Editor's note: Matt seemed to be a short on words last week.
That was due entirely to a mistake on the editor's part. Nothing was missed and we are back on track this week! Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Dear Centenary Family,
Our main goal for ministry this Fall and on into 2024 is to recreate a strong sense of spiritual community. We want to develop opportunities for us to gather for fellowship with each other. We are hoping to create opportunities for us to invite friends and neighbors to join us in activities where we can meet in simple ways to build relationships. We are calling this focus “Centenary Connects.” We want to find ways to connect to each other, to our city, particularly our downtown community, in new ways, and want these opportunities to be welcoming to people who may be visiting our church or exploring faith in some new way.
Our first Centenary Connects event is a “Fellowship and Fried Chicken” gathering after worship here at the church on September 10. I hope you’ll read about that event in the article below and plan to join us that Sunday. I hope you’ll use this as an opportunity to invite friends or neighbors to come with you and experience the warmth and hospitality of a caring Christian community. Watch for more opportunities to meet up in October.
Maybe you have an idea of an experience, event, or place we could invite people to gather for fellowship. A restaurant? A walking tour of some part of the city? Farmer’s Market? A mission/service opportunity we could all share? Movie? Concert, play, lecture? Centenary friends in your neighborhood for coffee or dessert? The possibilities are many. Let me or Karen Junker, our Lay Leader, or one of our ministry team leaders (Mary E. Vetrovec, Doug Wilson, Nathan Grubb ) know if you’ve got an idea that will help connect us to each other, and through those gatherings to God and our neighbors in the city.
Thanks to some faithful volunteers and to Laura Nealley, we’re working on making sure everyone gets a name tag. Please see the note below if you need a new name tag. This will help us know one another better and care for each other.
The sermon I’m working on for this week is based on the Epistle reading, Romans 12:1-8. The title I’m working with is “A New Mind?”
I’m looking forward to this Sunday, this fall and beyond as we explore new ways to grow in faith and mission.