentences. She is becoming more curious of the world around her, asking questions like “What’s that?” and repeating the new knowledge she has. Her kindness will be missed in the class! Good luck Emery!

Isla loves being outdoors with her friends, riding the carts back and forth in the playground! She continues her love for cleaning as she helps teachers and friends clean up after meals and during transitions. She also loves bird watching as she often is found trying to find new birds outside.

Coco is a dance machine as she loves to bounce to music and will often be seen requesting Baby Shark multiple times over! She has been engaging with more puzzle toys around the class. She is becoming more independent as she knows the class schedule and can easily transition from one activity to the next.

Zaki is such a sweetheart and loves to cuddle up with teachers throughout the day! He can grab his own sweater and knows when it is appropriate to bring it to teachers. He loves all forms of music, especially when teachers and friends all sing songs together. He loves the rockers outside as he rocks to “Row Your Boat”! Thea loves showing her teachers the toys she is playing with and loves being outdoors to see her sister playing! She is currently loving peak-a-boo, and indoor circle time with her teachers! While eating, she

loves to dance in her seat as she eats her meals and is a great cuddle buddy! She can also pinpoint who’s stuff is who’s, and is great at sharing her toys!

Myles is starting to talk more as he can now say “all done” when he is finished with his meal! He knows where to put his food and drink when done. He absolutely loves to dance, especially when he is surrounded with other dancing friends! His gross motor skills are also improving as he better navigates around the class! Rosalind is adjusting so well and is making so many friends in Penguins! She is very curious as she wanders around the class, looking at all the toys and activities available to her! She will engage in parallel play with other friends, and already knows a lot of the Penguin routine! We are so happy to have her in our class!


Please see classroom :)


Hello February! Love is in the air. Happy Valentine’s Day. This month is very special because it is the month of love. We made some heart shaped crafts that you can see in our classroom. We also rearranged the classroom a little bit, and it looks more spacious. Hope you like it. We started doing yoga with our little monkeys and relaxation time, and they love it. We noticed the kids feel relaxed, and it helps them, especially the ones that have a hard drop off. We also got new books, and the monkeys have been more encouraged & motivated during circle time. They get excited with new books and activities. If you have any extra books at home that you would like to donate, we would be happy to take them. Thank you for all the Valentine’s gifts you have dropped off for all the teachers. We appreciate you so very much.

Book recommended for the month: You can never run out of love by Helen Docherty

Important: We are saddened to see Reina go. She got offered a new job position that she’s interested in, and she will give it a try. Her last day will be February 23rd. Please take the time to wish her well as she encounters a new change in her life. We will miss you Ms. Reina!!

*Our Valentine’s Day party is right around the corner. Please be sure to bring in the items you signed up for. If you would like to bring a small treat and/or cards for the classroom, you are more than welcome to do so.

Notes: Potty training: We are amazed on how well our monkeys are doing with potty training. Please always keep us updated if there are any new changes. Please be safe during rainy weather.

Welcome back Nolan. He will join our monkey classroom again mid-February.

Happy Birthday Finn & Dalia

Please don’t forget to bring in a jacket or coat for your child every day and take home any extras. Please label water bottles and take home every day after school.

For questions and concerns you can call or email during office hours 2-3 pm.

Thank you again,






What We Did In JANUARY!


We are happy to announce that Sealife is halfway through our “Handwriting Without Tears.” Yay! Our curriculum is designed to make handwriting easy to teach & easy to learn. Each week we introduce a new letter to the children. And we discuss words that start with the letter of the week. With the help of the teachers, each child is continuing to write and trace in their workbooks every week. Each child is encouraged to complete one letter by the end of the week but if they are unable to finish it, then this is ok. We want every child to feel comfortable writing/tracing their letters and to continue a pace that is more appropriate for them.


It is important to acknowledge that every child is different and unique (this is what makes them special to all of us). With that in mind, we are happy to announce that MOST of our friends look forward to working in their workbooks and have made significant progress. In addition to letter exploration, we have also begun to discuss different shapes such as: circle, oval, square, rectangle, crescent, triangle, and diamond. This is all in preparation for this year’s student assessments that are fast approaching.


