Trinity Episcopal Church

139 Ocean Ave.

Cranston, RI 02905

(401) 941-4324

Visit Our Web Site

Located in Historic Pawtuxet Village of Cranston, Rhode Island

Pray for Peace Daily,

Together We Are Trinity

Contact info for the Reverend Susan Wrathall

You may email Mother Susan at For pastoral emergencies, the contact number is 401-384-0455. To make an appointment, you may either email or call the parish office at 401-941-4324.

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Weekly Events


8:00am and 10:00am

10:00am Live and online

Facebook livestream

Child Care provided for the 10am Service

Sunday School 9:45am in the Education Room

Choir Rehearsal between services and at 11:30am

Coffee Hour in the Bay Room, following both services

Living Stones THIS WEEK at 9:05 in the Education room. Vance Morgan will send the topic.


Monday Christian Meditation in the church at 6:00pm

Contact Bill Baddeley (

Monday AA Meeting, parish hall, 7:00 pm

Tuesday Morning Men's

Group 9:30am

Tuesday Knitting Group 10:00am-12:00pm

Thursday A Look at Sunday's Gospel w/ Mother Susan 9-10am

Pathways to Healing 1st Sat of month @ 10am


Celebrate the Advent Season

Advent Candles

  • The Third candle in the Advent Wreath represents Joy and is called the "Shepherd’s Candle." To the shepherd’s great joy, the angels announced that Jesus came for humble, unimportant people like them, too. In liturgy, the color rose signifies joy. This candle is colored pink to represent joyfulness and rejoicing.

Read Luke 1:45

Weekly Reminders


We have received 44 pledges so far. If you have the pledge form sitting on your kitchen table at home, please bring it in this week. Trinity depends on all of us. Thank you.

Christmas Memorial Flowers

Please turn in your form in for memorial flowers this week. Any forms received after Sunday may not make the Christmas program. Forms are available in the pews and by clicking this link. Thank you.

Give a Food Card

Social Outreach will be delivering food cards to area schools and House of Hope for Christmas. If you can donate something toward a Christmas meal for a family, please make your check out to Trinity Church and write “Social Outreach Food Card” in the memo line. Christmas planning is well underway. Thank you for your generosity.

Margaret Thomas

Senior Warden

Living Stones

Hi everyone: Time indeed flies and this coming Sunday is the third Sunday of December, which means it's time once again for Living Stones! It's also the third Sunday of Advent and the gospel reading focuses on John the Baptist's prophetic mission. I propose that we consider an essay I wrote earlier this year for another Sunday when John the Baptist was the focus of the gospel reading. Here's the link—see you on Sunday!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

11 am

Jobs for all ages!

All are welcome to help!

Tuesday, December 24th – Christmas Eve

4:00 pm Holy Eucharist with children’s sermon 

7:00 pm Festal Holy Eucharist with choir 

Wednesday, December 25th – The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

9:00 am Said Holy Eucharist 

Sunday, December 29TH – The First Sunday after Christmas Day

8:00 am Holy Eucharist

10:00 am - Lessons and Carols with Holy Eucharist

Sunday, January 5th – Christmas II

8:00 am Holy Eucharist with blessing of chalk

10:00 am Epiphany Pageant with Holy Eucharist & blessing of chalk

11:00 am Parish Potluck Epiphany Celebration

Sunday January 12 – Baptism of Our Lord

8 am Holy Eucharist with renewal of Baptismal Vows

10 am Holy Eucharist with Baptism

Pray for peace

Those whom we are remembering in prayer:

Kevin, George, Ginny, Carol, Swede, Becca, Daniel, Billy, Bruce, Eric, Gabi, Corey, Henry, Manny, Tim, Sandy, Richard A., Harrington, Joan, Jeff.

Grocery Cards Available Every Sunday

Social Outreach

Christmas Food Cards:

Donations for Christmas Food cards are now being collected. Any amount is appreciated and will be used to support local families in need. Please make a note on your envelope or check that it is for “Christmas Food Cards”

Food Closet:

Thank you all for continuing the flow of food donations for the Ecumenical Food Closet. We are really making a difference in helping our neighbors!

Volunteer Opportunity:

The Food Closet is still looking for volunteers during the week to organize the food and assist their “customers”. Just a few hours every week or two on Tuesday morning, Wednesday evening or Friday morning would be very helpful and also very rewarding. Please speak with Sue if you have an interest.

Thank you,

Sue Hinckley, Social Outreach Committee Chair

Contact Sue Hinckley if you have any questions:


Sunday ⬅️Bulletin link Service at 10am is live streamed on the Trinity Church facebook page: @trinitypawtuxet

Last Sunday's Sermon

By Mother Susan

I love how today’s gospel begins, even though it is a challenge to pronounce some of those place names, because Luke sets what is happening with John the Baptist, and subsequently Jesus, setting both lives and ministries in history. Luke identifies the most prominent rulers of Galilee and Judea at this time. Emperor Tiberius, whom history records as a cruel, perverse, and self-indulgent ruler, who stands in sharp contrast to the kingdom of God which Jesus proclaims.

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