Trinity Tidings

This Coming Sunday: July 3, 2022


After Pentecost

 Click  link for the Sunday Scripture Readings

Our children practiced what it might look like to live in the Fruit of the Spirit in real-life scenarios. Their responses were loving, kind, and creative. How would you & your family live the Fruit of the Spirit in such scenarios?

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." Galatians 5:22

Safeguarding God's Family at Church

Please develop a new habit of double-checking every door you use, as you leave. We all make mistakes by thinking we have locked or securely shut a door, when that hasn't happened. Let's help each other with renewed attention to locking all doors & double checking that they have been securely closed. Thank you!

Safeguarding God's Family in Your Home

The Episcopal church values safe environments for children & adults. Here is a LINK to safe firearm storage at home from Be Smart for Kids

Sunday's Hymns

Sing with more confidence & joy by taking a quick listen to the hymn tunes we'll be singing this Sunday. 

Entrance Hymnal 544, Jesus shall reign where'er the sun   LINK

Gospel Hymnal 474, When I survey the wondrous cross    LINK

Exit Hymnal 539, O Zion, haste   LINK

Save the Date

July 20, 9am -3pm 

  • Summer Bible Camp

July 24, 9:15 - 10 am

  •     Inquirer's Class begins Sundays ....through August 21.


We will be so blessed this summer by having some of our own offer their considerable gifts for preaching & presiding at Sunday worship.  Please mark your calendars to support our friends and be nourished by their offerings. 

July 10 - the Rev. Dub Brooks will preach. Dub, a retired Episcopal priest, is also known as the husband of Suzanne, the father of Hillary, the father-in-law of Tony, and the grandfather of Cleo. 

July 24 - Ashley Harper-Oberle will preach. Ashley is a long-time member of Trinity who is an EfM mentor, a Spiritual Director, and a second-year student preparing for the priesthood.

August 14 - Ashley Harper-Oberle will preach again!  Bonus: her family may all be with us, too!

August 21 - the Rev. Dub Brooks presides at Holy Eucharist.  Rev. Claire will be his preaching side-kick.  

Inquirer's Class Coming Later this Summer

Want to learn more about the Episcopal Church, our way of worship and walking with Christ? Are you interested in formally joining Trinity Church through Confirmation?  We invite all interested adults and teens to join us for a series of five classes we'll offer July 24 - August 21. To sign up or for more information, please contact Rev. Claire

On-line Worship

Each Sunday, we livestream the 10:30am service of Holy Eucharist. 

It will be available on  Trinity’s  Youtube  page beginning at 10:20. Anytime after 10:20am click on the above YouTube link to go to Trinity’s YouTube channel. There you will see “Live” or “Live Now” and click on it to join the service. If it is not there, refresh the page after a couple of minutes. The link to the worship bulletin will also be sent in our Saturday email.



June 28. .. Bubba Lloyd

June 30 . . Kara Dudley

July 1 . . . .Wilson Campbell

July 2 . . . .Beverly Dean

July 2 . . . .Georgia Lavin

Sunday Schedule

8:30am . . . . Holy Eucharist in Person

10:30am . . . Holy Eucharist in Person and

Weekday Worship 

9:00am . . . . Tuesdays in the Courtyard 

The first Tuesday of the month we celebrate Holy Eucharist, and we will have time to visit over snacks after worship.  


We hope you have a safe and joyful Independence Day, and that your celebrations might include parades, neighborhoods with flags & festive bunting, and cookouts.  Our Prayer Book offers us this prayer for Independence Day:

Lord God Almighty, in whose Name the founders of this country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for nations then unborn: Grant that we and all the people of this land may have grace to maintain our liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

The Office will be closed on Monday July 4th in celebration of our Nation's Independence.

Visit Trinity's Website

Trinity Church Office: 830.693.2822 | Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Rev. David S. Sugeno, Rector  The Rev. Claire Field, Associate Rector

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