Our primary goal is to continue incorporating the Reggio Emilia approach into the classroom, where the children are the initiators of their discovery, and the teachers help guide and assist. We want our little friends to feel they are important individuals who can make decisions on their own. This is the time to observe where our friends shine and what their interests are, and to provide them with the tools to explore this!




Mr. Frankie and Miss Yeretzi will be working with each child more closely in order to prepare for parent-teacher conferences. These are coming up soon! In the months ahead we will post a reminder in the classroom. Also, we will continue to share each child’s progress with the parents as we normally do, not only during parent-teacher conferences. We believe communication is important and essential in helping our Sealife friends develop in all areas. Mr. Frankie and Miss Yeretzi are always available to address any questions or concerns that you may have, so please do not hesitate to ask!


Sealife Projects/Activities…


What does love look like? Feel like? Sound like? - Valentine's Day is a special day that captures the hearts {and sweet-teeth} of our children, but it is also a day that holds so much possibility for dialogue about lovekindness, and friendship. For this particular activity we posed these questions to our Seahorse friends: “What does love look like, feel like, and sound like?” The answers we got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined.


Why is painting so valuable? - Educators may plan a painting experience to fill part of the schedule, but what most teachers discover is that painting becomes much more than just a simple art activity. Painting is a way for children to do many important things: convey ideas, express emotion, use their senses, explore color, explore process and outcomes, and create aesthetically pleasing works of art and experiences. In addition, painting is also a playground for cognitive development. The choices involved in selecting colors, shapes, and techniques require problem-solving and decision-making. Children develop critical thinking skills and learn strategic thinking as they make these important choices.

§ Art Stimulates Creativity & Problem-Solving Skills

§ Art Promotes Self-Esteem & Self-Expression

§ Art Contributes to Fine Motor Development

§ Art Helps Develop Visual-Spatial Processing

§ Art Builds Memory & Self-Control


What are the benefits of painting pottery with children? - While most children love to draw and color, it never occurs to many parents that their children might also love to paint pottery. Painting pottery is not just fun; it also has a number of potential benefits for children. Here are a few reasons you might want to consider bringing your child to a pottery painting class for kids. 1. Painting teaches concentration- Since children tend to have a lot of energy, it can be easy for them to become overstimulated and have trouble focusing. 2. Painting allows for self-expression- Children are bursting with the need to express themselves! The stimulation that comes from creative expression is essential to a child’s mental and emotional development. Pottery painting allows children to express themselves in a new and unusual way and experience the joy that comes from hearing others respond to their work. 3. Painting is fulfilling- There is nothing like the sense of accomplishment that comes from completing a work of art by yourself. When your child finishes painting a beautiful and unique piece of pottery, he or she can feel the pride that comes from learning a new skill and the excitement that comes from creating something that is truly theirs.


Heart tree- Parents love when children create handprint crafts as a special keepsake for their ALL ABOUT ME books. One of our absolute favorite crafts for Valentine’s Day is the handprint heart tree. It is a classic craft that every parent enjoys for their memory books so they can look back on it every year.


Please ask your child to take home their artwork/drawings if their mailbox is overflowing. You are welcome to grab a plastic bag from the bathroom, so it is easier for your child to carry.


Please try to leave toys at home. We understand it is very tempting for our friends to bring precious items from home to share with their classmates, but we think it would be best for everyone if they remain home. Sometimes toys become broken and lost, and we are unfortunately unable to keep track of all the items your child brings. We have designated days for show-n-tell, which will be the perfect opportunity for child to share a toy. We will keep you posted of show-n-tell dates. Thank you!

What Lies Ahead…


As we approach the month of February, the month of FRIENDSHIP, we have some fun activities planned out for our friends! We will be decorating our very own Valentine’s Day bags with markers and crayons, stickers and stamps, glue, and glitter. As always, we will continue to do mystery bin as a class and continue working through our workbooks as often as possible. The children are having a lot of fun learning and writing their letters. We have also been dancing and singing along to new songs on the Get Set For School CD. Ask them to share them with you.

We Appreciate Any Donations! Thank You!


Additional Information & Reminders


*Happy Birthday to Penelope (28th)


*Please check clipboards regularly for updates, information, or comments about what your child may have done that day. This is one of the ways we communicate with parents. Sometimes we will post accident/incident reports on the clipboard as well OR we may file them and leave a note in the comment section. If your child goes home with an unreported “ouchy” please speak to Mr. Frankie & Miss Yeretzi so we can help find out what may have happened. We apologize if this ever happens and will try our absolute best to prevent this from occurring again.


*The writing center is for parent and child! This is a great opportunity for you and our child to spend 5 minutes each day tracing or writing, which will help strengthen important skills. Parents can begin teaching their child responsibility and a sense of pride in their work! It may take more time in the beginning when your child first learns to trace, but eventually they will learn to do most of their tracing/writing on their own with little to no guidance. This is what we hope to see each child accomplish before they leave for kindergarten.



*Please let us know if there is ever a concern or if you have a question regarding your child and the Sealife classroom. Mr. Frankie & Miss Yeretzi are always here for you and will try our absolute best to answer or fix any concerns you may have. We appreciate communication!


*Virtual parent/teacher conferences will be held in April 2024. Sign-up coming soon!


*And most importantly, we love our Sealife families. You all are some of the kindest and most thoughtful families Mr. Frankie & Miss Yeretzi have met and we are truly thankful for this.


*Sealife Valentine’s Day Party will be held Wednesday, February 14th (kids only)


*Center closed for President’s Day!





January was a cold but fun month! We all adjusted well from our time off with our families and ready to start off the new year positively.



Last month the Panthers and Tigers read the book “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds. “The Dot” is about a young girl named Vashti who does not believe he can draw. One day, her teacher tells her to just make a mark and see where it takes her. She grabbed her marker, made a dot, and signed it. The next day when she saw it hanging in a frame, she told herself she could make a better dot than that! Vashti experimented and painted until she made dozens of dots in all different sizes and colors. At the end, she helps encourage another young girl that she can do anything she puts her mind to. This book in not only about art, but a book about bravery. It encourages children to try new or challenging things, to explore their creativity and to have confidence in their abilities. The Tigers and Panthers made an art project that was inspired by this book.


They also learned about “Mondrian” Art. This art is inspired by Dutch modern painter Piet Mondrian. He is best known for his 1920’s works of art that feature only horizontal and vertical lines along with black, white, and primary colors. They enjoyed painting and creating their art!



Books We Read…

Some of our favorite books we read this month were “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds as well as all the books all our friends brought to share. The children really enjoyed reading them! Parents, please feel free to bring books to share with the classroom! Thank you!

What Lies Ahead…

Since this month is Valentines, we will be creating holiday art pieces that go with this month’s theme. One is called “Pieces of my heart” and the other is mosaic hearts!

As always, please try to check the sign-in area for additional information!



Additional Information & Reminders


*Happy Birthday to Emi, William, Danielle and Zoe!


*Please let us know if there is ever a concern or if you have a question regarding your child and the Rainforest classroom. Mrs. Stephanie and Mrs. Lauren are always here for you and will try our very best to answer questions and or fix any concerns you may have. We appreciate communication!


*It’s starting to get cold in the afternoon. Please bring a jacket for your child! Our outside time this month is from 4:00-5:00.


*Please check Parent Folders located by the door occasionally, you don’t want to miss any important information.


* Please try to leave toys at home. We understand it is very tempting for our friends to bring precious items from home to share with their classmates, but we think it would be best for everyone if they remain home. Sometimes toys become broken and lost, and we are unfortunately unable to keep track of all the items your child brings.




Mrs. Stephanie and Mrs. Lauren 

Snack & Lunch Menu

***Click on link below to view menu***

*Milk is provided at lunch*

Please check the front for January MENU

You may also pick up a copy of the menu at the front desk or take a picture. Click on link below.

Amazon Lists

Click on link or copy & paste

 Updated links coming soon!